Friday, March 22, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 15, 2019

He gets photos with a Crown Prince so she gets an interview talking about some theatrical company which she is supposedly in charge of. There must be some rule within the household that if the foreign born dual threat A list mostly movie actor gets any kind of publicity, his wife gets something immediately after.

Benedict Cumberbatch/Sophie Hunter


  1. Are the cumbercrazies still submitting theer blinds? I remember why I stopped coming here.

  2. Is Cumberbatch even a thing anymore? Who is the "Crown Prince"? That shitty last season of Sherlock kind of spoiled the whole thing for me.

    1. Guessing the Crown Prince is Charles, because he had an event recently. And he's the Crown Prince, even though most Brits don't call him that

  3. Polish that turd. Maybe start with an angle grinder.

  4. I’m writing this knowing well that I’ll be attacked by both his supporters and his haters. I see a lot of posts about his wife or marriage that get tons of sharp responds. Here is my personal observation on him:
    Their first child was born on June 1st 2015 so if it was a normal full term pregnancy you count back 40 weeks and that means the child was conceived on the last week of August 2014. The Emmys were on that week in 2014 and I think another blind on cdan said he claimed he was in bed with her when he won an Emmy.
    His team tried so hard to shove a big lover story down everyone’s throat before and during award season. He is a gentleman (or pretends to be, idk) and he would not impregnate a girl without marrying her. So that was a shot gun wedding. But they pushed for it to look more romantic in public eyes. I don’t believe that the marriage is fake and the kids are fake, those crazy accusation do not make sense at all. Having 3 kids within 4 years is a bit much, it makes me wonder if she is either trying to make sure he can’t go anywhere or if both of them are trying so hard to prove they are a picture perfect family. As far as the wife, she does seem like a snub and is very minimally (if any) talented. She is articulate tho and I do remember BC saying a girl with smart or great conversational skills is sexy. And looking at all his exes, he does like that stiff upper lip snubbish I’m above commoners look. That is his type. I would not be surprised if he himself tries to promote her as this creative successful person, he is very ambishous and he would want people to think he married a very special person. I’m tired of his PR team constantly reminding us of his crazy fans. Many famous people have crazy fans or stalkers or threats, but their teams usually don’t feed the crazy the attention they seek. His team makes a big deal out of the crazy ones and uses it to keep the buzz and fame fueled.
    But honestly the most important parts to me are when BC uses causes that I’m passionate about as a form of publicity to stay reletive and jumps on any wagon that he thinks will benefit his image without actually being committed to it. I know he has gone vegan, good for him, but I read an interview around holidays saying the environmentally conscious star is worried about the wrapping papers that are used for gift wrapping in holidays! Listen buddy, i have been committed both at home and at work to live a conscious and environmentally friendly life for over a decade. It’s my passion and career. You drive cars and motor cycles that are far worse for our planet than wrapping paper (for gods sake, buy the recycled ones and recycle them again). If you really want to do something, take notes from Mark Ruffalo, he has been committed and passionate about this cause and does a great job at being an advocate and role model. That’s true commitment not just creating an image for your narrative!
    And remember when he said he woulda accept jobs if the female lead wouldn’t get paid equally? I would like to know if Rachel Brosnahan got paid equally for the movie they just made together (his company is a part producer). If you make a bold estatement like that then follow thru with it. It’s unfair to use the struggle we working women face in our careers as a form of fuel to your public image persona.
    If enty, himmmm or herrrr do have information about this, please let us know. Rachel Brosnahan has a very bright future, is very talented and deserves to get paid equally. If he didn’t follow thru with his own words, it will be shameful.

    1. I TOTALLY 100% agree with this statement:

      “His team makes a big deal out of the crazy ones and uses it to keep the buzz and fame fueled.”

      His UK agent tweeted an warning about another client’s fake/impostor Twitter account (Helena Bonham-Carter) and then I tweeted them requested them to do the same for him (I even provided a SCREENSHOT of the fake Twitter account, although I did not include screenshots of the emails I’d received from the impostor). And they did nothing... (Like, I don’t want to sound entitled, but if they had just said, “hey beware of impostors, emailing you talking about acting/this Twitter accounts pretending to be him, etc.” things would have been so different.) It’s like they WANT to crazies to stay crazy. They don’t give a shit what happens to random common people or their reputations.

      Now I have stalkers because they think I know this jackass.

    2. Oh and FFS you little drama queen 😱, it’s not the end of the world: πŸ˜’

      Such a caveman.

    3. πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜‰

    4. Speaking of his team, i think they keep tabs on “the crazies” for security (fair enough).

      But somebody close to him once wrote a piece in The Guardian which turned out to be plagiarised, some people alerted the original researcher who wrote it (and responded) but somehow nothing happened and the person who wrote the article without attribution got away with it.

      IDK. I just had to get that off my chest. Sorry.

    5. Everyday we can make adjustments, choices, decisions that impact our planet and environment. If one really wants to put the effort into it, there is a way to do any task in a more responsible way. What he could do was to switch to electric cars and use solar panels in his house to promote that lifestyle to his followers. He could quit smoking for real and make a change. Those would be more effective than worrying about wrapping paper. It doesn’t sound like a genuine concern when you look at the way he lives.

    6. OMG Waterlilyyyy stop eeeet 😭😭😭😭 I’m so fucking traumatised by solar panels. IDK how I feel about solar panels okay.

      I lived in an eco-friendly ashram in Bali that ran entirely on solar panels. So the first night I stayed there I was afraid and kept the lights on and in the middle of the night someone banged on my door and slid a “DEAR NEIGHBOUR” note under my door in CAPS and basically lectured me about prevesrbing the solar energy (remember THIS IS BALI 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞 FFS). It was a letter because it was a silent retreat where you weren’t supposed to speak on the compound. And I was so startled and so shamed. I just can’t with people. Everytime sienne says “solar panel” I think of that. πŸ˜–

    7. Sorry to hear about your bad experience, that does sound really upsetting.
      I have solar panels in my house and am very happy with them. It’s ok to be worried or scared of something. I get it, It’s not for everyone. But it definitely does help our planet.

    8. Waterlily, are you in the US? I’ve considered solar panels but am unsure. Are they expensive? Do you save a lot of $? I want some real info on them, not bs from someone trying to sell them to me.

    9. I live in California. There are two parts: the panels themselves and the installation of the panels. There are many great solar installers in Southern California I can recommend. As far as the panels, I decided to go with sunrun. They have 20 years maintenance warranty and recently partnered with a wholesale membership company (Costco) so the their members can get a decent price on them. Im sorry I can’t help much with other states or countries, but read customer reviews or go on consumer reports to see what feedback you can gather before purchasing.

    10. It’s okay Waterlily. I may have overreacted just like my neighbour overreacted (I mean calm your tits we’re in Melanoma Central FFS).

      Next they’ll be all like, “OMG teh sciences sez teh sun is a star and all stars eventually die so we must preserve the sun by dimming it down to 50% brightness. We must give a shit about future generasyuns.” πŸ˜’ like if you care so much about future generations, how about wearing a condom? 🀷🏻‍♀️

      In other news, I just met with my physiotherapist and she told me about how some meds may cause tremors as side-effects although mine is from nerve damage (my rheumie just refered me to get to checked). And so I trolled the doctor and said, “what if I i decide to become a surgeon?” And she freaked out. πŸ˜‚πŸ€£ like, “no don’t be a Surgeon!!!!! 😧 what do you do for a living now?”

      (I don’t think my physiotherapist has seen “Doctor Strange” but it was fun as hell trolling her.) πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

      I’m definitely going to Hell πŸ‘©πŸ»‍⚕️

  5. Sorry for typos again: he said he wouldn’t accept roles of female wouldn’t get paid equally, not woulda. Sorry about ambitious being type ambishous too. My bad for not checking before submitting.

  6. He is really not that interesting. Restraining order time

  7. The article is shite. She and her friend are pretentious twats.

    1. Zebra Seasoning, Pretentious is a very good description of them! πŸ‘πŸ»

  8. I'm still waiting on more Moriarty. The same guy that f*cked up Dr Who also f*cked up Sherlock, surely we can get a Moriarty spinoff away from his cursed shadow.

    1. They really need to stop looking at AO3. (You could see the tendency for fan service even from the earlier seasons. It’s good to give fans what they like to see within limit, but don’t let them dictate what you write.)

    2. Fans are like your children. You give them sufficient nutrition to grow, but if you spoil them (letting them dictate what should happen to characters, etc.) it might ruin their future.

      I didn’t even bother seeing the last season of “Sherlock”, by the way. I watch old stuff from before I was born now.
