Thursday, March 14, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 6, 2019

This want to be leader of that movement made some comments about the permanent A++ lister but when she was asked about her friend the pedophile director she says nothing or claims it doesn't matter.

Rose McGowan/Michael Jackson/Victor Salva


  1. hypocrite.

    she has no credibility.

  2. Nobody needs to be a saint to earn the right to give consent.

  3. Selective outrage, how convenient

  4. It's surprising how many historical figures were actually scumbags. But yeah, maybe some better leaders to keep the movement going.

  5. Piece of shit.

    Perfect leader for fraudulent #metoo.

  6. Controlled take down Of Harvey to protect the real creeps in Hollywood

  7. @J, yeah right!! Entire #metoo is fradulent!! All the brave women who shared their pain and shame are lying. But the two rats on Leaving Neverland are speaking the truth and are to be believed, because someone financed a fancy documentary for them.

  8. Her day in the sun is coming soon.

  9. Hi Little Miss Sunshine!

    Haven't seen Leaving Neverland and don't have many opinions, apart from MJ being creepy as hell, someone I sure as fuck wouldn't let my child into bed with (were I selfish enough to have children).

    That said, if I understand correctly, those two "rats" were children when sleeping with Jackson. Rose and Asia, among others, were adults when they absorbed Harvey's fluids. They were also adults when, for years, they continued letting Harvey climb onto them, or posed all smiley with Harvey.

    Please rebut and correct what I've got wrong here.

  10. Harvey Weinstein and Michael Jackson (while both guilty POS) have been used to divert attention from the bigger and more powerful perverts of the entertainment industry.

  11. The common thread is lack of consent. Children can't give it and Weinstein didn't care if he got it first.

  12. Rose McGowan (and Milano for that matter) were droppin' trow since their early teens to get into the show biz rackets. Wotta pair of toothless snappers to front for the frigid dykes of tinsel town in their mad dash to control things- and likely produce the dullest string of women's issue snoozers since the importation of Swedish cinema back in the day.
    I agree that Jacko was a cut-out, shielding Geffen et al from the easily distracted polloi. And G-ddam, whosit is behind that guy's ilk who need even more protection for even worse crimes probably have Satan on speed dial.
    Hollyweird proper makes the open faced degeneracy of porn look almost quaint by comparison. But then porn is THE biggest distraction Satan and friends could ask for.

  13. I would like to know why Coppola visited Salva in Jail and financed his films?
