Thursday, March 14, 2019

Blind Item #14

There is a SMU student who says she has been hooking up with the husband of this reality star from a popular franchise.


  1. What show is based near Dallas?

  2. real housewives of dallas...could be any of the husbands

  3. Anonymous12:09 PM

    chip gaines.

  4. That short doucher Travis-RHWID

    1. That was my first guess or the one with the pink dog food.


  6. Great work on the blinds today Enty 👍

  7. Anyone see the video of Will Smith twerking on Thotiana? Its... something!

  8. Well "husband" takes LeeAnne out of the running. I am truly hoping it is not Travis or Bryan. No matter who's husband it is, its a douche move on his part.

  9. Travis, probably. RHOD Stephanie's husband. When he was in Boston for a month for schooling he was desperate for her and their kids to stay away and not visit. Bryan would not be shocking either.

  10. Brandi Redmond's husband

    HesH a douchebag

  11. Yes, the red-headed husband. He's been checked out the whole series.

  12. i love that all you guys know all the ladies of the RH franchise.

    i've only ever watched RH of Melbourne and loved it. I wish they'd bring them back. that crazy lawyer lady ... golfing in spike heels....bwhahahaha

  13. Melbourne was great. I get the impression that big-haired barrister is the Australian equivalent of "Judge" Jeanine

  14. Oooh Cary’s husband and someone at “The Roundup?”

  15. News: Louis tomlinson’s 18 year old Instagram star sister died of a heart attack.

  16. Off Topic but did anyone else instantly think of CDAN today when it came out that Lori Loughlin's daughter was on the USC chairman's yacht when the news broke? She was caught yachting lol! Some friends of mine who I didn't realize were also CDAN readers were laughing about the yachting reveal too lol.

  17. Uhmm, there was not that type of yachting going on on the Caruso yacht

  18. Agree with Chip Gaines guesses - he must have run out of Baylor girls.

  19. I hope that none of these cheating blinds ever turn out to be Chip Gaines! That would be so sad.

    1. Previous blind about old Chip is that he was hitting on his wife's sister. I predict a whole bunch of students will out this guy.

  20. I think it is Kameron Westcott's husband. He is a short fellow and she is about a foot taller than him. She is from a wealthy family and he is a venture capitalist I think. They have zero chemistry and he doesn't even seem to like Kameron and he has about as much personality as a cardboard box. I could totally see the husband hooking up with a co-ed. Kameron is the one who invented pink dogfood. She has an irritating baby talk voice.

  21. Ha! I’ll have to ask around, about this one. Several of these RHOD women live in/near my neighborhood... it’s a pretty gossipy scene around here. Kameron’s husband is utterly detestable. D’Andra is an absolute loon- she recently threatened a friend of mine with a lawsuit, as a matter of fact! She’s currently being ostracized by most of our fellow Moms O’The Hood because of this, which has been a great source of amusement for many of us. LeeAnne is, surprisingly, not completely intolerable. I try to keep my distance from those women as much as I possibly can. I don’t particularly enjoy spending any more time than is absolutely necessary around The Plastics;)
