Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Blind Item #13

This want to be leader of that movement made some comments about the permanent A++ lister but when she was asked about her friend the pedophile director she says nothing or claims it doesn't matter.


  1. Rose McGowan/ MJ/ Vincent Salva

  2. Those who shout the loudest, usually have the most to hide.

  3. @Little

    guess that fits you too, right? you've been shouting quite loud about how your beloved pedo is innocent.

  4. Ellen Page? Has she ever spoken about Singer?

  5. lol @ suckers who fall for #metoo bullshit.

  6. @raven, I am entitled to post my opinion as much as you are. This is just a dumb blog site, not a radio station.

  7. I thought Powder was the oddest movie. I never got so deep as to why I though it but I remember feeling ick after watching it. Never cared to see it again to see why.

  8. Well I feel gross right now. I remember I loved that movie POWDER. I barely remember it right now, I had no idea that was a grooming movie, ugh.

    As for Rose, she needs to jump into a vat of acid. So done with her.

  9. Anonymous1:53 PM

    +1 for not knowing Powder is a grooming film? da fuq

  10. Why isn't McGowan in jail right now? Celebrity justice makes me sick. If it was any one of us... "The Mossad planted it." The woman is a pathological liar.

  11. They should have let her spend 30 days in solitary getting clean.

  12. Brayson: I like your idea, but the mandatory sentence for possession and transport in VA is 2 years. She should be doing jail time. The first year would be in solitary because she doesn't deal well with authority.

  13. wannabe leader of that movement = rose mcgowan

    permanent A++ lister = michael jackson

    her friend the pedophile director = victor salva

  14. LOL on Gianluca Vacchi! He is hilarious with his dance videos!

  15. Scum hangs with scum. Doesn't mean a scumbag can't be raped.
