Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

March 20, 2019

The demands at each stop were ignored, but no one at any of the networks could believe the rider length sent along by the people of this foreign born A-/B+ list list actress. It compared to what an entire A list band would want for an entire day and night rather than a five minute television appearance.

Priyanka Chopra


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    She reminds me of a coworker I used to have. Exotic, pretty, but had this musky odor I couldn’t quite identify.

    1. Body odor, garam masala, and hubris?

  2. She has delusions of grandeur.

  3. I don't get her at all.
    I saw some pics of her hanging out with Sophie T. That girl is like 23 years old, she is 35. I would feel weird around my sister and her friends with an 8 year difference. I felt like the babysitter. I wonder if she feels like the babysitter?? It's just such a weird combo....

  4. I'm starting to get the feeling that she thought the Jonas brothers were big like the Beatles. Like sure to Jonas fans but everyone else thought they were a f*ckin' joke.

    1. Did she think they were as big as The Beatles, though?

      Because I’ve only heard about these guys in passing. I’m thinking she didn’t know who they were because of the age difference. When I was fangirling boyband members, I picked the ones with members who were between 12–7 years older than me.

      Anyway, I’m not disagreeing with the “She didn’t know how big he was” theory.

      In fact I’m 100% for it and I love watching it implode. 😂🤣🍿

      In case anyone thinks this isn’t plausible, I was once catfished by someone who claimed to be an English actor (I KNEW who he was, Hell I even watched his show) but I didn’t know what kind of fandom he had (his fandom is... “intense”, if you know what I mean). I had NOT anticipated that. By the time I realised I was catfished, I was crying happy tears of relief. 😭🕊🍃😂 (yeah, it was THAT scary.) plus whenever I criticised his friend, I’d even get death threats.

      So I think Priyanka not knowing what level of a fame she married to is 100% plausible. Except I think it’s more because she’s not in the band’s demographic rather than the fact that she’s from India (because I’m from Indonesia and there are several fan clubs here for that actor I was catfished for). Makes perfect sense.

    2. *AGE demographic (not regional)

  5. She's just getting to know her future sister-in-law that's all.

  6. This is the kind of woman who needs a good, hard hate-f*ck on a regular basis.

  7. @Brayson Exactly!! And didn't they hit their peak like ten years ago?!

  8. Brayson and Jennifer-- she latched on at the start of a new upswing (new songs are doing well, movie coming up, etc), and I have a sneaking suspicion she'll want most of the credit

  9. How is she even famous ?

    1. I read her rich Daddy bought her way into Bolly AND Hollywood. I don’t know a thing she does...

    2. I thought it was another Bollywood star she was a mistress to. Salman Khan.

  10. they need to stop dealing with her. Problem solved.

  11. @Jennifer,her new husband is only 26! And likely gay,so a bigger deal than a young sister in law.

  12. Guesser-- LOL! Just sort of a bigger deal, huh!😂

  13. Brayson has it. That’s the problem with most inter-cultural marriages, one doesn’t know what they are really getting into. She thought he was straight, he thought what??? No, he didn’t think at all.

  14. Beyond tired of her.

  15. There are so many beautiful Indian women, she's not one of them.
