Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Your Turn

Do you have any food allergies? 


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM


  2. I'm allergic to shit I refuse to eat like salmon, kale, cauliflower etc.

  3. No but I'm allergic to Foodies, just shut the f*ck up already! We get it you can't stop thinking about stuffing your face!

  4. Now Im hungry and I dont even like food.

  5. Anonymous10:19 AM

    same sandy lol

  6. Anonymous10:43 AM

    No food allergies.

  7. unfortunately no.

    that's why i once weighed a lot.

  8. Thankfully no. If I had a shellfish allergy, you might as well just shoot me. I feel so bad for those who do.

  9. Fish I hate the taste and smell. Can’t eat seafood out because it’s fried
    I the same grease. I like something fried sometimes because I don’t fry
    food at home.

  10. +1 @ LA Native I love shellfish or any type of fish really.

  11. Yes!

    (Anything my Mom cooks is allergic to me!)

    I know. So, mean!


  12. I'm allergic to Yams... Who Tha f*CK ever decided to dig up some ugly ass root, bake it in an oven with brown sugar and marshmallows.

    OHH.... And don't even get me started on marshmallows!! WTF are those things?

  13. That spray they put on lettuce to keep it fresh.

  14. @Carol, What spray is this?

  15. Garlic, onions, those sorts of things.

  16. Pineapple. Makes my lips blow up!

  17. I'm allergic to chicken. It sucks. Also first time commenting on this site. Been reading it for years.

  18. Shellfish allergy. Just came on me a couple of years ago. Hospitalized, could have died. I don't miss the shellfish at all. What sucks is having to explain it every time I eat out. Here is something I found out that is disgusting even for those without an allergy...Many restaurants keep their cooking oil basically FOREVER. They fry everything in the same oil; Shrimp, french fries, breakfast potatoes, zucchini, chicken, etc. I'm not vegan, but vegans are having meat in their meals and they don't even know it.

  19. @Lisaw, that's the most horrible food allergy I've ever heard! So sorry for you. Do chicken eggs cause it a reaction too? Welcome aboard, keep commenting :)

  20. Um, sweet potatoes.

    But it's an allergy by choice!

    And liver.

    {{ shudder }}

  21. Only one, sourdough. I'm not allergic to it in the usual sense of illness or life threatening symptoms......however the special yeast they use to make sourdough makes my tongue develop pimple like bumps, just very strange.

  22. +1 @Layla

    I have shellfish, crustacean, and cod fish allergy. I have never eaten crustaceans or shellfish. If I were to enter a home or restaurant and those things were being cooked I would have an allergic reaction.

  23. Nope. I can eat anything

  24. I have a ton of allergies to food, medications, perfumes, etc. I was at the emergency room 8 times last year for allergies. Anaphylaxis is a nightmare. Yes, I know I spelled that wrong.

    I have had blood work and allergy scratch testing. I have more blood work to do to confirm red meat allergy (this includes pork). I am also getting tested for eosinophilic disorders.

    If you have an allergic reaction to eating salads or if you become allergic to a lot of stuff all of a sudden, please talk to your health care provider about being tested for eosinophilic disorders.

  25. @Layla


    I was raised not to eat shellfish and crustaceans. My mom said you never know which one is the poison one. 10 or more years ago I was at a friend's home. Her mother was cooking shrimp. I had an allergic reaction to them even though I did not touch or eat them. Allergy testing confirmed I am allergic to those things and more.

    HEADS UP - Crustacean, dust mite, and cockroach allergies tend to go hand in hand. I find this funny because I always called shrimp "ocean roaches." I said this in biology class, got made fun of by the students. The professor said there is almost no difference between shrimp and roaches. Yes, I know they do not look exactly alike and roaches are insects, but you get my point.

  26. @T.W. No you're right, crustaceans are sea insects and scavengers. They all taste bland to me and have the worst consistency. I can't tell you how many times I've had lobster forced on me by a well meaning dinner host. You just can't tell people their favorite food is disgusting. I just flat out refuse to eat shrimp, crabs and shellfish. I've also seen some of those things alive in the ocean, they do move like f*cking insects.

  27. Nope, not a thing. I eat everything like the foodie I am.

  28. I am intolerant to gluten.

  29. T.W> I see youre back, hopefully the reaction that put you in the hospital last month is over with now.

  30. I'm allergic to my own dick, tried licking it, broke out in hives.

  31. I’m not allergic to anything, but I have a huge aversion to slimy things like mushrooms or tomatoes. Don’t even THINK about serving me those on a plane, or we’ll be turning that bitch around.

  32. What plane do you fly on that gives you more than a bag of chips to eat?😕

  33. Nope! Nobody in my family is, except my dad who has a shellfish allergy. But he doesn’t carry an epi pen or anything.

  34. Ha! I always fly Invisible Entitled Airlines with my girl Bethenny. 😂

  35. Make sure she gets some fish dip and chips

  36. @Brayson87

    Thank you for sharing this. I can never get a straight answer on what those things taste like. They even look nasty!

  37. @Farmgirl

    Avocado, Bananas, hemp, and marijuana are in the same family. Please be careful with latex too!

  38. @emeraldcity

    Allergists can test for yeast with the scratch test.

  39. I'm allergic to food that makes me fat

    I don't eat

  40. @Sandybrook

    Thank you! I have been lurking with this site because I can't comment via mobile for some reason. The comments here and 2 other sites have been keeping me laughing! I thank you all for that.

    I am very hungry. I dropped 30 pounds in one month. At least I have a better idea of what I can eat thanks to allergy scratch testing.

    The last time I was at the hospital was after eating pizza. I was exposed to Yankee Candle earlier in the day, but the itching got worse and I broke out in hives after I ate the pizza. I requested testing for meat allergy. The scratch test for lamb was negative but my allergist said there is a specific test that can test for red meat allergy. Some ticks pass along something that cause red meat allergy. I am also being tested for eosinophilic diseases. I have had all kinds of allergies since childhood (family history) but I had allergic reactions to almost everything last year all of a sudden. Roses, medication, scents, and food sent me to the hospital.

    I have taken Zantac (it is a histamine 2 blocker) and Zyrtec for years but I had allergic reactions to them last year. My allergist told me to try Allegra, my primary care provider said it is safer than Benadryl. I have relatives who are allergic to Benadryl. I did not want to take any then fall asleep and die. If the Allegra harms me then the allergist said we can do a Benadryl challenge in office.

    I know Jesus is not popular here but I am convinced he is the reason I am still alive. The only reason I have epi pens is because I got stung by a wasp over 20 years ago and went into anaphylaxis.

  41. @ astra worthington

    Please have your dad consider getting epi-pens and learning how to use them. They are expensive out of pocket. If finances are an issue go to CVS pharmacy, that is what I had to do.

    My mother is correct. With shell fish and crustaceans you never know which one is the poison one. Anaphylaxis is downright scary. Websites do not list all the symptoms.

    Little known symptoms include an impending sense of dread/doom, anxiety from hell, throat clearing, bloating. For some reason I always have to have a bowel movement when I have a reaction.

    The anxiety is the body's way of trying to keep the blood pressure from dropping. With anaphylaxis, the blood vessels leak fluid and histamine, which causes the hives, itching, and drop in blood pressure. There is no cure, only supportive treatment with epinephrine, antihistamines, and steroid treatments. Prevention is the best cure because epi-pens can lose effectiveness with repeated use.

  42. @Super Comic Fun Time!

    I can't tell if you are serious or if you don't like them because of the odor.

    I hope you are not allergic because garlic, onions, etc. are in almost everything. Please be careful around tulips, they are in the same family.

  43. Sesame oil in larger does. I like, but avoid pineapple from how painful it makes my mouth feel. I have a wheat sensitivity, so I went gluten-free and feel sooooo much better.
    I got my gallbladder removed 20 years ago and I have a very difficult time eating vegetables, but I am not allergic to any that I know of.
