Saturday, March 23, 2019

Blind Item #6

This former MTV star is fast running out of money. She wants to go back on the network but they won't let her. She is having trouble landing any other reality shows and has taken to stealing from clients while they are sleeping.


  1. Farrah Abraham is my guess

  2. farrah is currently on an mtv show

  3. God damn it that’s Rachet

  4. lows daily...she needs to make a custody plan for her kiddo if she winds up in jail.

  5. Farrah is on Ex on the Beach or some shit like that. Not her.

  6. Tila wouldn't be much of a shock, good guess.

  7. Farrah. She did some other shows after she was fired from teen mom, but she is selling herself right now.

  8. Papa Simpson, for whatever other he has done, certainly did right by Jessica with setting her up with that Macy's line. She seems set for life, and compared to other celebs, unlikely to rock the boat enough to get a good thing pulled out from under her.

    Interesting how she has had complete very successful lines for years at Macy's, yet two or three years after F ratings, Kylie's one product made her a billionaire first. Obviously its contract percentages, but still.

  9. Jessica Simpson has buckets of money - she's set for many lifetimes. This is Farrah - her stores are closing because she won't pay the rent. No one really cares if she'll take her clothes off because they've seen it as much as they've seen their own refrigerator. She's moved in with her parent(s?) and is in a downward financial spiral, which she richly deserves for being such a bitch and biting every hand that paid her. What goes around...

  10. I'm thinking Farrah, too. Even though she's on Ex on the Beach, she likely wants to go back on Teen Mom for the undivided attention and paychecks. Someday soon, the State is going to check on the well-being of that little girl's education and put the brakes on her "Home Whoring". And do I feel sorry for Farrah? Nope. Not even a tiny bit. I hope she chokes on that shit filled piece of Humble Pie she's being served. No one taught the genius that the people you piss on while you're on the way up, will be the ones pissing on you on your way down....

  11. Farrah should take a good look at Danielle Staub, because that is her dried-up hag future. If Farrah is lucky.

  12. This sounds like Tila. Although she needs to be careful stealing from Neo-Nazis and white supremacists.
