Thursday, March 14, 2019

Blind Item #12

This A- list Disney actress is still very much underage, but was used sexually as payment for a shipment of drugs bought by her boyfriend. 


  1. Coin of the Hollywood realm, too be expected of these cretins.

  2. So disgusting. Where are the parents???? I'd string the BF's nuts up and staple him to a wall.

  3. So disgusting. Where are the parents???? I'd string the BF's nuts up and staple him to a wall.

  4. Disney family values at work!

  5. You know the world is f*cked up when the most questionable part of the blind is whether a drug supplier would accept something besides cash for any real quantity 😞

  6. Well she could start by changing her surname from Jackson. Seems to me that having certain surnames is asking for trouble. Just ask Billy and Winnie Hitler.

  7. Why would you accept a pick-a-ninny as barter for expensive drugs when you could motorboat Deb Deb's golden bozos? That dealer is, like, weird n' stuff.

  8. Flashy Vic, I knew a girl at summer camp whose last name was Hittler. She was a nice girl, unfortunate last name but if she was at that summer camp she was rich as hell so I guess she could cry in her piles of money 💰🤷🏼‍♀️

  9. Skai can't be the only Disney kid. We always accuse Skai or Millie. There's a lot of those kids still working with no talent

  10. @Astra.

    "No, no, it's pronounced 'Height-lier''Height-lier', okay?!"

  11. Good God, this is disturbing.

  12. @Flashy: Changing her surname from Jackson 🤣. Good advice. I have a very long last name and always hated it as a kid but now I love it (except when I’m making restaurant reservations—then I use a pseudonym.) My family is from the same country as a recently divorced alliterate supermodel.

  13. Substance D - pathetic comment

  14. @Flashy, have you considered a brain transplant? Was wondering on what other parameters you judge people. Wish I knew your real name to avoid naming my future kids after them.

  15. Outraged, I apologize. I was aiming for your name sake and all I hit was 'pathetic'. Instead of 'pick-a-ninny', how about 'chocolate covered 'Ho'Ho? Or maybe 'soul pole whisker biscuit'or perhaps 'outdated farm tool'? Your pupils dilating yet?
