Sunday, March 24, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 17, 2019

This would be shocking, but must see television. This permanent A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is seriously considering doing a reality show with her family. I didn't even know she owned televisions.

Angelina Jolie


  1. I have a hard time thinking that Brad will be okay with this as regards the children.

  2. It won’t happen. Brad would have to consent. He won’t

  3. There's already an Octomom show, isn't there?

  4. i don’t see brad easliy consenting to this.
    she must be absolutely broke, feeling unhireable, and/or looking to play a PR sympathy card with the public. why else do it?

    1. I can't believe anybody believes and the entries CDAN has on Angelina. They are so obviously made up to cater for the female first/dlisted crowd.

  5. If Brad were to give permission, I dont see Angelina letting anything less than glowing to be aired. Now, unedited nanny cam footage with quality audio? That would be interesting!

  6. Angie's World. Or Teenage Terror Teens and Ange. Or Family Jolie or Posh Kiddos who need fashion makeovers.. She must be on the verge of bankruptcy. allegefly

  7. She's probably extremely boring to be around.

  8. It won't have the kids on. It will be showing her saving the world one refugee at a time. She's probably looking at running for political office or a higher position in the UN, heck I bet you she thinks she could be Secretary General some day.

  9. Why would it be hard to imagine she has a television? The kids were raised with tv, she has talked about watching old reruns of shows she and Brad watched as kids with their kids. She probably has one in every other room in the house.

  10. It would probably be a docu-series at refugee camps...very little of her kids...something on CNN or PBS

    She's talked about various kids shows the kids watch, I remember her hate for Caliou cause he's a whinner, which I don't blame her for, I didn't like that one either....his voice was awful

  11. Agreeing with Post Cards From The Edge. Maddox is about to turn 18, so perhaps she also hopes to use it to bolster his producer/industry cred as they crusade around the globe. "Family" might also include her brother. Expect it would be more Bourdain and less Kardashian.

  12. Brad won’t allow the kids to do it, she’s not speaking to her brother, so what ‘family’ would this be?

  13. I always figured Maddox would get a huge trust fund, then OD on coke. When AJ had to be gutted to keep the cancer away, I was sure he'd spiral on a meltdown.

  14. Oh Ange, do it. Please.

  15. >>>She's talked about various kids shows the kids watch, I remember her hate for Caliou cause he's a whinner, which I don't blame her for, I didn't like that one either....his voice was awful<<<

    lol @Andi F!! That's 'zaaactly what I used to say when my daughter watched :p

  16. As others stated, this would probably be all about HER not her kids, and no one likes her so she should quit while she is ahead.

  17. Correction: SOME people don't like her.

  18. Poor Maddox,the original Saviour, started going bald quite early.

  19. It will be like watching Octomom :) And Octomom did think that she looked like AJ- hahaha.

  20. I find this hard to believe. Maybe a docuseries but reality tv, nah

  21. This would be a huge mistake if the cover of her celebrity gets pulled back and she is exposed as an under educated fake who is nothing like her carefully crafted image.

    Could be a big mistake. Huge!

  22. SdAuntie, how about Jolie's Follies?

  23. I don't know anyone who likes AJ
    Brad seems like a nice guy and doubt he would let her, unless she's got the big dirt which would be I DUNNO

  24. No thank you. There are enough nut job reality stars out there.

  25. Does she need the money? Either way, I'll pass.
