Friday, April 19, 2019

Blind Item #13

Speaking of weight, this designer actually had to buy something from a different designer last minute because this foreign born alliterate A-/B+ list mostly movie actress all of you know had gained twenty pounds from the last time she was measured.  There was no place and no time to make any kind of alterations to the one brought halfway around the world. The designer sewed a label on the bought design and called it their own.


  1. Anonymous11:50 AM

    Gal Gadot?

  2. Lol. Can't be Winslet... she's already max-size.

    1. Can't be Winslet because her name isnt alliterate. Trying to be mean about someone when you can't even read yourself.

    2. Kate is stunning as always she doesn't have to starve herself like others do ...J is just mad cuz he cant bag it or any other thinking same rational partner

  3. And she’s still skinny

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Keirra Knightley (while she's at an alliterate actress, enty has referred to her that way in the past). And I just saw this on the DM earlier.

    1. Gen-z99, alliteration is when a person's first and last names start with the same letter or sound.

  6. Holy Crap I can't believe Julianne Moore wore cut-outs on the SIDE geez. Well she's the one who admitted that to be an A-List actress is to live in starvation (props to her honesty).

    Kiera Knightley deserves to gain a few pounds - she's been trying to starve her lower body off (like Lily Rose Depp) since Day 1 and frankly it just ain't never gonna happen.

    Some girls are build different, glad Kiera is more comfortable.

  7. that is one ugly dress Julianne Moore has on.

    and Kiera Knightly does look like she has gained some weight. she is beautiful.

  8. TBH, Kiera is a normal healthy weight, it is just she was so very thin before, she looks heavier.

    The color, ruffles and cut of the white dress she is wearing would be hard for anyone to pull off without looking heavy,

  9. I actually find very skinny women sometimes look better when they put on a little weight. I actually find taylor swift sexier now she's heavier and a bit more voluptuous. she used to be very tiny and kind of asexual to me. kiera looks beautiful still

  10. Both Julianne and Kiera's dresses are hideous IMHO. Both ill-fitted and UGLY.

  11. Julianne Moore is beautiful, but that dress/boot combo is ghastly, imo. Keira's is pretty and ethereal-looking.

    Never having done couture, how long typically between last fitting and event for this sort of occasion? She's a tall, typically weight-conscious girl, so for her to put on twenty that couldn't be accommodated by alterations, either her dress was extremely form-fitting, or perhaps baby #2 is on the way? Just a guess, since this alternate dress is very loose cut, and to me, she looks very relaxed and healthy. Whatever the case, she's wearing it well

  12. Julianne is probably thinking, "I would have put on 30 to get me out of this relic from a late 80s video."

  13. See I feel the opposite. Keira's dress is forgettable. Something I'd see at a summer party. That being said, good for her putting on a bit of heathy weight. That Julianne wanted to go edgy and show herself off at her edge, applaud her and she looks amazing!

  14. Doesn’t Kiera always wear Chanel, as the face of Coco? Nope, not her.

  15. Julianne's dress looks like someone skinned your grandmother's haunted couch while Keira's looks like they also got the window drapes. Seems like in couture you can only fail upwards.

  16. To each his/her own. However, your Grandma's had quite the interior decorator, Brayson! 😵

  17. @Vita, I'm just saying that when furniture looks more chic than you do it's time to switch designers 😅

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. At least Moore is faithful to her multi decade inability to find a flattering, attractive outfit.

  20. Kiera actually looks good with a little weight on. Meh dress though.

    1. I agree buzz. I loved her in atonement, but she looked skeletal. She looks happy and healthy in that picture and Enty has implied in a past blind that she has been dealing with depression.

  21. Christian Siriano

  22. Oh no another female celeb weight gain...the horror

  23. Brayson: LOL!!!

    Whoever it is that gained weight, I bet they are finally feeling good. Starving and dieting is not fun.

  24. Kiera looks fantastic with a bit more lbs. She was always a bit too skinny imo (not judging, I know some people can't help it). I think she actually looks amazing in those pics. Maybe she is pregnant?

  25. The actress' weight shouldn't be an issue--unless she has become so large or small that her health is at-risk. Instead, the issue here should be the designer's lack of ethics.

  26. Brayson- Indeed!😂

    The Wiz-- You are so right! I got so caught up in the dresses and whether Keira might be preggers, I forgot to ask whether sewing his/her own tag in after purchase was an issue or not! At first, I was kind of thinking it was a designer/designer agreement (bailing a friend out of a bind, and design was sold). However, if just bought the dress W/o other designer's agreement and sewed own tag in, that would be problem, for sure. (Im assuming designs were expected to be from a particular designer, or no label switch needed?)

  27. I am NEVER clicking on a "she got fat" item EVER again (no matter how it's disguised, including designer tag theft). I'm tired AF of being hungry and I'm not even an actress.

  28. @Gen-z99: Alliteration: the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words.
    Kim Kardashian
    Donald Duck
    Fred Flintstone
    Jesse Jackson

  29. And this is why we have those coke whores and puke breath girls in HW...even enty is weight shaming when he protects the identity of fat and gay then they will reveal..pedo rapist are safe..

  30. Lol @Brayson, your comments about Julianne Moore wearing couch and drape style couture had me spitting my coffee out, love it, very evocative! :)

  31. What happened to Kiera Knightley happens to a lot of women who have children. Their metabolism changes and over time they gain weight. Actually not unusual at all.
