Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Blind Item #1

The good news is the alliterate talk show host did have a divorce attorney come to her location. 


  1. Poor Wendy. Get some inner strength and get the hell away from Kevin

  2. It's about damn time Wendy!

  3. Wendy, hire a forensic accountant.

  4. Oh Wendy. Pick yourself UP, girl!!

  5. Anonymous7:14 AM

    thank god

  6. This Wendy stuff is so sad. I can’t believe she is letting that creep do this. She should never have been put in some shit hole. It’s nuts.

    1. The problem with Wendy is that she doesn’t believe in having female friends (like “bridesmaids material” friends).

      She talks about having girlfriends like someone who’s been burned “et tu, Brute?”-style SO BAD in the past, she has major trust issues.

      If she had REAL girlfriends (not the sycophants, but also not a complete inconsiderate/back-stabbing users like Kim used to rat on her former boss Paris) They’d probably have smacked some sense into her a LOOOONG time ago.

      Someone like Suzanne but who doesn’t work for her.

  7. Yes Wendy! Leave him!! And do what Loveless said.

  8. He needs you Wendy, you don't need him! Remember that!!
    @Scandi you have a point there about having girlfriends. BTW, how many f*cking crosswalks do I have to click on to prove Im not a robot!!!

  9. Anonymous7:58 AM

    did she though enty?

  10. It's about damn time she left this big bum

  11. Hope her attorney is a pitbull.

  12. Anonymous8:27 AM

    +1 Wendy Williams. Give her the strength to divorce him AFTER hiring a forensic accountant. Prosecute him and move on. You can do so much better.

  13. Finally. Get some self respect and reclaim your life and health, woman. She's never going to get better with him in the picture.

  14. Poor Wendy. I've never been her biggest fan but I sure hope she pulls thru this and comes out stronger for it. And single!!

  15. Good. Give him a lump sum and be done.

  16. Today's show seemed live (talking about Jussie), and she seemed happy and perky. Joked about an upcoming scheduled week off with the audience. Anyway, Im hoping the confidence and spring in the step are due to that meeting, and seeing some light at the end of the tunnel. The baby is born, it's been reported as fact on every other show, and the world didn't end. Give him whatever it takes to get rid of him (though most of the ammo seems on her side), and celebrate the potential in freedom. Someone mentioned check if K has life insurance policies on her the other day...scary, but maybe the lawyer/forensic accountants can look into that, too.

    Scandi- I know Wendy talks about distrust of certain women, etc, but she often talks of a lifelong best friend who lives on the west coast.

    1. I must’ve missed the episode where she talks about the West coast friend. But good for her for having somebody watch her back.

  17. I'm rooting for Wendy. I hope she prevails.

  18. Alcoholic, drug addled, cuckquean faux wife to a conman, I mean hey, if that isn't Grade A tv host material what is? ;)

    "The more you know 🌈"

  19. I feel bad for her. Hopefully she’ll get away from his control.

  20. Thanks for the Word of the Day, Brayson!
    The More You Know, indeed!😆

  21. Hey did any of you guys hear about Keanu Reeves and the LA flight that landed in Bakersfield? He drove a bunch of people to LA in his van and they played games on the way and stopped at Carl's Jr. How about a kindness blind for him eh Ent?

    1. Ooooh I love Carl’s Jr. 😍

      KEANU FEED ME! 🙋🏻‍♀️🍔🐈

  22. WW is just like my mum. Husband cheats and dominates but wife can't function without him esp in crisis, needs his decisions. Sad for us kids to have watched our mum be a non person. Yeah I feel bad for WW. I get it.

  23. @scandi don't blame Kim for Paris. Paris ratted herself out l o l
