Friday, March 15, 2019

Blind Item #12

After this very recent court ruling, there will be a settlement long before that ruling can take effect. There is no way on this earth that this A list talk show host/producer/mogul is going to allow himself to be deposed and have to answer personal questions. 


  1. James Gunn is back for GOTG 3, confirmed!

    1. Lawd. Now the Gunn defenders and the anti pedos are going to have a big fight on here

    2. To be fair, GotG is terrific, but anally raping young boys is really bad.

    3. Are there pro-pedos???

  2. Anonymous11:31 AM

    @yep, just saw that too

  3. James Gunn actually benefited from this ouster, coz now he is working with both Warner bros and Dsiney!

  4. I don’t see how Seacrest’s sexual orientation has anything to do with Black Chyna’s case.

  5. Usually Seacrest for that description

  6. So Disney/ABC is reversing its policy about employees making offensive tweets, somebody call Roseanne!

    "Disney responded quickly and decisively: “The offensive attitudes and statements discovered on James’ Twitter feed are indefensible and inconsistent with our studio’s values, and we have severed our business relationship with him,” said Alan Horn, Walt Disney Studios chairman, in a statement just released."

  7. @MD

    So...there are pro-pedos then?

    I guess that would be anyone who defends Gunn.
    Talking about f#cking kids is never ok.

  8. I vary rarely catch the show. But I did see a their show last week and Ryan was gushing over a male doctor and his abs. This morning he made a comment with a "look" about Kelly's husband being "On" him, which Kelly quickly added, "On the phone." Does he think he is preparing us for what we already know?! Nobody cares.

  9. Regarding Gunn, I'll take a bag of popcorn and watch how it unfolds here. This site has told repeatedly that there was a ton of evidence of him producing and distributing child porn, that the Feds knew about it, that he had specific requests to the women he dated, that his ex-wife knew, that the studios knew...

    And, guess what, he was rehired at Disney months before today's official announcement. Warner also found him to be clean. Nobody at these studios actually has found anything close to the word spread in these lands. If they had, they wouldn't take the risk to work with him because actual evidence could then leak and cause them very serious damage.

    Also MDAnderson, go fuck yourself. It's never been "Gunn defenders" versus "anti pedos". I consider myself "anti pedo", but also anti hypocrites, anti people who deliberately post fake gossip to support a particular camp, and anti dishonesty. I actually don't like GotG much. It was just blatant that a bunch of trolls were trying to "punish" Gunn for his political views.

    Oh, I forgot... Astra Worthington, fuck you too. Preferably with a rusty spike if you turn out to be also an antivax.

    1. Angela go choke on a bag of self righteous you know what. Thank you for validating my post!!!

    2. Lol MD you tell em! A disgusting pedo apologist, can you imagine? Ugh

  10. @HeatherBee - the official reason for the Depo is that Ryan knows why E! cancelled the show. However, Depositions are not like trials. Attorneys at Depo's are free to ask questions not directly related the case under the theory that it "might" lead to the discovery of relevant evidence. The only questions that a deponent doesn't have to answer are ones covered by a privilege.

  11. That's part of the charm of being an idiot. Everything validates your point.

  12. It ain't confirmed until NAMBLAngela denies it.

  13. You know what will be fun? When Enty will try to make a blind item about it, trying to combine the new development that he didn't expect AT ALL with his previous narrative.
    I expect him to say that Gunn has some dirt on the studio bosses, who got child porn from him. Or that exposing Gunn could have brought down Chris Pratt, who is too valuable for them to lose. Or that the past of James Gunn could have been regarded as an undisclosed liability in the Disney-Fox merger, forcing Disney to give more stock to Murdoch.
    I'm not an "insider", it's just that, if I had to come up with a story to take myself out of months of lies, that's how I would I pitch it.
    Feel free to borrow from me, Enty. C'est avec grand plaisir que je te pisse à la raie.

    And please spare me the sanctimonious indignation about pedophilia. That's just accusations that you throw at various liberals to give yourself and others the illusion you're right to hate them to the guts. Most of the people here who share their disgust would be glad to sacrifice a hundred kids if it was a surefire solution to get four more years of Trump.

  14. Damn! Who lit the string on Angela’s tampon?

  15. Angela is an admitted French man and a shill. They shill on enough different blinds so you really can't be certain who they're shilling for. They showed up after a bunch of robo and engrish shills got laughed off CDAN.

    You screwed up though pal, anyone who reads this site knows that MD is pretty neutral and friendly, you might as well have gone after Tricia.

    1. Back after a much needed dinner (out-the best way), to see this. Wow. All I can say is 1)Angela has never “gone after me” as it were. At all , and I found it odd because we definitely have dissenting opinions about most everything. That said I thought /assumed it was a previous poster here who did go after me all the time quite viciously Rhymes with Malibuborebee); and maybe that is why they don’t now.Too obvious. Also a pedo defender/Woody Allen bot. Sucks to have to keep coming back under different names . Must be exhausting.
      2) MD Anderson is good and adds a ton of value here like many others. Those people will always stand out and are why people come back.
      Shame the ones nobody wants here do tho.

    2. ❤️❤️❤️ Tricia and Brayson.

  16. Pretty fucking weird that a French man has such strong opinions about the American President. Worry about your granny fucking creeper Macron instead of our country’s business. But the French do have a lax attitude to pedophilia. They’ve protected Polanski for this long, so idk. No offense to the actual decent French people of course.

    1. Man, I used to have so many good things to say about “Rosemary’s Baby”, “The Ghostwriter”, “The Pianist” (I was obsessed in Adrien Brody—he’s just my type).

      And then I learned that he’d raped a minor before I was born.

      I used to be foolish enough to volunteer as a ticket girl at film festivals so I could watch films for free and one of the ones I went through a lot of trouble to sneak into was “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” (and honestly I loved). And then Woody turned out to be a creeper too.

      All I have left to watch now is YouTube. 🤷🏻‍♀️🐈

    2. Oh and by the way THE MOST FUCKED-UP THING about Roman Polanski is that he made “Repulsion”.

      In the end of the film, it’s revealed that Catherine Deneuve‘s character in the film is messed in the head because she was molested as a child (likely by someone who lived in her childhood home/was a family member).

      Like the guy knows what that does to a child, he made a film about it. I’m surprised people don’t talk about this film (vs. reality) as much.

  17. Didn't we learn last week that Angela is a dude? Explains the rusty spike comment.

  18. OMG, Weekittylass, I've never heard that one before!! That got a five-star spit-take when I read it!😂

  19. How is this not Donald Trump and the ruling on Summer Zervos?

  20. I come here once in a while for a bit of naughty gossip and have to slag through the CDAN word tango! Getting too heavy.

  21. I was on a thread regarding Gunn last night. I asked if R Kelly/MJ were on the soundtrack and was Weinstein producing.....the pro paedophile brigade didn't seem to like

  22. For the record, I don't attack Tricia, because I regard her as harmless. Sure, she spends a lot of time unlocking the Enty code and very little wondering about the contradictions in the blinds or the ones that turned out to be total fabrications (Jayme Closs, anyone?), but she simply does her thing.

    I'm also not commenting on Donald Trump directly, because I'm not a US citizen, I don't live in the US, and I'm not directly concerned by his decisions, except the stuff about foreign policy that few of you would be much concerned with anyway. Plus, like everybody, I wouldn't enjoy getting lectured about inner politics by anybody from a foreign country in the first place.
    However, I've read enough messages by QAnon believers and MAGA-enthusiasts to recognize an obvious pattern of smearing opponents and accepting with glee every extreme accusations leveled at these opponents. And I feel informed enough to comment about the attitude here.

    If James Gunn had just been a Joe Somebody who had posted a couple of crude, unfunny, tasteless tweets joking about child molestation years ago among thousands of other jokes, you'd disregard the stuff posted here about him here as being groundless and dubious.
    Make him a proeminent part of the entertainment industry, and one who constantly (and annoyingly) boasts about his own political views, and suddenly people here will assume everything negative posted about him as true. Even when there were many inconsistencies in the blinds about him. Just like there have been about many other issues.

    More fundamentally, I draw the lines at people using issues such as depression and suicide, child molestation or sexual assault to turn them into forged stories to promote one particular agenda. As I said, the breaking point for me here were the "detailed" stories about Anthony Bourdain's "murder" (where Asia Argento was alternatively the main target and an accomplice) that started hours after he was found dead. Or using the investigative work on Michael Jackson's wrongdoings as a way to focus anger from his fans at David Geffen instead.

    And for the current crowd of readers, the mob who proclaims itself to be "anti pedos", reminder: you're not. You're just posing as such, mostly to claim the moral high ground.
    But how much time have you spent commenting about the many reports of sexual abuse on children in the ICE detention camps?
    How much time have you spent asking for a major investigation on the Catholic Church?
    How much time have you spent studying a place such as 4Chan, which is a major hub for sharing illegal pornographic content?
    You'd gladly put under the rug every case of children getting assaulted by the staff in the detention centers, or the copious documentation existing on Roy Moore long before he was a candidate for Senate, because the only target that matters for you is crushing the liberals in the entertainment industry then in politics, often using child molestation as a mere weapon to smear reputations.
    An immigrant child gets raped? That's just an incident, and the family was in an illegal position in the first place. A child gets raped by an illegal immigrant? Great, it will help getting the wall built.

    So, don't give me any of your bullshit "anti pedo" position. Those who claim that do nothing about real life situations where their word could actually get children protected. You'd rather focus about James Gunn, Steven Spielberg or political benefit instead.


  24. OMG give your political bs a rest and nobody with any sense wants to read your book of hypocritical nonsense.
