Friday, April 19, 2019

Blind Item #10

Why yes, this A-/B+ list comic writer/host/standup that most of you probably know, did leave his family for someone less than half his age.


  1. Joe Rogan?
    Patron Oswalt?

  2. +1 Andy Richter announced a couple days ago and he is tweeting about living in an apartment

  3. Now will he stop being a SJW snowflake asshole

  4. I didn’t know richter was a real person

  5. Jeff Garlin from the goldbergs

  6. I wonder if Pete Davidson takes Kate home to the basement of his parents house, where he lives, to administer BDE to her?

  7. Lol Sandy - TOO MUCH!!!

    For what it's worth, all my (real life) friends who know Pete came out like gangbusters to defend him as a good guy when I posted a pic on my FB with Kate looking glam and him looking like a detoxing junkie.

    So - I'm actually sure Pete's probably a decent dude but uh. He has ISSUES THOUGH duh.

  8. Duh Hunter💆 but as long as he can BDE Kate, she doesn't care much about his issues.

  9. *sigh* Et tu, Andy?

  10. Well its not like Richter is attractive 🤮

  11. I was going to give him sh!t b/c of all the unfunny jokes he'd do about his wife, but 27 years is a good run, not bad at all.

    And hey, when the time comes to give up your old car, you don't go out looking for one just like it, you look for a newer car with less miles that isn't a b!tch. ;)

  12. Richter has a large rep for being a nasty SOB, hard to believe his wife is a bigger bitch than he.

  13. Wives need to pick up their game...if you dont fuck them someone else will and get that pay check too
