Saturday, March 30, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 22, 2019

This A+ list mostly movie actor is blaming the foreign born model/wannabe actress he calls a significant other for him not winning more big awards this past award season. He says she should have been more supportive of his massive over inflated ego.

Bradley Cooper/Irina Shayk


  1. Thank God i have a normal sized ego!

  2. He should blame backlash against Gaga instead of blaming his beard

  3. Free the Shark!

  4. Was funny the blind after the globes said he was pissed at the attention she got for her dress, then she shows up at the Oscars in a black Supreme Court justice robe and he is still pissed. What a dick

  5. Bradley is a big dumb tool.. He's disgusted with her, he didn't win because he didn't get enough votes.Ugh

  6. She could do better, his eyes are too close together

  7. I don't get the need to have a partner during Oscar season... I know it affects votes, but I cannot understand the importance when it's often so obviously fake.

  8. She needs to drop that piece of shit. And he's not "clean & sober" - he's on drugs again.

  9. That. Movie. Was. GARRRRRRRBIIIIIDDDDDGE! ADC being the only watchable character as dad + wasted SE as brother = TURRIBLE. Sack Lodge, boy siddown. Wasn’t there blinds on here about how awful ASIB was going to be??

  10. How does being supportive affect his chances of winning an award? I don't get it.

  11. I call bullshit she did the happy family publicity tour. Poor kid, probably didn’t know who the fuck Bradley was. When he didn’t get enough buzz. He switched to the are they or aren’t they having a Gaga/ BCoop affair. What was Iron Shark supposed to do go out and blow each academy voter?

  12. "he's on drugs again" witch ones and how many??

  13. I doubt this is true. Didn't she just have a baby?
    He doesn't seem like an asshole.
    Also can't figure out why anyone thinks he's gay. He does not seem gay one iota to me.

  14. confucious: look at close-up photos of his eyes, and you tell me which ones. The ones that make you pupils dilate full-size, and make the edges red. The ones that make your nose red. Also, his anger is because Irina wouldn't give out sexual favors to Academy members. Just call it a hunch. He's a piece of shit, and she needs to dump him.

  15. Citizen S: That's because he isn't. There has literally never been any proof of that.

  16. ASIB is showing on flights. Had to fast forward through much of it. Hollywood and theFPA were overly kind and generous to give that bomb any votes. It truly dragged on and on to the depths of boredom.

  17. I don't know why anyone would think this kid is not Bradley's. There is no way this situation would still be going on 2 years later if Bradley was not the father. Not to mention the idea that Irina just happened to get pregnant by a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes, while possible, seems like too much of a coincidence. LOL

  18. @Dani: Irina has a person in her life, also in the industry who would be the more likely father of the little girl. Neither parent bothered to mention the child turned 2 on 3/21. And you are wrong about "zero evidence" of BC's bisexuality/homosexuality. Read some of these comments, and then read some on other sites.

  19. @Citizen S, if you're going by stereotypes then sure.

  20. Elphin MacSkye: I stand by my comments. There is no way this situation would still be going on if someone else was the father, not when it is so easy for Bradley to get out of this situation. Also, comments on gossip sites do not count as proof.

  21. Just to add to my last comment, Bradley has been photographed with this child when Irina wasn't even in town. I doubt he is voluntarily taking care of HER child when she is away working.
