Wednesday, February 06, 2019

Today's Blind Items - Please No

Considering how she earns a living, I'm not really sure how this former A+ list infamous celebrity is going to know who the father is. It could be the abusive boyfriend, but chances are it is one of her very wealthy clients. Apparently she often will go without protection if the price is right because apparently guys want to have sex with a murderer unprotected? I don't get it, but she makes a lot of money. I do wonder if she pays taxes on all of it. Anyway, she apparently bought multiple pregnancy tests this past weekend from a local drug store. Please let them all be negative.


  1. Oh my god hopefully not Casey Anthony. She deserved the death penalty. Still does, actually. One of her clients should make her a star in a snuff video.

  2. That was my first thought at well, Montana. Or Amanda Knox, perhaps.

  3. Gross. Men are f*cking gross, I bet these 'clients' are married as well. I am sorry but this is just foul in so many ways.

    1. Let's not get all sexist... Male murderers on death row get propositioned by crazy ass bitchs ALL the time.

      Twisted in the head knows no gender boundaries

  4. I like Caset for this but will throw out Amanda Knox too if you think she did it.

  5. Well if she kills another child maybe she can double her rates! Always a silver lining.

  6. Incidentally, someone interviewed Casey in the last few weeks, and she was trying to arrange a jailhouse visit with Scott Peterson!

  7. I just love how the pill or implant were never an option for her. Although shit I guess she is the expert at getting ridding of unwanted children no matter the age.

  8. Knox is another interesting guess, I wonder if her child would have the same dead eyes that she does?

  9. Anonymous10:19 AM

    lol i didnt even read the title of this blind

  10. Maybe we can mail her for tax evasion? Casey,I mean.

  11. If the rates are $10-$15, Casey Anthony.

    If over $1000, Knox.

  12. On the positive side maybe she will die in childbirth. Karma

  13. Foxy Knoxy is married and boring in a Seattle. I’m going with Casey Anthony

  14. When did Amanda Knox get married?

  15. Knox is engaged, not married, according to a quick Google.

  16. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I'm from Orlando and it's actually well-known that it was her father. I'm not saying she wasn't complicit but there was a reason why she was acquitted

    1. Uh what? Can you fill us in on why? How? Etc.

    2. I agree with you! Finally someone else said it. I doubt anyone will want to go down that rabbit hole though.

  17. I think in this case the abusive boyfriend is a good thing?

  18. Any client not crammin her fartbox w/ just a goober for lube, has no sense of justice.

  19. Because the state didn't prove the case that's why she was acquitted. They are incompetent and went for 1st degree murder which is much harder to prove than a 2nd degree murder charge. And they couldn't prove it.

  20. Amanda Know was proven to be innocent.

  21. Nobody is proven innocent, that isn't even a legal term. They are acquitted because of reasonable doubt or lack of evidence, but that in no way states or implies innocence.

    1. No, as a matter of fact it was proven pretty conclusively that she didn't murder the British exchange student.

    2. Meredith Kercher.

  22. @YoSoyMilk: Do you mean Casey Anthony’s father or Caylee’s father???

  23. Nobody knows who Caylees father was

  24. Casey Anthony and if she is prego, she will probably get rid of it.

  25. Knox has those scary dead eyes. I seriously think her dead eyes got her arrested.

  26. fnchrstphr, you aren't into facts, are you?

    1. LOL! I have my very own stalker! It took some time on CDAN but I'm finally someone.

  27. Casey Anthony. Why? WHY??? I hope she dies a slow, painful death surrounded by darkness and silence - alone - and when she calls for help or reaches out her hand, she only finds the fires of hell consuming her.

    Appalling. I get it... guilty until proven innocent. But that cunt murdered her child and lied for a month before her parents reported the baby missing. Vile, evil bitch.

    And yes. That 's how I really feel.

  28. Didn't Enty tell us Casey Anthony was pregnant several months ago?

  29. I hope the IRS gets her on tax evasion. Joze Biased is Harvey Swinegarten's lawyer now, so she's sort of clueless - jus like her clients.

  30. Casey was acquitted because the prosecution couldn't make enough of a case - and the jurors loved Jose Baez. It doesn't mean she didn't murder her child (she did), it just means she won't legally pay a price.

    And all these stories coming out about her - that's her schtick. None of them are true, but this is how she makes money, and she enjoys tormenting people.

  31. Come on the heart sticker alone makes her guilty as shit in my book.

    What a stupid, self-incriminating thing to do. Her parents know she did it.

    That must be tough.

  32. I doubt any parents who raised her give a shit about some dead grandkid.

  33. This certainly can't be Loraina Bobbett

  34. mandatory sterilization should be a thing.

    she should never be allowed to have another child, EVER!!

    one of the most vile persons to walk the earth.

  35. What is it with a lot of these guys who have unprotected sex? Fucking idiots.

  36. it was not her father. good grief, i can't believe anyone's out there walking around who believes that. what bullshit. it's not 'well known' by anyone with a brain.

  37. She does realize that the test only tells you whether you're pregnant or not. It doesn't give you the daddy's name.

  38. It cannot be Pamela Smart. Smart did not kill anybody.

  39. I lived there at the time. Delivered water to search site.
    Prosecution and incarceration of Anthony cost Orlando taxpayers over one million dollars. They failed to convict her anyway .
    Good hearted strangers came from other states, including Texas EquuSearch, to search thru sharp palmetto scrub, for little Caylee in 90 plus humidity . While this sick, spoiled princess Casey was shopping and partying.

  40. Oh sh!t, the clients feel safe barebacking her because they know there's no way any kid would live long enough to collect child support. Can you imagine the baby shower, all water wings. At least she's a young mother who will have the energy to keep up with the duct tape.

  41. I don't think it is Casey Anthony. I wouldn't really consider her an A+ celebrity.

  42. @Pauline, the key word in the blind is "infamous." Enty only uses it for people pretty much solely known for crimes. It's usually supposed to be Anthony or Knox when it comes to hookin'.

    "this former A+ list infamous celebrity"

  43. I would pay to fuck that girl bareback. She was so committed to the party lifestyle that she killed here kid. You know she is a freak in the sack.

    1. Omg I'm in a thread with the infamous "Himmmm" ... I'm shaking!

  44. Oddly enough, I’m 100% with Count on this one. Cram that fart box! Cram it real good and get a running start on it.

  45. The thought of sex with a child-murderer should be an absolutely boner-killer. Like, a biological zero-liftoff situation.

    You're right, flyingtiger - Pam Smart did not kill anyone, but she's 100% responsible for her husband being murdered. Thankfully, she'll rot in prison until she's dead.

  46. Casey Anthony should be sterilized.

    So many people are willing to get stds. If she'd kill her kid without remorse, don't they think she'd give them a std just as easily without one shred of remorse?

  47. Stevie-- that's what the appearance on Maury will be for!

  48. Whether this blind is about Casey Anthony or not, that pig has done nothing but profit from murdering her child.

  49. Please God, do not give that cretin another child. Look what she did with the last one...

  50. More emphasis on the murder of the child and less on the psychosis of her mother. Reality show from hell - mr. & mrs. OJ & Casey Simpson.
    Jose Baez is the devil. If Harvey's hired him,
    Harvey's guilty as hell.

  51. She can still use "protection" not to get pregnant.

  52. "Jose Baez is the devil"

    No, he's a really good lawyer. Law Enforcement screwed up this case royally. The body of the child wasn't that obscured or even far from the Anthony home. The cops didn't want to search the area cuz "snakes be scary", and instead accused the guy who called about the stench coming from the area of being Caylee's kidnapper. Wonderful policing there!
