Friday, February 08, 2019

Your Turn

Last movie you saw in the theatre.


  1. I poured Spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone.

  2. All the 2018 movies were so forgettable I don't even remember.

  3. The very first Batman movie. Because soon after I got cable TV in the apartment I bought and decided I'd wait for HBO and Showtime to see my movies from then on. Never regretted not going to a movie theatre since.

  4. The Watchmen. In 2009. I was pretty disappointed with it, it was ok but not spectacular. I have no plans to ever go to a theater ever again. I’m too stingy, I don’t really even like movies for the most part, and I hate people so it’s a bad idea all around.

  5. Holmes and Watson on Christmas day. Daughter begged, I acquiesced.

    What a terrible movie. I laughed all the way through.

  6. Replies
    1. Me too. I really enjoyed that movie.

  7. Titanic 1997. I cried all the way to the car.

  8. The apple dumpling gang

  9. Mary, Queen of Scots. I thought it was good entertainment. Sairon Ronan has “it.”

  10. A star is born with Barbara n Kris

  11. Brayson87: You didn’t see ‘The Favourite’?

  12. The Last Jedi. Literally one of the worst movies ever.

  13. liam neeson's Non-Stop in 2013. havent been to a movie theatre since then. I used to love going to movies, not anymore tho. dont know - just started to make me depressed. I watch movies when they come out tho at home

  14. Aquaman.

    The last one before that was Justice League. I only really bother to see DC movies at the theater, since I love those. Others either have trailers that bore me or have trailers that make it look good, but not "pay to go see it, I'll wait until it hits streaming in future" good.

  15. Simon, was it good? I loved Laurel and Hardy as a kid, and I love John C Reilly (who I think is in it)?

  16. Can You Ever Forgive Me?

  17. @astra yes! I did like it. Both actors were excellent! I did laugh at what was considered funny at the time. I recommend.

    1. Thanks Simon, I’ll have to check it out👍🏻

  18. Anonymous10:29 AM

    fantastic beasts

  19. My minions to see The Secret Life of Pets at a cinema cafe. There was a young man who was autistic sitting in front of us. He would start having a moment and my granddaughter, who was nine at the time, would reach out and pat his back to comfort him and he would calm right down. It was so sweet. She does this with her cousin,who is also autistic, when he gets flustered. Other than that, no theaters. People can be so damn disrespectful to other patrons. I am not paying to get severely pissed off and have to post bond too.

  20. I think it was Toy Story 3.

  21. omg i haven't been to the movies since i saw

    Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2


    i'm super scared of getting bed bugs, which i why i won't go anymore.

  22. Free Solo... Incredible

  23. If Beale Street Could Talk...gorgeous movie & Stephan James is excellent. I usually see all the Oscar nominated films, but I'm not about to watch Bohemian Rhapsody, Vice, or Green Book - they all sound terrible. The Favourite was my actual favorite of the ones I did see and I wish Eighth Grade got more recognition. Stan and Ollie is next up!

  24. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse

  25. Stan and Ollie. I loved it, it is a really fine film and very well cast.

    1. The makeup work on John C. Reilly was very impressive. I couldn't envision him in the part, but I wrong and very glad that I was.

  26. American Hustle. I loved it

  27. Smallfoot with my 7 y/o stepson. It was surprisingly enjoyable! Before that, Vox Lux (which Vox Sux).

  28. I could not even say, it gas been that long.

  29. Mary Poppins Returns. Loved it!!

  30. Avengers: Infinity Wars. Marvel movies need to be seen in a theater for the full experience. I can't imagine watching something like Black Panther or Thor:Ragnarok on a TV, and thinking I was getting the full experience.

    Captain Marvel has me excited. But I cannot wait for Avengers: End Game.

  31. Anonymous11:15 AM

    agreed moose. always have to see marvel movies in imax

  32. They Shall Not Grow Old. An important film that everyone should try and see.

  33. I love going to the movies. The Favorite was the last movie I saw.

  34. A Simple Favor.
    Totally worth it, at least for me. I loved the movie, and needed a break from grieving over my dad’s death.
    And I love the soundtrack. I’m a big fan of French music.

  35. Bohemian Rhapsody. Next one is probably Endgame.

  36. Avatar 3D back in the day. I only went to the movies for the visual spectacle & I haven't seen anything come out that I feel would visually match that movie since. Story & acting was shit. But the visuals (at the time) were amazing.

  37. Green book - much better than Mary queen of Scots

  38. If Beale Street Could Talk—Highly Recommend

  39. Cold War. It was beautiful.

  40. I have a toddler granddaughter who loves the movies. I have been taking her since she was 1 1/2. So not really sure....something out, animated before Thanksgiving. Wasn't The Incredibles 2 because a copy is going in her easter basket.

    How the Grinch Stole Christmas! Looking for it on DVD because she loved it. She watches DVD's in her parents SUV's. Why didn't they have that when I was coming up?

  41. Aquaman......I only go to the movies for something that HAS to be seen on the big screen everything else can wait for DVD/TV/Streaming. I'm past the age where I must see things the week they hit the cinema.

  42. I saw Ralph Wrecks the Internet on Christmas Day.


  43. Ralph Breaks the Internet? I dunno. Something.

  44. The King's Speech. I enjoyed it but my friend kept falling asleep and snoring because it was not an action movie.

    After hearing about the bedbugs I am reluctant to go to a theater around here.

    Sometime this year I will go to go Los Angeles to take a couple of architecture tours and hope to see a movie at the Arc Light.

  45. Vice. I liked it. Cheney was an evil fuck and deserved the Satan call out.

  46. @TommyWants...No wonder you want your mommy after seeing that!

  47. Bumblebee. I really enjoyed it. First time seeing Hailee Steinfeld in a movie and I thought she was very good.

  48. @Aquagirl-

    It was so bad that i fell asleep during the middle part when the camera was shaking and someone was crying or their nose was was awhile ago. I was on a date. I think we left before the end..was there an end? To this day i still tell people i want my money back.

  49. Gone with the Wind

  50. The documentary of Antonio Lopez - very good, but sad.

  51. Deep Throat. Part of my plea bargain is never to enter a theater again.

  52. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. I wish it had gotten a bigger push. It was the best superhero movie of 2018.

  53. They Shall Not Grow Old.

    Peter Jackson did great work in bring 100 year old archive footage to life.

  54. 78/52. A documentary on the shower scene in Psycho. Hitch rules.

  55. FIRST MAN. Intense and very good.

  56. Dragon ball z : Broly
