Saturday, March 30, 2019

Blind Item #4

This foreign born former A+/A list mostly movie actor had no intention of apologizing for remarks he made or he would have done it months ago. He finally realized he had to if he ever wanted to work again.


  1. So silly. This “controversy” and apologies in general. Dont apologize for publicity or or marketing bullshit. Don’t apologize unless you really mean it.

  2. I read what he fully said and I do not see why he got so much grief. It was more of a redemption than anything else unless I got it completely wrong. He basically said he had bad thoughts and intentions and then realized they were bad and stopped. If you only read the first part which most news sources only wrote about you might think he was just being awful.

    If a person is still wrong for realizing what they are doing is wrong and correcting their self then why bother?

    Also, why the hell do I have to do 6+ captchas?

  3. When I read his remarks what struck me was how glib he was about “finding a black bastard” to hurt as revenge for his friend. While understandable within the context, it was odd+clueless+boneheaded to relay it in the manner he did - especially to a reporter/journalist while with his costar. Dude is selling movies in America, he should know a little better at his age. Jmo.

  4. This whole LM "controversy" is much ado about nothing. I really wish he hadn't apologized at all.

  5. *LN. Stupid keyboard.

  6. .robert-- you can skip the CAPTCHA! It will make you crazy!!😁

    What he was saying was jarring to hear at first, even within the full context of his greater message. It's hard to get thru life without some regrettable thoughts, and sometimes, actions, especially post-trauma. He voluntarily chose to share something horrific, that thankfully never came to fruition. He's lived in this country of hair-trigger social media backlash and desperation for controversial talking points long enough to have realized that it was a bad move.

  7. part of the control grid, he was activated
