Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Blind Item #10

I don't know how your husband can have yet another baby with a woman and you still have not divorced him. Is this why the alliterate talk show host had a relapse? She needs to leave the husband and frame the story her way. 


  1. Wendy again and again

  2. Anonymous11:01 AM

    it is sad.

  3. Really makes you wonder about those hidden penis rumors, because she certainly isn't acting like any woman I've ever known.

  4. Obviously he has dirt on her. Maybe she used to have a peen.

  5. From my understanding WW was a good girl raised with loving parents who was raised in the burbs. For some ungodly reason perhaps it was rebellion or in order to fit in with the hip hop crowd she was gossiping about early on in her radio career she became attracted to "bad boys". Well she found that in her husband Kevin who as rumor has it was a roughneck hooligan with a real shady past. She married him and he bullied her into a codependent relationship by also becoming her manager. At this point WW is entirely too petrified to leave him for fear he would kill her, her family etc.

    With all that money she should just divorce him and get 24/7 security. But to live your life in constant fear is ridic, IMO.

  6. Yawn. For some reason she's been getting more play on this site lately than all the Kardasians and Jenners combined.

  7. Maybe she's working at getting stronger via halfway house before she goes for marital split? I was ready to give up on her when she came back like all was sunshine and roses. We'll see. I've missed that there have been other kids outside their marriage. That's just a hard to imagine accepting.

  8. But you said she WAS leaving him !

  9. Listen to my bluebird laugh
    She can't tell you why
    Deep within her heart, you see
    She knows only crying, just crying

    There she sits, aloft a perch
    Strangest color blue
    Flying is forgotten now
    Thinks only of you, just you

  10. From this blind, it sounds like the source is completely shocked she hasnt!

  11. MontanaMarriot
    "A roughneck hooligan with a shady past?" What are we talking about? A Ruffian? A cad? A highwayman?

  12. HAHAHAHAHAHA flying tiger 😂🤣

    A scoundrel! A rogue!

  13. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Got to get healthy before you’ll get well

  14. The comment section reminds me of Rapunzel and Wendy needs to get a iron skillet. Ha! Women are naive and think if they love them enough they will change. Wendy has her career intertwined with her marriage, which is a good excuse for her not to kick him to the curb.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. she is beyond stupid.

    seriously. if you stick around for this .. you deserve what you get.

  17. I am hoping once she gets through rehab she will dump his creepy ass.if she has been beaten there are demons there as well.

  18. I heard just today on one of the inside edition, dish nation, tmz type shows that wendy is aware and she is okay with it as long as there is no baby and she is not embarrassed publicly... they also said that kevin and his girlfriend are solely beholden to wendy for any and all income... yikes to it all! PS she's overdone every bit of all the plastic surgery she keeps getting

  19. Kevin is completely wrapped up in every dime she has and “knows where the bodies are buried” so to speak. Coupled with Wendy being terrified to be on her own, it’s a recipe for disaster. I hope she gets it together and does leave him though. Endless cheating aside... Streets say he’s physically and verbally abusive toward her.

  20. My guess to this is Wendy Williams.

  21. According to Perez Hilton the only reason WE went public was because someone else was going to go public with the information. So all those people that thought she was so brave got fooled.

    So how many kids has her husband had while married to WW? I no longer have respect for her. She should practice what she preaches, dump that asshole. But then again he’s a smart asshole

  22. Nosey I love that song. Listened to the album last night.

    I was in a long term relationship with a control freak. He wasn't one in the beginning but after he quit heroin alcohol cigarettes and meat he thought he was THE messiah. I moved out of my place to get away from him and gave him basically everything and still lived in fear. It sucked. The day I found out he got hit by a car and killed I breathed a sigh of relief. Even if you leave them you are always afraid. She's in a good place having the support of smelly guys. She should sleep there too if she isn't already. I have never watched her show but have followed her story. I wish her health and freedom.

  23. This is called Karma. These new millennials and suburban white women don't know this bitchs pasts. From making a mockery of Whitneys Houston's addiction (ironically the world has total sympathy of addicts now) to trying to out every black celebrity that was trying to make their way, she built her life on trashing black people and now she wants sympathy. This trash cunt is getting everything she deserves.

  24. How many kids does that man have with other women? All I can figure is that they have a lot of dirt on each other and if one goes down, they both go down. I wish she'd dump him but I honestly don't think she can for whatever reason. I used to watch the show daily and she was always working like a dog with a ton of different side projects and I think she started taking pills to sleep then pills to pep her up and before you know it, she's fainting on her show in a Statue of Liberty costume. I'll tell you what-I'd NEVER give money to that Hunter Foundation. As shady as those two are...God knows how much of that goes to charity!
