Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Blind Item #10

What A list showrunner/director/writer who openly claims to have 'fallen into the trappings" of being famous and approached by women is anything BUT a hapless victim? If you think casting couching talent and telling at least one writer "You need to screw me to get your script read" is 'affairs" then he needs to look up the definition of consensual adults and mutual sex. Maybe the wife who publicly called him out already knows that the geek turned Hollywood heavy is a liar on more than one front....


  1. https://www.thedailybeast.com/screenwriter-max-landis-stages-his-metoo-comeback-with-a-girl-power-action-movie


  2. Joss Whedon

    his ex already called him out with her essay I think last year?

  3. But yeah

    Joss Whedon’s ex-wife Kai Cole says he’s a “hypocrite” for preaching feminist ideals


  4. Loved Firefly, Buffy, whatever, but Whedon gives off a total pig vibe, worse in person.

  5. 100% Joss Whedon. I have really enjoyed a lot of his work, but he's an ass. In his response to his ex-wife's letter he claimed that young, needy actresses were throwing themselves at him and he was powerless to resist because he had been programmed by THE PATRIARCHY (cue the imperial march) to spread his seed or some shit like that.

  6. Ugh. Damn it, Joss. I did not know this information and it seems a lot of my favorite shows are tainted now...

    I went into this thinking it was JJ Abrams...

  7. Ugh. The disillusionment continues

  8. Such charming comments and excuses...barf!
    Brayson do you have anything further to add to tales of his schmuckery?

  9. Not surprised if it is Joss, and I guess it'd vindicate me for not liking a damn thing he's done, whether it be TV, film or comic book.

  10. Anonymous12:56 PM

    The man “wrote” the wretched POS known as Alien Resurrection. Nuff said.

  11. At some point, Eliza Dushku is going to spill about Joss too.

  12. Let's also add pregnancy discrimination to the list of Joss' misdeeds. he tried to fire Charisma Carpenter when he found out she was pregnant. Someone he had worked with for years, but how dare she be out for a few months.

  13. Was Joss Whedon ever really considered a "showrunner"? He's more like a creator and producer.

    He's a genius but also an ass. And a complete disappointment of a human.

  14. Joss Whedon would support the bad guys in firefly he's a total fascist.

  15. If this is true. What a disgusting pig

  16. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I knew Whedon wasn't that great, but I didn't know he was this bad. Very disappointing. The first A-lister that came to my mind was Aaron Sorkin, but I'm sure you guys are right and I doubt Sorkin has ever claimed to be a victim.

  17. Ha ha, I thought it was J.J. too, but Whedon fits better.

    Just damn. That rather taints Firely for me.

  18. Joss Whedon obviously. Another self-proclaimed "male feminist" that's anything but. Also, ladies who choose to sleep with a director/producer/etc to get roles are well within their right to do so but they do no favors to women trying to get work based on actual talent/acting experience and help the cycle continue.


  19. it's always an ex-wife isn't it ?

  20. Joss was my hero but yup he is a sleazy scumbag when it comes to women.

  21. To be different Dan Harmon. Sounds like something he would do too. He's already admitted to harrassing one woman and his ex Erin has called him out on things before.
