Sunday, February 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5 - Mr. X

January 27, 2019

What comedy director is being called a hypocrite for saying that the pop music icon is guilty of his alleged crimes, yet he continues to support his actor friend and frequent collaborator who has had similar allegations surrounding him?

Judd Apatow/Michael Jackson/James Franco


  1. I have never heard a person make a legit allegation against Franco. The bimbos on the morning show didn't have a valid actionable allegation between them.

  2. The girls with Franco were maybe 16,17. Not 13/14. That age is like dog years.

  3. Exactly MJ did little kids.

  4. Where has a 16/17 y/o girl come out and accused Franco of anything?

  5. Count-Franco was knowingly hitting on a 17 year old through DM

    1. But wasn’t that in the UK where the age of consent is 16?

    2. Exactly. All the pearl clutching allegations against Franco fall apart. Like the one bimbo who said he forced her head onto his cock and made her suck it. "What happened after that?" She dated him for 6-8 months. :eyeroll:

  6. We had a blind here that was written by one of his drama school students that said he hit on her for a long time, not that she didn't accept she did. So we had no sympathy.

  7. but you are usually over the age of concent in college

  8. no it was NYC and if Franco tried to get this 17 year old to come over how many others do you think he tried to get? you really think this was his first attempt?

  9. AOC in NY is 17, so he still did nothing wrong, grady.

  10. Guys will make excuses for their "buddies", cause they "know him", "he's a good guy", when in reality predators know how to act in public, they know who to target, like child molestors "dating" single working moms, Drew Peterson targeting young uneducated poor hourly paid waitresses. Franco abused his position of power to abuse young hopefuls, same as a teacher abusing students or a manager abusing subordianates.

  11. Has Judd Apatow really created any funny in the last ten years?

  12. @Poppycorn

    Legal age of consent in the UK is 16, but it's very illegal and considered abuse of a minor if the person having sex with the 16 year old is above the age of 18.

    She'd have had to be 18 for it not to be child abuse.

  13. As this site has claimed that there are bodies of children buried at Neverland, this comparison is particularly rich.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Collected, pedo blinds get clicks. That is the purpose of this site, get clicks & revenue.

  16. @Lucky13 it's not illegal for someone over 18 or 88 to have sex with a sixteen year old, unless they are in a position of responsibility over them like a teacher or social worker and maybe other jobs of a similar ilk.

  17. Count, you're correct. Also, these stories are typically the ones that attract comments, as people want to say that they're shocked and disgusted, to hint at how better they are than the alleged pedo. This is a great way for any site to win the loyalty of an audience.

    Then, it works even better with public figures people already hate. There's a definite right-wing strategy to fixate on pedophilia as a panic-raising ploy to discredit and silence progressive celebrities (remember the basement from "Pizzagate"), then there are many people who take part, willingly or not, to the smear campaign, mostly because they can't stand the guy who is accused, and moral panics are a typical group behavior.

    James Franco is a pig, who's taken advantage of his fame and position to harass women or to pursue barely legal girls. He deserves to be exposed as such. But nobody can accuse him of the serious criminal allegations made at Michael Jackson years ago, which are now getting more and more documented.

    1. Exactly, Angela. Franco appears to be sleazy, but nothing criminal about what he's up to. Broads here have thought he's been minutes from locked up for a couple years now.

    2. Ok so now being against pedophilia (real pedophilia, not this) is a “right wing moral panic”? What in the fuck is wrong with you? And yes anyone that DOESN’T sexually abuse children IS a better person than those that do. Amazing that it’s even in question.

      I guess at least you admit that “progressives” are progressing towards acceptance of pedophilia.

    3. @astra,be careful,@Angela nearly wrote a book denouncing me for being anti pedo. I frequently mention that calling creeps that prey on teens should not be in the same category,and believe this is used to bring acceptance to worse behavior. Progressive used to care deeply about sexual abuse of children, but it interferes with the overall agenda. So now we are right wing crazies seeing a pedo around every corner. And unfortunately,in some places, there are.

    4. Thanks Guesser. It’s really something else isn’t it? Being anti pedo makes you right wing. Maybe we’re also Russian trolls/bots because everyone in the West is a ok with pedophilia? Wtf and we have to share a world with people like that. Scary for the kids, especially.

  18. Franco told women he'd make them famous if he slept with them. They fell for a horrible pick up line. MJ and franco are totally different.
    MJ victimized little boys in front of the world from his little boy trap amusement park. People still defend him. If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, it's a child molester.

    1. The fact MJ music is featured in Disney movies shows how truly fucked up our society is.

    2. His behavior was right in line with "The Rat" culture. Don't fool yourself.

  19. He was speaking to the girl in the uk over webcam, so while sex is totally legal, THAT is classed as child porn (under 18 is illegal for porn/explicit images).

    1. Was the bim naked on webcam? If so, lock him up for viewing and her up for producing child porn.

  20. Apatownand his wife are bigots big time!

  21. Franco was a fucking dick. Jackson was a monster. Bit of a difference

  22. Does FRANCO owe you money?

  23. Judd Apatow pisses me off, how can anyone in the business let their kids do the same known full well what happens!

  24. Bimbos gonna bimbo.


  25. But wasn't there a story that came out indicating that James "hitting on" that 17 year old in the UK was being used as PR for his movie Palo Alto, with Emma Roberts? About a girl who starts hooking up with her soccer coach or something?

    Not saying he doesn't try to hit on young girls. He actually aggressively started messaging a friend of my sister's on social media when she was in her early twenties (not age inappropriate) and she was sufficiently creeped out. It wouldn't surprise me if he did go after 16-17 year olds, which is gross. But there's a HUGE difference between that and molesting young kids or systemically abusing young girls. These teens fall for a bad pickup line and he takes advantage of how naive they are. It's gross, but not criminal.

  26. Dudee stop comparing franco with muchael jackson. Enty you're getting all russia bullshit 24/7 as msnbc. Franco is not a pedophile (of course is michael allegations are tue)
