Sunday, March 10, 2019

Blind Item #2

This foreign born former A+ list tweener tried to kill himself last week, but a bodyguard assigned to watch just for that, caught it in time.


  1. Hailey probably hired Asia Argento's executioner

  2. Beibs - he said he’s been depressed lately

  3. This kid.
    Someone needs to pull a Daddy Spears on this kid and get control of his fortune and health.
    Hailey is going to walk off with all his money once he is successful with his death wish.
    She rushed him into this marriage cuz she knew his mental state was such.
    Sad all around. I am sure this kid as seen so much horror in his time in Hollywood.

  4. @M Styles


    Selena tried to kill herself,now Bieber? I don't think this marriage benifits him

  5. Poor Bieber. Imagine what he’s been through. No wonder he is a train wreck. I feel like he may never recover from the things that have been done to him. His parents are garbage. So are the people who abused him. I bet he wishes he could just be a normal guy. Even if he wanted to, how could he?

  6. Talk about an unnecessary job. That bodyguard could be doing something useful instead.

  7. daniel ratcliffe? emma watson?

  8. I feel for Beibs too--would like to see him find a mentor who is healthy and who will help him to become so. That cult is horrible too. I bet he feels like a pushme pullyou between them and his wife. Not to mention all the other folk he no doubt supports.

  9. Biebs could be normal. I don't buy he can't. He has to be addicted to the trappings and cycle of fame and fortune. He could use ALL the money he has made thus far to disappear and go on sabbatical, say climb a mountain and study with monks. I hate rich folks whining. Sure I bet he has suffered abuses, he is unrealistic in his life view, but money gives you EVERY opportunity in the universe. You have access to therapy, doctors, rehab, spiritual growth, IF you commit to it, that only the rest of us can dream of. He HAS a life he CAN walk away from because no kids depend on him, no mortgage payment, etc. Rich people problems are just... sigh... sad problems and SOLVEABLE!

  10. meth is a fucked up drug

  11. Biebs needs to get healthy, send apologies to Hailey, and just disappear from fame. Bag Scooter, the church, Hailey, all of the hangers on, throw the money in a trust and live on an allowance in the middle of nowhere. He owes nothing to anyone, except Hailey and family, and if they love him, theyd understand.

  12. He just posted this weird message on Instagram where he claims he’s feeling disconnected and weird and to pray for him.

  13. Biebs should go buy a farm and get his hands in th dirt and live a quiet and purpose filled life. The solace he is looking for is not in the city,

  14. >he’s feeling disconnected and weird

    That's severe depression treatment kicking in... Not fun.

  15. He should seek professional help, find some quiet place in Canada and live with his kind families, distance from the people who are bad for him, hang out with non famous friends who can make him feel love ,happy and comfortable, ditch gold diggers and fake friends, and STOP using drugs

  16. Poor kdi. But I have a feeling this is made up after Star released the cover story of him being suicidal.

  17. I always thought the Biebs caught HIV since he seems so depressed lately

  18. Bieber? Probably not helped by ur blind item about him screaming at escorts. Not that blind item writers think they're ever adding to anyone's daily burden.

  19. unknown, i think he is sick maybe (HIV) to.... abused by someone in the industry for sure, but as it is difficult for men to talk about it, it might never come out....
    he should take his money and go life on a farm or an island till he get's stron enough to expose whoever hurt him when he was a kid....

  20. I don't think he has HIV lol. That's a little far out.
