Friday, March 08, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #5

March 1, 2019

The drunken pawing of this foreign born permanent A list model by this follicly challenged permanent A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee while out of the country at an event was embarrassing to watch, and so uncomfortable.

Elle Macpherson/Nicolas Cage


  1. Well, that triggered my gag reflex...

  2. Ugh, this blind would have been much more interesting 20+ years ago.

  3. A it old for Nik isn't she? Don't I remember something about him and his sons girlfriends?

  4. i can never see him as anything other than his character on Leaving Las Vegas.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. He was great in Lords of War. And Moonstruck. He's a good actor but he needs a better agent.

  7. Cage needs to go back to the National Treasure franchise so he can find those Anne Hathaway journals from the previous blind item.

  8. Fiendish--- brilliant!!😂

  9. Surprised. NC likes young Asian ladies do he can forget about his receding hair line .

  10. Fiendish - hilarious! Genuinely laughed out loud at that one!

  11. Isn't he bankrupt? Where is he finding the dough for such high rolling travel? I cannot imagine anyone is paying him to come anywhere.

  12. When I was a travel nurse, I worked with a couple of nurses back from a Hawaiian assignment who were hit on by Cage at an outdoor restaurant in Oahu, separate times but the same weird pick up line. "Hi, I'm Nick Cage, want to come up to my apartment and see my new furniture?" They said he was pretty disheveled and altered but no mistaking his face and voice. Apparently he spent a lot of his time lookin' for love, or whatever he could find.

  13. And Elle was just allowing this pawing?
    Not blaming the victim, just that she is an celebrity old pro - can't see her letting it continue past the the first 'paw' on the Body. Unless something in it for her?
    I think she could take him.
