Monday, March 11, 2019

Blind Item #3

I have been telling you for forever that this former A+ list athlete has been cheating on his A list everything in her mind significant other with a variety of people. Last night, one of those many people was brought into the light. Probably not good timing with that life event announcement.


  1. Replies
    1. He’s cheating on JLo wit Just Cansecos ex.
      Damn I hope that ring is worth it girl:(

  2. Anonymous7:24 AM

    so sad.

    1. Her love does cost a thing apparently.....

  3. At least JLo works for it, and doesn't Yact. I couldn't believe she was with him - he's a notorious dog. She does not make wise choices in men.

  4. Kudos to Canseco for calling him out.

  5. She knows, there's no way the whole world knew what a playboy he is and she doesn't. She accepts it. Sad.

  6. I was surprised when I saw the announcement! It seemed like he was getting sick of her, since she's so needy! It will be his second and her fourth marriage, so the numbers don't look good. She really must not care about the rumors and just wanted that ring. Funny how she dumped Affleck for it though!

  7. Why would she date that dog?

  8. Because she believes no one could possibly cheat on her.

  9. She has just about the worst taste in men.

  10. I wouldn't consider Jose Conseco a paragon of virtue, so you get what you pay for in terms of whether he's being truthful.

  11. Jose Canseco would know, as one dog about another.

  12. I'm sure she knows. She probably gets hers, too. This whole relationship is about them being so hot together, and it's keeping them in the public eye, which is apparently the most important thing here.

  13. Have to give J.Lo props for always getting her men to spend some serious dough on a ring that she probably sells off when they break up.

  14. So now it will be 'Jenny from the cock block'?

  15. Ugh, AClod and JHo. Fakest relationship since Rock and Phyllis, now with 0 charisma.

  16. Maybe difference from Affleck is that he cheated while engaged (days before wedding)...perhaps this ring was given as an "ok, the cheating STOPS now" commitment? Time will tell, I guess.

  17. Another business relationship. Seems some are just sick of the hypocrisy and calling it out. However, if Alex is sleeping w someone else’s wife and not a stripper or professional sexual worker then you are a piece of shit. At least in Mad Men’s season 2 story arc when Jimmy Barrett called our Don for being such a male whore when he was boning Jimmy’s wife; Bobby Barrett .

  18. Jose Canseco isn't exactly a reliable source for anything. He's somewhat nuts and loves him conspiracy theories I think his steroid abuse damaged his brain.

  19. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I think these two are perfect for each other. They're both narcissistic and JLo is no stranger to turning her cheek to adultery (*cough*ChrisJudd&MarcAnthony*cough*). Everyone knows ARod is a dog, but I'm actually surprised she hasn't invested in a larger cup size for him. Isn't he the reason that Kate Hudson and Cameron Diaz ended up getting breast augmentation? At least that's the rumor, if I remember right.

    ARod only cares about himself, and JLo only cares about her perfectly crafted image. They'll survive a bit longer, I think. We gotta get a big fancy wedding out of this, folks. The ratings demand it!

  20. I just think it's an arrangement. JLo is old enough at this point to know the score,

  21. She will either dump him or marry him. That Canseco lady has tons of fillers with a weird nose job and seemed very nice on that Reality show. JLO is probably trashing their hotel room right now! I really doubt she will marry him.

  22. Anonymous10:45 AM

    We've had at least two blinds recently where Enty talks about A Rod cheating on JLo. The hookers blind where A Rod cheats with hookers. Then the party blind where the couple was accosted by a woman A Rod slept with and then ghosted. Why in the world would J Lo agree to marry a known cheater?

  23. Hope he can stop cheating for the children's sake, tbh their family photos look good

  24. Oh wooow so shocked ooooh my gooood

  25. I find nothing attractive about A Rod. They deserve each other. He can lie about the other women and she can lie about never having had plastic surgery.

    1. He has a weird head and dead eyes.

  26. I find nothing attractive about ARod either... AHole. He definitely has better handlers and is more media savvy than Conseco... After all, Canseco spilled the beans on both he and ARod's penchant for performance enhancers.. didn't matter how loud or how often the Canseco Canary sang, none of it stuck. I fear this is take two... I hate that we're shoveled - by the truck load - JLo's love life... each one is THE ONE... diddy, ben, mark, backup dancer... and now ARod... she is a 50 year old mother of two, looks great, can't sing worth a fuck but is the original butt and hair blowing, look squinty into the camera performer..

  27. I believe in love, or at least, what the tabloids tell me.

    Please, I hope that JLo and ARod have a very happy union. Really. Sincerely.

  28. Am I the only one who always thought that this was a PR relationship? Can we pitch in and give JLo some $ for therapy to help her self esteem?

  29. Anonymous9:25 AM

    How many people have ARod and JLo slept with collectively since losing their virginity??? I bet it's in triple digits. Grossness

  30. Ugh, I am so sick of the constant fawning articles everywhere about A-Clod and J-Ho. They need to just go have a very private honeymoon for a very, very long time and stop polluting the airwaves.
