Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Blind Item #12

This long time member of a cult like religion was using a premiere last night to soft sell this permanent A list mostly movie actress. 


  1. Angie Jolie for the actress?

    1. Dumbo for the movie premiere. Was Travolta there-Kirstie Alley?

  2. Definitely St. ANGIE at Dumbo

  3. Didn't Kirstie Alley star?

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  6. Kirstie Alley already IS a Scientologist isn't she? Wow, and would she really be permanent A list mostly movie? She was and is probably more well known for her stint on CHEERS then her funny was it SHOWTIME series... than her film career. Plus Travolta need not use a premiere to sell her on Scientology (is she isn't one) as they are friendly and have worked together many times over.

  7. Kirstie did the soft sell to St. ANGIE

  8. ohhhhh.

    Kirstie and Travolta were both at the premier ...

    got it.

    thanks Sandy.

  9. If he was there too, it could be Travolting.

  10. St. Angie only worships St. Angie so I doubt the Scios will get far with her.

  11. It's a religion for narcissists Angie would fit right in while they fleece her.

  12. Holy sh!t, they were photoshopping the students' faces onto athletes 😅


  13. HOLY SHIT even more:


    What happens next?

    What time and penalties do these charges carry if there is a conviction?

    Each count carries a minimum of five years in prison, Cohen said.

    "And the fines are quite substantial – in the hundreds of thousands of dollars – but the fines seem to be the least of these people’s worries," Cohen said, given they were allegedly willing to pay substantial amounts to cheat.

    “So you’ve got possible jail time and there will probably be more than one count in respect to each individual," Cohen added. "So you have a possibility of both jail and a significant fine on the separate counts.”


    then you have Loughlin's daughter, Olivia Jade, saying her dad, Mossimo Gianulli faked HIS way through college, i.e. saying he went but didn't ever go!!

    She then said, "I don't know if I'm supposed to say that or not."

    Great morals to teach your children, Aunt Becky.

  14. I hung out with Lori at Studio 54 in the early 80s. She was a lot of fun. She knew my BF at the time who owned a notorious hotel on 42nd street, across the street from the UN. it was full of beautiful blondes who were with the ELITE agency at the time but were basically selling their asses on their own time.

  15. Raven-- apparently Lori's daughter is some sort of SM influencer, and the news keeps playing footage of her vlog where she is saying she has plans to still go back and forth to nyc, and meet with some company over in Europe, blah, blah, and ends it all with the kicker, "yea, so, I dont really care about school.". Im sure that little gem is on a non-stop loop in her mother's head.

    moMo-- we need stories!!!😊

  16. Wow! Boy do those folks look venal and elitist. You reap what you sow! Great scandal.

  17. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Apparently, the letter agency has an email trail .
    Can u imagine being dumb enough to lie your kid's way into college...and chat about the details online?

  18. They could at least conspire on a plane like really dodgy people do.

  19. Elisabeth Moss is the cult member (Scientology) and Jodie Foster is the permanent A list actress. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-6793839/Jodie-Foster-Elisabeth-Moss-pose-Featured-Sessions-SXSW.html

  20. Now we know how trump's father got the retard into college and business school. The bribe must have been huge and bigly. Where's the FBI investigation on that?

    1. To be fair, William Shakespeare was also bigly into making new words up.

  21. They didn't cover their tracks because they thought they were above the law. The charges are serious but they won't do hard time. Wake up, guys. These are rich people we're talking about.

  22. So what do you folks believe legacy admissions to the Ivy League (Harvard, Yale, etc) really are? It's bribery under another name, to the the tune of a million dollars to get your mediocre offspring into Harvard.

  23. Five years for cheating on a test!! Yowzers!

  24. aemish, it's not just cheating on a test. cheating on the SATs to get into college and bribing college officials to put your KID first (who obviously isn't smart enough to get into college herself) over kids who worked hard and didn't get in.

    bribery is against the law.

  25. And what a shitty thing to do to your kid--force her to go to college when SHE DOESN'T WANT TO GO. That's just wrong. Your kid's not your property. A friend didn't want her son to go into the military, so she stopped paying tuition so he wouldn't get his transcripts, a req for joining.
    That's fucked up on all levels.

  26. @mattDaddy... IDK... T-men were the only ones who could bring down Capone, the teflon Don, etc... these guys committed tax fraud just like the mobsters...cheating, bribing = slap on wrist for the rich... tax fraud/evasion- that's another thing altogether. Cheat the IRS- they will find you. Maybe Huffman and some of the lower end $$ can get off with fines/penalties, but Laughlin and those in the 1/2 million $$ and up club- they may well get time... it'll be in a club fed not a real federal pen though...

  27. They never thought she would lose

  28. Fascinating how people hate on Jolie, who manages do exactly nothing different than other Hollywood celebs have done for years and has the same vices as many, may others, but is reviled for it at an unparalleled level because she also uses her celebrity to do good. As if none of us civilians have done both admirable and shameful things in our lives. As if Brad Pitt isn't the same. I especially SMH over how people rushed to defend Aniston when she poached Thoroux from his live-in GF, after Aniston cried foul over Angelina... how rich!

    1. Angelina has never done a good deed in her entire life. It’s all a cover for her illegal activities. At least 2 out of 3 of her kids were illegally adopted, and due to her Borderline Personality Disorder, not to mention her anorexia and heroin addiction, she should NOT be a parent. Why do you think she couldn’t adopt in the US? She uses & abuses her kids to such a degree that it will be shocking if even one or two of them grow up to live somewhat normal lives.
