Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 12, 2019

He didn't come out all the way and say it, but this foreign born former A list boy bander implied pretty heavily he doesn't get along with his former boy bander group member because of the latter's substance abuse issues.

Louis Tomlinson/Zayn Malik (kind of ironic considering what happened shortly after this was written)


  1. Zayn doesn't seem to have any relationships with any of them.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Enty thinks this is ironic because he thinks Louis' sister died of a drug overdose.

    While I have no inside information, she had been losing weight rapidly and exercising excessively. The cause of death appears to have been an eating disorder - anorexia, bulimia or a bit of both - that weakened her heart.

    The initial reports said a heart attack and noted that she apparently screamed right before her death, which doesn't sound like any drug overdose I know of.

    Her death could have, however, been a combination of drugs and the effects of an eating disorder - such as cocaine on a weakened heart.

  4. She died from laxatives messing up her blood chemistry.

    1. Good to get this inside scoop from someone sitting on their couch somewhere who has never met these people!😂

  5. The family has had enough heartache. No age is right, but death of a parent at a young age can really change people.

  6. @Nutty
    There was a blind this weekend about Louis' sister. It was that Zayn had introduced her to his dealer, and picked up her tab. Plus an eating disorder would do it, especially bulimia. She may also have had a hole in her heart since birth- a 1/6 chance. The drugs/coke could also been contaminated with other drugs.
    Louis must really hate Zayn if true.

  7. A hole in the heart? Death by cocaine use? Whoa, and here I thought that it only happened to poor Regina Morrow from Sweet Valley High! Where is Bruce Patman? Is he behind this?

    But really, I’m sorry that she died. RIP Ms. Tomlinson

  8. The blind was about Louis introducing her to his dealer and paying the bills.

  9. Can there be two bottoms in a relationship?

  10. Damn she was screaming before she died? How creepy... I agree it would be an eating disorder finally taking its toll. Drugs probably just made it easier for her to not eat and exercise too much.

  11. Poor family. Just sad.

  12. Enty seems to find joy in other people's tragedies. Not the first time I notice this and I've got so many questions.

  13. Enty doesn't find JOY in other people's tragedies you stupid wanker. this is a GOSSIP site and one of the only few good ones left...go read people if you want fake hearts and flowers... IDIOT

  14. So basically no chance they will ever comeback for a money-making reunion then? not if your ex-bandmate helped supply the drugs that killed your little sister. Meanwhile the jonas bros.go straight to #1 and appear to have a very bright future indeed,funny that.

  15. Um...how exactly do you think this website is run, Laura
