Saturday, March 23, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 15, 2019

This former A list syndicated actor who walked away from a hit television show back in the day because he thought he could be a huge star must be really desperate & broke. He’s got some shady middleman sending out cold call emails to the financial industry like a Nigerian Prince, using his name, begging for “funding his indie projects”

Kevin Sorbo


  1. Lol.
    Maybe Jussie can make some introductions.

  2. Sorbo has had several strokes, so it's amazing that he's still around at all.

    They may have been coke strokes - the first happened when he was still on "Hercules" - but I'm not sure you can say he "walked away from a hit show" if he was dealing with that kind of medical condition.

    1. Wow! Thanks for the info Nutty. KS just kind of disappeared. That's too bad.

    2. Yeah, disappeared into nutty Christian movies.

  3. I was thinking maybe steroids as a cause, he was very pumped during the show.

  4. Kevin still owns a house in Henderson, NV that he bought with his 'Hercules' money.

  5. He makes appearances at comic-cons; I've seen him at two during the past year and he is always very nice and engaging with his fans.

  6. He claimed his first stroke was caused by a chiropractor.

  7. Kevin had two syndicated shows which both did well. So he left Hercules for another syndicated show?

    And I'm sure he makes pretty good money doing cons. Alot of those actors do better at cons then at acting.

  8. Sweet Baby Jesus, I got one! I doubted my own guess, but i wrote it, so I'll claim it! It's as close as I may get, lol! 😁

  9. Most Indie projects are funded by hopes, prayers and financial angels aka money marks who want to be in the business. So I'm not sure he's doing anything wrong sending stuff to the financial industry.

  10. Enty likes to make the blinds as ‘dramatic’ as possible.
    He’s probably doing allright/ not broke, but is looking for funding for his next spiritual/religious movie.

  11. He's too well known for being Herc and isn't a very good actor. He started playing the christian angle a couple years ago, but that hasn't helped either. If he changes his look a bit, he could probably get some indie roles that will be happy to have his name for publicity & he could work with an acting couch to improve.

  12. Andi meant coach I think, but working on a couch works too sometimes even for him.

  13. Hes producing Christian movies and seems to have a following. I follow him but I'm a conservative Christian so he isn't for everyone.

  14. @Nutty_Flavor


    Sorbo is on record saying he suffered a stroke after a chiropractor adjusted his neck. He did an interview with CNN, saying he went for an adjustment one day and he heard/felt God tell him to tell the chiropractor not to touch his neck. Sorbo said he dismissed it but kept hearing this/getting that feeling. The rest is history.

  15. I had no idea he was a cokehead. So even Hallmark won't hire him?

  16. @nutty_flavor...I had a stroke caused by a chiro. Actually 3 as I had 2 more over the course of the afternoon. About the same age as KS was.
    @serena Rodriguez...not nutty movies, just your opinion.

  17. Kevin Sorbo was never even B list let alone A list. He was C list when he was even starring in his own show

  18. The chiropractor-induced strokes: it’s up to 6 now that I’ve heard about, both personally and anecdotally. Would never let a chiropractor touch my neck, ever.

  19. I saw him a few years ago at a "high rollers" meet and greet cocktail party at Mohegan Sun casino in Connecticut. He was there along with some other past their prime celebs and athletes. The only other ones I can remember are Goose Gossage and Marcus Allen.
