Thursday, March 14, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 7, 2019

Stalkers are common, but death threats are not. This A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has received dozens of death threats prior to the launch of her new movie and she has a huge security team paid for by the movie studio.

Brie Larson


  1. Replies
    1. Idk Raven, I can’t imagine caring enough about any of them to want to kill them.

    2. My thought exactly! Who cares that much about a movie that will probably be remade in five years.

  2. Don’t most of them get threats, regardless? I assumed it was just part of being a celebrity. She is the definition of bitch face though.

  3. @raven

    Incels and other insecure men got upset she wanted more diversity for the movie and its press (interviews and such). However, what they heard her say was "StRAiGhT WhiTe MeN aRE eViL" and got upset.

  4. from what I've heard, she's not a bitch.


  6. thanks Astra, L and Sandy!

  7. lol. Maybe she needs the new Ghostbusters to protect her.

  8. Yup, PR stunt, she went out of her way to create controversy where there was none, the movie isn't that good so they need to blame straight white males for its failure.

    Also, I thank anyone who unironically uses the word "incel" for letting everyone know that they are spoon fed all of their opinions from tumblr and huffpo and as such has no valid opinion anyway. Thanks snowflakes!

    1. I took Social Media Management courses online and the woman who taught the course just kept using the course (which I took for the marketing/strategy knowledge and best practices) to promote her vegan/“ethical” values. Which, yeah, I love animals but the self-righteousness of it was kind of sickening.

      ANYWAY. In the class about Tumblr, she literally basically implied that when you’re on Tumblr you should just tell Tumblr users what they WANT TO HEAR. She specifically used HuffPost (IIRC) as an example of which PC/liberal posts got the most engagement and how one HuffPost post about a liberal shooter (motivated by hate for Trump) got little engagement (likes/reblogs) because “nobody wants to hear that” (even if it’s a fact and NOT fake news at all). Asshole also liked to post graphic photos of poor animals to prove how much of an “animal activist” she was.

      Anyway that woman is straight-up asshole anyway because she’d use social media accounts of small businesses for “bad examples” and NEVER bothered to blur the names put (and we know she has the resources to do so because she blurred out her credit card number).

      So yeah, if you’re on Tumblr you’re being fed by people who just want to tell you what you want to hear. Sad.

    2. Okay so “basicallly LITERALLY IMPLIED” was bad wording LMAO. 😂🤣

      What I meant was she implied it but was way obvious about it, if that makes sense. Damn I am a terrible writer.

    3. *Names out and sorry that was long as fuck

    4. Lol Scandi 😂

      What the fuck is it with vegans and their annoying arrogance and self righteousness? Don’t eat meat or animal products, I respect your choice. Just don’t act like I’m Satan D. Hitler for eating meat. Go ahead and believe it, I don’t care but save the sermon, this ain’t church! Why can’t they just stawwwwp with their bs?

      Oh and I’ll never tell anyone what they want to hear because I don’t care 🤷🏼‍♀️ Being an adult is being able to hear shit you don’t agree with or like. Some people never grow up.

    5. Well it’s one thing to appease/coddle someone, but worst part about it was the woman was teaching people to tell Tumblr what Tumblr wanted to hear so they could SELL THEM SOMETHING.

      That being said, my heart is still warm from learning that the Instagram egg was just trying to promote mental health awareness. 🖤

  9. I actually liked the movie quite a bit. I thought she was good in her role.

    Are people just pissed that Captain Marvel is a woman in the movie?

  10. +1 @ Alf Landon.

    Call my cynical, but my first reaction was this is a PR stunt by the studio. Wouldn't surprise me if they figured cooking up a story about death threats might help the box office, given negativity about Captain Marvel and Brie herself. Plus, nothing like a little virtue signaling of their support for Brie and her comments.

  11. It failed so bad it made $455million worldwide the first weekend out.

    1. I wished I lived in the world where 455 million was bombing. Gee, only 455 million.

  12. The thing is though, Incels now have a hole conduit for their rage. Peterson,Shapiro,harris etc and the entire make 'make brown people the reason for why my gaming ass never gets laid crew.

  13. She wants more diversity in movies, MRA's think that means she hates white men, so they threaten her & do all they can to bash the movie.

    They did the same with Charlize & Mad Max.

  14. Omg hahaha the perfect succession of comments from "incel" to them posting is RICH hahaha

  15. The lack of self awareness is astounding.

  16. So rosie, what's this about you giving some girl a date-rape drug?

    1. I wouldn't suggest it. Drugs arent the answer.. If you're truly interested in losing your virginity, I'm sure there's many here who could help you, Incel.
      Start with working on your personality?
      The tiny Weiner we can do nothing for..

  17. Akbar, that's an ironic comment.

  18. I am entirely too lazy to kill someone. The planning, the doing, the coverup.... way too much work

  19. I don't think death threats are that uncommon for famous people. Not to diminish it, but they are usually completely empty, just venting from imbeciles.

  20. I hate superhero movies and comic book nerds. Grow up! I'm not over here playing with Barbies.

    1. @Unknown, we're having too much fun to care what you think.

    2. Enjoy your arrested development. Ignorance is bliss and so is chronic masturbation, as I'm sure you're well aware.

  21. There were a few op-eds published in advance by people who had predicted the film (that they hadn't seen, naturally) would flop, and they asked Marvel to reconsider their stance on social issues. Now, the same guys are busy rewriting their articles, explaining how this particular film is tearing the MCU apart and is dangerous.
    Funny how the MRAs turn out to be the biggest precious snowflakes...

  22. That's disturbing. My heart goes out to Brie.

  23. Nobody gives a fuck about what a rent bimbo like Brie Larson says. My guess it's a fake news spread by Marvel to revive interest in the movie which is bombing badly.

  24. Hilariously, the term "incel" was created by a Canadian lesbian back in the early 90s during a dry spell in the relationship front.

  25. Maybe that dry-spell lesbian should have roofied sex partners, like I hear incel rosie does.

  26. So rosie, I keep hearing you use date-rape drugs on unsuspecting girls. Is that true? I know you're a crap mom, but slipping roofies to unsuspecting people? How fucking creepy. Dirtbags gotta dirtbag I guess.

  27. Can we just drop the fake-story conspiracy theory? Marvel movies are pretty much a sure thing for financial success at this point, it's going to make a billion dollars, and it wasn't a widely circulated story, so that theory just doesn't hold water.

  28. *snore*

    new material, peasant.

  29. lol... do the pills make your victims snore, rosie? Or are they more like comatose when you drug them?

    Does body temperature stay the same?

  30. Love the basic assumption that every stalker is a man. Of the women I've known that have gotten stalkers, there have been just as many female as male stalkers.

    Death threats against Brie are weird though, only heard good things about her.

    1. You'd know having a female stalker living across the street!

  31. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Oh, bullshit. The "hype" around this movie is so manufactured, either Enty is making shit up again, or this is a pathetic PR stunt. They've had her showing up to seemingly random theaters in costume, if she were getting legit death threats, she wouldn't be allowed near the general public right now.

    I didn't care about this movie, because I don't care about comic books, but the bullshit swirling around it from everyone makes me dislike her, the movie, her "fans", and her detractors.

    Just shut the fuck up already. It's just a movie. Remember when movies were JUST a movie?

  32. Anonymous2:43 PM

    People are (justifyably) upset because she is saying MALE CRITICS (paid ones are all over 40) -- should not be representing 'film criticism' and it should be more: divierse/black/women etc.

    In terms of REAL Social Justice, Film Critics online or through print (IE she hates Roger Ebert types) -- have really no effect on REAL equality in life. Its like complaining that people working at a box office are too white. Or that the Cowboys are too white, its how its been established.

    Everyone is tired of the 'its not ok to be white' mentality people preach. But she took it a step further saying she 'doesnt give a fuck' about 40 year old white dudes. Shes also completely pathetic and overexaggerating her 15 minutes.

  33. on top of the fact that women love to absolve themselves of responsibility for their own choices


    they also love to paint themselves as victims of the patriarchy and "toxic masculinity". the biggest mistake democracy can ever make is allowing women to vote, b/c they are highly susceptible to pandering

  34. First off, Cap'n Marvel is the lamest super hero evah! HE was a Superman knock-off that got sued back in the 1820's or whenever this shit started poisoning young minds and they tabled the whole publishing house. Cpt. Marvel was frozen in legal ice for decades until DC, the plaintiff, bought the title. Even so, the character stunk- He dressed like a drum majorette and said stuff like "Shazam!" which is shit Gomer Pyle says.
    Also, Brie Larson is the dullest dishwater to be force fed on the public as a "star" since daddy Spelling tried to make his half-horse daughter Tori a TV staple.
    These movies do not make half a billion dollars in a weekend, tho' they do launder much more than that over a similar period of time.
    Also also, lesbians of color are no better at running things than the superior white man so do y'all a favor and shit in your own pot, not mine.

    1. That is fascinating stuff about the lawsuit and knock-offery. Thanks!

    2. Omg Substance D I agree with all of this 👍🏻🙌🏻

    3. Ooooh, I would add Don Johnson in a dress (Dakota) and Anne the horseface Hathaway to the dullest dishwater list that's ever been forced on us poor movie going and TV watching folks.

  35. @ painkillr- you forgot a couple of points:


    It’s so refreshing when a man just “gets” us.

  36. JFC, leave Rosie alone.

  37. this another death threat like Jussie’s?

  38. The Captain Marvel in Marvel Comics is completely different than the CM from the 40's. That character is now Shazam which has his own movie. Capt. Marvel started out as a man in Marvel back in 1968. That character died of cancer. Carol Danvers became Ms. Marvel and in 2012 became Capt. Marvel. It can be complicated.

  39. LOL people actually believe the incel narrative. It's a creation by not just the movie studio but (((hollywood))) at large. It's the same tune as the racist narrative. Pushing division and self silencing amongst anyone who disagrees or raises their voice

  40. LMAO please go on Twitter or Youtube for five minutes, Dr King, and you will see how wrong you are.

  41. @Kim
    If a movie costs one billion to make and advertise, 455 millions in ticket sales is bombing.

    1. Her movie didnt cost billion dollars, yall in these comment sections are crazy as hell, you really think someone evil because they want more diversity in Hollywood and that she wants hear more voices than just old white dudes (who are majority inside hollywood) these comments on these post just show how sad people and why we need more captain marvels

  42. Apparently the production budget was only $152 million. P&A budgets for this kind of movie would be another $150 million. I suspect they are darn close to breaking even after the 1st weekend. I recall the incell & 4chan transplants saying similar things about Black Panther.

  43. Step-n-Fetchit, it's just old Jew dudes. A fine distinction, but mention must be made. Got nuthin' against the tribe as I got's rabbis in my woodpile, but the key is that these people are all related. Its bloodlines, not beards and black hats that make power. The religious shit is just smoke up our asses.
