Thursday, March 28, 2019

Blind Item #1

Every time they are together, this permanent A list singer takes a very wide angle away from any member of this reality family. Such was the case this week when they were at an event together. 


  1. Beyoncé/Kardashians

  2. Can you blame her?

  3. I honestly don't think they give a Shit about her.

  4. What's their beef again?

    1. I just think Beyonce looked down on Kim when she got with Kanye

    2. Even for the entertainment crowd they're the bottom of the trash heap

  5. Oh cool, I thought maybe Jay-Z had f*cked one of them, that's her usual reason for hating women.

  6. KK has no talent. Bey works hard with her dance moves and warbling to songs that were written for her. Lol

  7. Beyoncé I don't blame her at all.. No talent at all with Kimmy but showing her fake ass

  8. "Keep that bitch at least four thigh-widths away from me."

    "But Queen Bey, that means two towns over."

    1. @rosie Woman/bitches are all worthless fat cows to J.

  9. Why were they even there? It seems no one likes any of them, and they really don't add anything to the event. There has got to be a different way to garner attention.

  10. I'm looking down at all of them

  11. Oh please, she should get off her high pony. Beyonce is every single bit as trashy and tacky as the kartrashians. At least they don't pretend to be otherwise, they admit to it proudly, while she pretends to be some sort of fucking black royalty.

  12. Of course you don't, rosie. You aren't bright.

    Now give your kid the cell phone and go watch tv in another room.

  13. Wrong hothot.

    Some are indeed worthless, though. You and rosie for starters.

    Now go read some books, learn some useful skills, maybe work on your manners.

    Transform yourself into a useful person instead of more dead weight.

  14. @J Have you taken your medicine already?

  15. Depeche please go get yourself that big black dildo you crave. There are black men that often go dumpster diving to find your ilk, but I know you can't be seen in public with your Mandingo; so go' on head & rock out that deep-seated fantasy. You have permission. We promise not to judge.

  16. Beyoncé who forced women to continuously get pregnant so she can profit off surrogacy? Hollywood is full of garbage and it's time to take out the trash

  17. suburban whores butt: you seem absolutely obsessed with me! How flattering. Have you noticed that I have never, not once, addressed you first? Thank you for your kind advice, however I am very happily married, to a real living, breathing man, and therefor don't need a 'big black dildo'. I assume this must your sad lonely life. Oh well.

  18. bleeeeeh who cares about any of these people
