Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 19, 2019

This former Disney actress turned A-/B+ list adult actress is spending upwards of $5K a week to support her boyfriend's spending habits. He spends zero of his own money even though he has quite a bit.

Bella Thorne


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What does he spend on? Not on grooming products, for sure.

  3. She's making a lot of money per day on IG, so let her do what she do. Hopefully she's not stupid or drugged out enough to piss all of it away.

    1. Oh, I thought she definitely was drugged out? Maybe I have her confused with some other Disney person.

  4. She's doesn't hide that she loves pot. Enty has revealed she's had to get new teeth due to meth use.

    But, yeah she supposedly makes big bucks from IG endorsements.

  5. Hey maybe he's a great lay, men aren't the only ones who are shallow.

  6. it threw me because it didnt say future porn star

  7. When did Enty say she needed new teeth because of meth?

    And when she finally dumps that troll there will be jubilation across the Internet, especially on her sub-Reddit and on Man do they hate him.

  8. According to her Wacky page, Thorne turned to child acting because her single mother and three other siblings were poor. Then she says she was abused. Two things: Did her "mother" pimp her out to pay the bills? And, is the child abuse confession misdirection on that score? I think the IRS should investigate.
    BTW, with peerage names like Thorne, Avery especially, and Delancey in her immediate family tree, don't believe that poor shit for an instant. A talking mule like "her(?)" doesn't get on stage without bloodline connections.

  9. I actually think Bella has talent as an actress. It's so sad to see her going downhill.

  10. She's definitely stupid AND drugged out, by the way.
