Friday, March 15, 2019

Blind Item #9

Another way to steal money from people is that "deposit." The car company compares it to a personal seat license. The money you pay gives you the right to purchase a car. Sounds like another class action is coming. 


  1. Let's see Tesla stock is down 5% today but obviously not down far enough to save that bloodsucker Hedge's sorry ass yet.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous10:56 AM

    tesla. he had some event yesterday. saw it on david dobriks snap story lol

  4. Cannot spell felon without Elon.

  5. A Tesla blocked up the street in front of my kid's school for like 10 minutes because it was unable or afraid to turn with so many gross old cheap cars so close to it. I would have put my car in park and jumped on his trunk in my child-free days. But I probably wouldn't have gotten stuck behind him then.

  6. the only thing i like about the Tesla is the headlights.

    at night, they look just like a cat's eye. first time i saw one i was driving at night in an area with not a lot of light. came up behind me and all i could see in the dark was the headlights. cool as hell.

  7. Teslas were the first electric/hybrids that didn't look embarrassing. And don't blame the car because the driver is slow and maneuverable, learned that lesson with minivans.

  8. @Raven.

    I too like to see a cool pair of headlights, but not on cars.

  9. @Flashy Vic I think you need a cold shower :o

  10. Here's a helpful hint to all people who want to buy a Tesla.


    The company may go BK with all the failures they have and you will be stuck with a worthless vehicle.

    1. They'll be worth a fortune in a few decades, much like the Dolorean with back to the future.

  11. Hey! I'm a big truck fan. What did you filthy minded bastards think I was referring to?


    1. Is “big truck” euphemism for something?

      I feel like “monster truck” might mean something just because it rhymes with “monster cock”.

  12. Such obvious advice, there.

  13. Why all the haters of Elon? Are you guys invested in big oil and coal? Give the man a break. He may not be the best "Businessman" but most geniuses are not. At least he's trying to make something better for the world. You wanna bet against a man who can land a rocket on a barge in the middle of the ocean? Go ahead. I am rooting for him. The cards are stacked against him. The big boys want him to fail. He's a game-changer and a disrupter.

  14. Yes, we're all tools of big oil and big coal. You got us. It's not because Musk is a crooked scam artist with druggie self-destructive tendencies. No way. It's the oil thing. Definitely.
