Thursday, March 21, 2019

Blind Item #2

This back in the day A- list child/tween actress who starred on one of the most popular back in the day shows of all time has a special needs child. When the special needs child would act out, our former actress would spray water or any other product, safe or not into their eyes. Horrible mother.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No idea...Danielle Brisboise?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Just came to say what @ :| raven already did.

  5. Holly Robinson Peete?

  6. Whelchel has has copped to other forms of cruel 'punishment'.

  7. Please, give me their name and address.

  8. Iceland has almost eliminated Down syndrome by aborting virtually 100% of fetuses that test positive

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. No. I disagree with your comment about "corrective behaviour", whatever that is. Everyone can be communicated with using patience and guidance.

  11. Punky Brewster? Soleil Moon Frye

  12. Whelchel was never a tween actress. And the only controversial thing she was criticized for was putting a drop of hot sauce on her kid's tongue when they got out of line. It wasn't multiple things.

  13. Does Melissa Sue Anderson (Mary Ingalls) have a special needs child? Nobody liked her on the Little House set.

  14. @DoTell: ‘Only thing was putting a drop of hot sauce on her kid’s tongue when they got out of line’ Do you find this acceptable? I hope you’re not a parent.

  15. @Brad, They're not the only ones, Down syndrome is down across the globe due to early tests and abortions. Shocked a Catholic woman with that stat once.

  16. @Brad @brayson You do know that aborting all DS unborn babies isn't eradicating DS.There will always be DS babies conceived as always as it is a genetic mutation.

  17. Nice to hear from the Zyklon B crowd on this thread. JFC

  18. Ice Angel is correct. Aborting all Down Syndrome babies won't eliminate the condition. Most DS babies are born to older women who have older eggs.

  19. Not true. 80% of babies born with DS are born to mothers under 35 years of age. Older mother is a risk factor. Younger mothers have more babies.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @Ice Angel, Well obviously, just like drinking water today won't hydrate you the rest of your life, but if you drink water everyday you will stay hydrated for the rest of your life.

    The main point is that some things aren't being reduced because of advances in medicine, it's that advances in medicine are leading to many more decisions being made.

  22. +1 tatty. And as a special ed teacher and knowing today is National Down’s syndrome day, it mKes me angry someone would abort these wonderful kids. And spraying water ona kid’s face - if I knew a parent did that, I would feel legally bound to report to DSS. Unfortunately that is not always the best solution.

  23. How is aborting a Down syndrome kid worse than aborting ANY kid? Yes you have the right, your body your choice and I’m not here to try and take away your “rights”, but murder is murder.

  24. Astra, I agree, but aborting a kid just because you have given them the genetic mutation, not even knowing how severe, is selfish beyond, in my opinion. Maybe I am biased because I see how much joy these kids give and have in their hearts. And I am teachsermon, just using my phone instead of my ipad

  25. Teacher mom, darn fake nails.

    1. +1million @hhstarr
      Lots of crazy socks over here this week


    LOOK - these kids are ABORTED because their mothers must quit their jobs to raise them, their parents can never retire, most DS people - MOST DS PEOPLE OVER 70% - require long term observational care of some kind which their birth parents may or may not have the finances to afford FOR THE REST OF THEIR CHILD'S LIFE.

    Good lord there are some stupid naive people here who think everyone has time to be patiently waiting to communicate with a drooling banging screeching nightmare.


    and by God they should absolutely not be forced to.

    Take a normal dad, give him a special needs kid - maybe now he starts smacking the kid around and leaving him home alone because the kid drives him nuts but he would never ever do that with a neurotypical child.

    These special needs kids get abused at higher rates too, particularly the nonverbal ones.


    1. Hunter, you're 100% right. It's not a nice bit of reality but it's the truth.

  28. In addition to the National Downs Adoption network, I am confident no child with Downs around go unassisted with placement locally.

    Like being lefthanded, the attacks no Ism to being especially interested in assuring these "easy out" culls ...

    (thanks largely to the March of Dimes experimentation on poor to-be- aborted women; mostly "human weeds" blacks in keeping with Sanger's Negro Project" eugenicist objectives)

    ... are Especially Wanted.

    And, as anyone who's ever had the fortune of an angel in their family or a party of their circle or work knows, they are not only Wanted but Needed as proof of what is truly best about the Family Human. They have fearless joy about them. Childlike but never childish as us.

    Be as children is great advice and one reason the despoiling of the Innocent is so rightfully excoriated here.

  29. Edit - There attaches no Ism ...

    Selecting FOR a Downs kid as if Shopping for a Type of child, with our without a Genetic Trait, at a Fertility Factory issue.

  30. Very sad thread. I'm just going to add,I miss Down's Syndrome workers at stores,etc. Replaced by stupid people. Never had raw meat dripping on the lunchmeat when they bagged groceries. I won't let the stupid people bag I do it myself now. Locally they hire and house these so called disposable people. Much more productive than the "normal" people shooting up and becoming the burden on the parents more so than they ever imagined. Just casually I know many who are taking care of their addict child's children,or fearing them or fearing their death. Thanks @teachermom,my Dad worked for ARC after retiring as a regular teacher. He sometimes substituted as a special needs teacher.

  31. Lisa Whelchel doesn’t have a special needs child.

  32. Agree with hunter

    As if having a child without the ability to support it isn't hard enough, having a special needs child is just too much in today's society where half the millennial population can't even get decent employment

  33. This may be the nut job Susan Olsen. Her son has Asperger's

  34. @AquaAirhead

    Had you bothered to read the thread, you would have seen my post in context. I was responding to a post that said:

    "Whelchel has has copped to other forms of cruel 'punishment'."

    I responded that "the only controversial thing she was criticized for was putting a drop of hot sauce on her kid's tongue when they got out of line. It wasn't multiple things"

    Somehow in your empty little skull you interpreted that as me calling it acceptable, or diminishing it, which isn't even vaguely what I said. I'm so tired of dumbasses like you jumping down people's throats when you don't even have the story straight.

    Read the thread before responding, and you *might* stop coming across as such a kneejerk idiot, but probably not.

  35. Thank you, @hunter. No judgment of those parents.
