Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Blind Item #13

This one named rapper is probably A- list. He has gone toe to toe with his most famous A- list singer ex about his lack of child support/visitation/being a terrible parent. Apparently he has not one, but two women pregnant right now which would make seven different mothers.


  1. Def future. I think there are more baby mamas

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM

    def future and ciara

  3. Anonymous11:48 AM

    ciara and russell wilson are GOALS

  4. Why can’t he keep it in his pants or at least wrap it up?

  5. Now this is classy.

  6. He's just plain disgusting and he doesn't spend time with the kids he has

  7. Snip the snake already.

  8. Kfitzm why? Because of what they post on social media? How old are you? Don't be so naive.....

  9. These girls will open their legs to a so-called celebrity, rapper, athlete as they see an opportunity for a better life than they currently have. My Mom was a children's legal advocate and we came across this situation all the time with the young women.
    The female see this as an act for Love for their so-called boyfriend. They are too young, naïve to think of the long-term repercussions. Plus, with a child, they will qualify for government benefits. End Game: If they don't get that rapper to give them money, they will get it from our tax dollars.
    I have seen women with 4 kids at age 22. After they get food stamps, a 2nd, 3rd or 4th kid is seen at just getting more $$ with each kid.

  10. Additionally, the rapper, celeb, etc. KNOWS the chances of the woman suing him is miniscule. He can afford to hire attorneys, she typically can't-plus it is considered cool to be a Mom of a rapper. She sees herself above the other women, 'cause she's got a rapper's kid.
    These words are taken from one of my Mom's legal cases. Not my opinion, this is what the girl's think in the 'hood.
    Sorry if I offended anyone.

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  12. It's a black hole!

  13. Future is just plain old nasty. And if you sex him then you nasty too. Ciara should have known her worth. So glad she woke up cause Russel is FINE.

  14. Brayson-- fascinating, and amazing what it took to get that pic. It doesn't take much to make me feel dumb, but, nothing makes me feel dumber than the extremes of subatomic or astro physics. Like, sore brainz dumb.😵

    Back to the blind-- thumbs up to Russell and every other guy that proves being a good father is a whole lot more appealing than just being an irresponsible stud service.

  15. So gross. As judge judy says ‘she picked him...’. All parties should be neutered.

  16. @Brayson....OMG, did they have to call it the Event Horizon? Have they not SEEN the movie??
    In the late 90's when the movie came out a friend saw it and when we asked him how it was he said "whatEVER you do do NOT watch that movie on acid". So of course myself and 2 buddies rented the movie, each took a tab and watched the movie. (Big mistake, HUGE.) LOL. Good times though.

  17. @NicoLe props to your mum!

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