Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Blind Item #8

This one named singer who was A list in a group and solo got wasted on booze and pills on a flight last night.


  1. Replies
    1. Her IG pic is in an airport today!

    2. I didn’t see it.. but she’s been a mess for a minute I think!

  2. All of the singers in a group and solo are or have been wasted on pills and booze. Most of us mere mortals do too I suppose

  3. Tricia


    i don't want to think this is Stevie Nicks because she's a former addict. would hate to hear she's using again.

  4. 'One named singer' is the clue

  5. Distinguishing clue here being last night...

  6. Morrisey? If so, I'm sure it was charming

  7. if someone just said "Stevie" we would all know who it was. just sayin.

  8. When I hear Stevie I think first of Stevie Wonder not Stevie Nicks.

    1. The more cultured among us would think of Ms. Nick.

    2. Jon your joke is hilarious.

      Ms. Nicks sure can wear the shit out of some Bohemian lace though. She wears it better than the Stevie. Maybe they can duet. Make it happen Jon. Bring some "culture" to the Culture.

  9. Anonymous10:08 AM

    I get wasted on booze and pills on flights, too. It’s the only way I can handle not being on the ground.


  11. Fergie.
    One time, flying to San Francisco pre 911, I sat next to a guy who was flying back to his boyfriend but there was a lot of drama so we sat and drank and he poured his heart out. We got off the plane to hugs and kisses from the waiting boyfriend who was very nice. As I was flying on to Hawaii we decided to hit the bar until it was my time to board. The boyfriend had some reds so we imbibed. I was so wasted the last thing I remember is them helping me on board the plane. Next thing I know we are landed in Hawaii and I was sleeping (passed out) on the chest of my marine seat mate. Yes, who hasn't done that.

    So glad social media was not a thing as I am now a respected professional and this is the last thing I would want spread around.

  12. Sorry I don't listen to goats braying to music.

  13. So was the one named singer causing any problems? I assure you that I'd much prefer people being quietly wasted on flights than sober people with awful voices who won't shut the f*ck up.

  14. I yam what I yam-- both flights sound better than average! Could think of worse places to wake up, yamirite?😉

  15. @Brayson

    goats? are you referring to Ms Stevie Nicks?

    surely you jest

  16. Brayson and Raven -- i laughed myself sick when I read a review once that said Shakira sounded like a goat trying to yodel!😂 🐐

  17. Stop it with the Stevie Nicks guesses! Stevie Nicks is not a one-named star. (Because everyone calls her Stevie Nicks.) Simple. Gracious.

  18. Jon, perhaps the older among us would think Wonder.

    Fergie was in DM recently, probably her.

  19. Doesn't everyone get wasted on pills and booze on a plane flight, especially if it's a long one!

  20. I was enjoying reading the comments until I see See Desperate Tricia.
