Thursday, February 28, 2019

Today's Blind Items - The Killer

The change in this person from even a couple years ago is frightening. I guess playing a part in a death will do that. This foreign born alliterate former A list model/host is now basically living with the man who did the actual killing and according to a couple of friends, she has asked to go with him when he has been following others that are being targeted for violence. She claims she has not been with him during any actual killings but did watch him beat a man who owed a great deal of money to someone and then had sex with him in the car after. 


  1. This isn’t Asia Argento, is it?

    1. She was ok looking like decades ago

  2. Wow...that's hot...

  3. Are you still calling Asia a model? SHE'S NOT A FUCKING MODEL!

  4. Asia should be called "C- Pig"

  5. Anonymous10:18 AM

    asia is not a model.

  6. Why does this sound like Basic Instinct?

  7. Is this the man?

  8. If it's the DM you know Enty thinks it's the man.

  9. That Daily Mail article is from November. These two aren't even together anymore, and I see Enty is still trying to sell his theory Bourdain was murdered

  10. If it is Asia Argento, that would be the 107th or so conflicting story about her.

    If we take everything posted here at face value, Asia Argento was first the target of a hit job by Harvey Weinstein, but she wasn't at the place the hit job executed by the special team took place, and they just killed Anthony Bourdain.
    And the investigation is close to being reopened due to a huge break... that took place in August.

    Then, a couple of months after Bourdain's death, she gets accused of sexual assault by Jimmy Bennett, and she gets an offer by Weinstein to have Bennett killed, so she would drop the charges against him and Weinstein's reputation would be totally cleaned afterwards. Yeah, because he doesn't have any other problem. She accepts, and she gets in touch with the very people who killed her boyfriend, with Bennett soon to die.
    Which hasn't happened so far, as far as I know.

    And now, Asia Argento is living with the guy who actually killed Bourdain, but didn't kill Bennett.

    That makes total sense.

    Well, if you're on crack anyway.

  11. This isn't Asia. She was never a nice person,maybe briefly at the beginning of her relationship with Bourdain ,this is someone who has changed a lot. Maybe @Count is right? Her divorce seemed to come out of nowhere. Plus she is a former A list model,not someone who is more famous now.

  12. True, the stories about her here are all over the place.

    However, the simple established fact that she pushed for #metoo after having been Weinstein's girlfriend/sidepiece -- for FIVE YEARS after he "raped" her -- makes her a piece of shit.

  13. Oh thank goodness that Angela the man is here to set us all straight! Gotta earn those $$ eh? 🙄

  14. @Angela, you just unmasked Enty for the liar he is, or are.

  15. @astra, at least it was the Reader's digest version this time. This is Enty 's trademark on first read it sounds like ... blind but look deeper, it isn't.

  16. It read like he beat a guy and then had sex with him in the car.

  17. Dear Astra,

    could you please tell me where I'm factually wrong on my summary? Sure, I've used sarcasm and irony to show how inane and contradictory the stories were, but I haven't added anything to the stories that have been published there and that have been commonly guessed by other people to be about Asia Argento.

    Otherwise, make a positive contribution to mankind by, I don't know, drinking an entire bottle of bleach or something like that.

    "Angela the man" uncovered by astra worthington something like 10 years after he first told everyone he was a dude.

    1. Angela the man-

      If anyone would know about positive contributions to mankind, it’s the guy that writes boring and lengthy novels about how everything on a gossip site (with the disclaimer clearly stating that the site is a mix of fact and fiction) is a lie. Like anyone really cares or takes it that seriously. Other than you, I guess.

      Everyone knew you’re a man, I never claimed to uncover a damn thing. It’s just funny and weird.

  18. Model/Host make sme think Hedi

  19. Had to get some intel on this but Dario Argento isn't human, therefore this can't be his daughter. Whose daughter is she? Bobby Kennedy's. (He's still alive, living at his ex-sister in law's horse ranch in Jersey) Asia is an intel asset and smuggler, like most actors with an international profile, ie, William Holden or Brangelina who cover by exhibiting their great concern for effing Africa. The celebrity face is just a mask where they can do their shit in broad daylight. Bourdain is like a ballplayer gone to seed, has a large contract and so they "offed" him to get some further value out of the brand. Bourdain himself is in Santa Catarina, Brazil, where all the "dead" celebs go first to start their reassignments as other people, ie, Janis Joplin became Amy Goodman. Sharon Tate became a younger sister, as did Dorothy Stratton and Nichole Brown Simpson became Denise. Sometimes siblings, sometimes someone completely different. Look for Heath Ledger to return soon, probably as a pundit, the way Bobby Fuller became Bill O'reilly. You are indeed quite welcome.

  20. I hate Asia, but there is no question that Enty constantly changed the theories about how bourdain died and Asia’s role in it. First she was a target and they got to him first and then she became a co conspirator.

  21. Why does Enty refuse to call Asia an actress?

  22. She sounds like a cheese.

  23. Lol, Brayson, I always picture a bag of Sargento Asiago!

    Asia may have been a model at some point, but what did she ever host?

  24. Alessandra Ambrosio? She and Adriana Lima did some correspondent "hosting" during Rio Olympics?

  25. Also totally confused about ratings. How was Asia ever A list? Really? A list is reserved for HUGE stars. She was meh at best and only MORE of a household name because of the Weinstein allegations and her association with Bourdain (mostly POST death in press) and Rose McGowan. If Rose was like B list at best how does AA qualify as former A?

  26. Paulina Porizkova. In the DM today talking about harsh beauty treatments.

  27. Substance D: While you are right about what you said, Bobby Fuller did not become Bill O'Reilly. He became another announcer. Buddy Holly made all the arrangements.

  28. F-tiger- Funny you should mention Buddy Holly. He is (not 'was') twins. The twins later played a guy named Gram Parsons and now exist as Jeff Katzenberg and David Geffen. I'm serious. Confirm if you dare...

  29. Hey both of you, Bill Hicks supposedly became Alex Jones. Those crisis actors and doppelgängers and whatever else you’d call it, is some interesting stuff. I like how they say Ray Liotta plays John Boehner. It’s not just Boehner, Ray’s family plays Boehner’s family too! Craaaazy!

  30. @ astra worthington

    So, what's your point, apart from exposing unwillingly your stupidity? What am I supposed to do in front of such unconvincing comments? Run away with my tail between my legs or die from boredom?

    No wonder we have celebrity reassignment enthusiasts. I couldn't stop laughing when I heard about that shit six years ago at least. All based on the work on one expert in "ear biometrics", even when the look-alike looks nothing like the celebrity he was before, because "the ear does not lie.". And the expert can't even spell properly Lorne Michaels after all these years. I had often wondered if this kind of wanna-be Unabombers could get any followers or what level of crazy it would take to find this work "interesting". Now, I have my answer...

    1. Vice is good for quirky shit, but I try not to take them seriously on serious matters.

      I mean their Asian-American writers will complain about whitewashing but act all “anti-stereotype” (but it just sounds like a call to stop being ourselves and telling us to start acting white) in the same breath. Like how do you act all anti-whitewashing but tell Asians to act white.

      Also, this is a celebrity gossip site. All I want to hear about is conspiracy theories about Immortal Keanu, okay. Chill.

  31. oh Angela, appearing as deus ex machina to the idiocy.




  34. why did anthony bourdain get murdered?

  35. and does it have anything to do with kate spade's husband

  36. Substance D - interesting premise for a book.

  37. Im going with Paulina Porizkova, as her split from Ric happened at the time of this great change the blind referred to

    Ok, I tried to resist, and I am still refusing to go down the rabbit hole, but how in the heck can these body switches, or whatever tf, happen when the other person has a life up to and after the switch? It's not like the person pops into the universe at the time of the takeover or fame... Easiest example of the bunch...the two Brown sisters. The rest of the family grew up with both of of both girls with family, oj, could nicole just slip into her sister's life? What happened to sister?
    If this is based on similar voices, I ve often heard similar tone/quality in family voices...many people cant distinguish one of my sisters and I on the phone. I had once read that this was a biological trait to help animal and human mothers recognize their young?

  38. Money, Bourdain got killed for money. How is he not super wealthy but he gives Argento $300,000?

    1. Most of his $ was in a trust for his daughter.

  39. I don’t think it’s Paulina. I’ve met her and worked with her many times. Even though this blind says that she changed over the ‘past couple years’, her divorce was recent & she is still very connected to Ric & their sons and they often vacation together. Plus she’s working & recently did photo shoots for SI & looks fantastic. No reason was given for the divorce, but the insinuation was that it was him; not sure if he was cheating or what, but I don’t think this is her. Plus I don’t think she ever hosted anything.

  40. Aqua girl-- I hope you are right, as I always thought she was among the tops of the tops of models, loved that she chose and stayed with Ric as long as she did, etc, etc... That being said, when i googled quickly to see when divorce happened, she put out an announcement for the split last spring, saying they actually separated over a year prior, but remain an awesome "Car," as a family , but she and Ric no longer work as a bicycle. He's 74 now, shes only 53-4, I guess now that the kids are grown, their interests (and probably energy levels at those ages) have diverged. This blind does make me worry what new interests she might be developing on the side. Hopefully not, and I dont know what shes hosted, but she did judge ANTM and appear on some other shows.

  41. Anyhoo, Astra, let's go back to the issue. The whole Asia Argento saga, as told here by Enty since July, makes less sense than a poorly dubbed Columbian telenovela where writers have an unlimited supply of cocaine. I know it, you know it, and each new update makes even less sense than the previous one.

    Enty stated, just hours after the death of Bourdain was announced, that the deed was the work of some special team that had been hired by Harvey Weinstein to kill both Argento and Bourdain, and to make it look like a murder-suicide. As Argento wasn't there as she was supposed to, they still performed the "suicide" part of the hit job, to send her a message.

    Enty then multiplied the blinds about Bourdain (seven just for June), claiming stuff like he knew he was under threat, that Argento had actually cheated on her, or that the autopsy had been botched at the request of the Attorney General for France.
    The thing is that I know the part of France where Bourdain died (I have relatives there, and I grew up close to it), and the description of French justice, particularly in this area, was totally ridiculous (unless you take all your news from Infowars). Enty basically depicted France as a country where there's a political murder a week and Weinstein pulls the strings.
    If Enty can get away with sharing such nonsense on a foreign country where he most likely never set foot, the real question is how much of his stories about American personalities is fabricated.

  42. Is there anyone here who has met the Brown sisters? Is there anyone here who ever heard of Denise before OJ went for a ride in the Bronco? Fauxtos from "childhood" don't pass the smell test, especially when posted in propaganda driven media. Ever hear of Photoshop? Even dark room mediocrities making minimum wage in military intelligence can construct a photo that will fool inquiring minds.
    The operation is "men are pigs" and the objective is a soft genocide of the middle class where all of these psy-ops are aimed. They don't want people above the slave caste to reproduce. They want the illiterate to multiply. They make better slave monkeys. Tech has finished the need for a level of talent and literacy, so that level of society is being bread out of existence.
    OJ was just one op that drove home the point that any man can be a savage killer. Ted Bundy and the handsome/sexy serial killers were another such shock to the female psyche. Scott Peterson- good god, even handsome father's to be will kill their unborn child.
    These stories are all fake, designed to keep the straights from breeding. That goes hand in opera glove with the gay/tranny parade of glamorous martyrs. Matthew Shepard? Bullshite! What a quivering little lamb/Jesus on a cross image.
    And Dallas Goldbuggery is another side of the long con. Real forensics investigation is tarred by simplistic association from this obvious intel asset.
    The truth is, however, if you want to stay in the Matrix, you will. Anyone who actually opens their eyes will have to do it of their own volition. No one can demolish a paradigm except the one who owns it. Your ignorance is a free speech protected right.
    PS- Sorry, one more: Pete Hamm of Badfinger became Bill Maher. The dead rock stars become pundits. That's where pundits come from. The More You Know...
