Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Blind Item #12

This A- list actor/singer was spotted with a teen who couldn't have been more than 16. They ducked into a private club before anyone could snap a photo.


  1. He’s filming in London I think.

  2. jared leto, chiltern firehouse in london


  3. I heard they were filming it in Manchester.

    Him and Matt Smith would mae a creepy pair.

  4. Can't wait for Leto to get busted. He is disgusting.

  5. He is filming here in manchester at the moment. My friend took pics of him drinking outside a fish&chip shop late morning today.

  6. Their age of consent is 16 over there, a little old for his usual tastes. Of course he probably just pretends he's a member of one of the local rape gangs and the authorities immediately look the other way. The authorities lost their balls along with their guns.


  7. +1 Brayson87 The sun has set on the british empire.

  8. Age of consent is 16 there, but he’s still a sick fuck. He should just base himself in Chicago, I’m sure they’s look the other way

  9. All the time he spent devoted to his sobriety and now nobody even mentions it??

    Well as the resident defender of anonymity, let me break his by saying yes he has a monster cock and yes his behavior is pretty much the same whether he is sober or drinking as my friend went back to his place with him (sober) and ended up very uncomfortable and leaving, yes he was trying to sleep with her, no he did not force her, yes she was over 18 ha ha maybe 21.

  10. Hunter-- Sometimes the tea just has to be spilled! Thanks for confirming habits and,um, other rumors. Im happy your friend was a willing partner.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. @Brayson87, before spewing bollocks do some actual research. Handguns were banned in the UK in the '90s (not that it stops people buying them illegally). However, you can own shotguns and rifles. You just need a licence.

    The age of consent is 16 in the UK, but the majority of the country would not sleep with teenagers. Teens of legal age usually date amongst their own age group. I did and so did my friends.

  13. Couldn't this also be Drake? Or is he rated higher?
