Monday, March 25, 2019

Blind Item #12

Another day, another horrible fan encounter for this foreign born A list talk show host who told a fan to get a life when he asked for an autograph.


  1. I can't believe he has fans.

    1. I can’t either. I want Ricky Gervais to put him into a script and ravage him with sarcasm (as he did with Kevin Hart In After Life)-which by the way is one of the brilliant series ever. Bittersweet- and unbelievably funny and moving.

    2. What a cocksucker that fat fuck is!

  2. To be fair anyone above the age of 12 who wants another grown ass adult to sign a sheet of paper for them deserves to be told to get a life.

  3. Someone needs to check the fiber content for his and Jeff Daniel's diets. The unwarranted crankiness is not becoming! My only two exceptions would be the professional autograph seekers who get several at a time and turn around and sell them and the morons who think they can get the celeb's attention with taunting and name-calling and then expect courteous wish-grant-- both groups get what they get.

  4. *wish-granting

    Does anyone else have spellcheck eat half of a word?

  5. @Vita.

    Have you got a couple of weeks?

  6. Wtf do Americans see in James Corden and John Oliver? They’re the most repulsive creeps to hail from the UK, we hate them over here. They also lie about politics and are nothing but mouthpieces for leftist-globalist trash.

    1. Umm no one thinks that in the UK...but thanks.

  7. Wow, James Corden? for someone that was funny in one programme 10 years ago he has disappeared up his own fat arse.

  8. If James Corden and John Oliver were leftist they would not be on TV. Our country is fascist and our media is state. Far right.

  9. @Tricia13, I agree with your assessment of AfterLife. It’s brilliant.

  10. Yeah I have no sympathy for an adult asking for an autograph.

    Also agree with Tricia re. afterlife...go watch!

  11. I'll admit to hoping for some Shakespearean invective from Vic on Corden. but he's already treated us to some doozies, so OK.

  12. @Molly A HA HA HA HA Are you fucking serous? You deluded moron.... the whole MSM is leftist garbage , festered with Trump Derangement Syndrome that you obviously have yourself

  13. John Oliver is rather annoying but he's providing a valuable service right now with his Last Week Tonight show, I really like it.

  14. Molly, you sound completely mentally retarded. You should never ever speak to human beings. Only animals and plants.

  15. Always hated that fat talentless truffle pig.

  16. RG does make fun of James Corden in Afterlife @Tricia13. I agree. It's brilliant.

  17. He's a talent-less hack. He should be flattered that anyone cares about him at all.

  18. I had a horrible encounter with James in Blockbuster (shows how long ago this was) as we are both from the same home town. This was a long time before he was even in movies or a talk show host in the US and was only known for a mid level tv show in the UK. Arrogant man.

  19. John Oliver is an embarrassment to England. James Corden is just a fat annoying fuck but Oliver is straight up a liar and a media manipulator.
