Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Blind Item #13

There are lots of offers always out there for the former actress turned celebrity. The thing is though, she can't take them. What if though, it was just a voice over role? Interesting thought/angle that is very intriguing to the actress, and maybe palatable enough for those that make the rules.


  1. Possibly if not her Rose MacGowen?

  2. That description is always Markle.

  3. Anonymous11:50 AM

    +1 mm

  4. Ever get the impression that she's already planned out her divorce/exit strategy?

  5. Why can't she just relax?

  6. Markle - Keeping up appearances.

  7. Probably offers for more pornos.

  8. Question is, will she be doing those voice overs in that horrible fake British accent she's been sporting lately?

  9. +1 for Meghan Markle

  10. I just there is no more salad tossing!

  11. Voice over salad-tossing on a children's cooking cartoon?

  12. She's the sole reason I quit watching Suits.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I'm not a salad tosser, I'm a salad tosser's wife. A Tosser's Revenge.

  15. I cannot believe she has offers for anything. She can’t act, can’t write, and can’t wear clothes properly. She alienates everyone she works with. I also cannot see that she has a following that would rush to see her in a project. A few nuts and bots on Twitter and the Gram do not an audience make.

    1. Spot on Nutty.

    2. Great new blog Nutty, spot on as usual.

    3. Have you seen Lainey or the Kaiser/Celebitchy commenters? They looove her. At this point she just makes me nauseous.

  16. Media Meg is constantly talking over Harry, so she has plenty of experience in that role.

  17. Is there anything distinctive enough about her voice to make it worth the voiceover effort? Like a Simpson's guest role? Otherwise, I can't imagine where it would matter if her or an actress

    Maybe she'll do the Banker's voice on Deal or No Deal?

  18. Maybe it's a voiceover for the Bond Girl role that she nearly got. Haha.

  19. It would be interesting if Meghan ends up being the sane one and Kate is the crazy one.

  20. I doubt that. Have you seen the lump on the dim Prince's head in the pictures of his solo engagement, today? Is that mental abuse turning physical?

  21. Anonymous2:13 PM

    Megan could star in the Koo Stark bio

  22. @Sandy: why did we both think of McGowan? Is it because she is now a brand? She should be in prison - transportation of Cocaine.

  23. Grace Kelly wanted to get back into acting. That was a hard no.

    You want the crown you give up your independence. You can't have it both ways. No matter how hard you try.

  24. shaggy rogers & velma dinkley scooby doo where are you

  25. MM is no Grace Kelly, maybe Graceless Smelly as lack of personal hygiene seems to be a big problem.

  26. Snatch and Ladders: who said she smelled bad? She looks dirty, and not in a good way.

  27. @Elphin, it's been documented a lot, and spoken about more personally, mostly during her "dating the Prince " days. Stories from legitimate members of private clubs, hideaways etc. She loved the audience in the private clubs, couldn't stand being hidden away at home just having sex. But yep. Hygiene is not en pointe.

  28. Elphin the only reasons I thought of Rose is 1)she's a former actress now a (infamous) celebrity and 2)shes probably blackballed for on-screen work.

  29. Well, I guess I’m way off- my 1st thought was Rosanne.

  30. I am about to defend her, well partially @ least...

    I think MM or MMS has a beautiful smile, sort of the Julia Roberts big toothy smile. I always find it warm and engaging - whether it is fake or not.

    I have never thought of her as a poor actress.

    I feel for her, because I come from a crazy family too. Even if there is an ounce of truth in what Samantha says, it is absolutely devastating to have a sibling constantly tear you down. My nieces and nephews were also taught to talk about me discouragingly and they treat me with no respect.

    Then, I got married and things changed. My siblings many children all of a sudden had a different viewpoint into who I was, because they had someone (that was not my parents) defending me. Some will always believe what their parent said and I will never get over that, but I am moving on with my life.

    Luckily my parents were my best friends. However, when they passed though, I was truly alone, with the verbal/mental/emotional abuse of said sibling(s). It has been over ten years and I have a spouse who loves me like my parents did and it is an amazing feeling.

    MMS does NOT have the same relationship with her parents. She used to have a great relationship with her father and none of us know what happened. I used to like Harry (never as much as Wills though), but when he didn't meet her father in they year and a half to two years that they dated and were engaged, well that said a LOT! My father may have passed, but my husband had to ask my uncle for permission for my hand in marriage. It may be symbolic, but it is about respect, and not meeting Thomas Markle showed him absolutely NO respect!! I can understand why he would be upset!

    And though her mother was invited and did come to her wedding, where were all the cousins and the mother's siblings? I have stated that I know of one cousin who thought they had a GREAT relationship and there is nothing embarrassing about her. She is a fantastic person!! That also showed me something, because as CRAPPY as my family treated me, I invited ALL of my family to my wedding. Some came - because they didn't want to miss anything - some didn't, but my sibling that treated me horribly was there. I didn't want them hanging anything over my head, and truth be told, I do love my family, I always will. I am glad that I invited them, because I would be mad at myself if I hadn't...

    Fast forward a year for MMS...

    She married into royalty, but she thinks she is the queen. Even if we didn't have her family talking horribly about her, the fact that she has had so much turnover in her staff is enough to tell the world that she is @ least a "wee" bit difficult...cough cough (rolling my eyes)...

    Once Diana passed, those 2 brothers were as thick as thieves and when Wills married Kate, Harry was always a part of things. It was then the 3 of them against the world. Now, they are never together and you know Diana would not be happy to see this. Perhaps she would have stopped Harry from marrying this girl that has a lot of personal issues...I am not going on media, I am going on everything we have seen so far from news stories vs. gossip sites.

    Any baby shower I had, if my mother was alive, she would BE THERE!!! If I was a former actress, my mother would be right by my side - or I would postpone the event until she WAS able to be there. This second shower "for family," yeah right! Even if I was Royalty by marriage and my mother was a mere commoner, she would be there!!

    I know that we only get snippets from what happens behind closed doors, but I wish Harry had married someone that the family knew and loved vs. someone that only superficial celebrities want to be a friend with. I wish them the best, and I know they will both love this child to pieces (or at least Harry will), but please, repair the apparent rift with your brother and let those cousins grow up together the way their mother and I am willing to bet Prince Charles would want them to be reared! That is all...

  31. Vita- I would LOVE to see South Park do a show with Meghan Markle coming to visit the town for some sort of charity event.

  32. Who writes a wall of text like that on blogger? Ugh

  33. Pink Palace, yeah you defended yourself not Meagan. And just out of curiosity, how the hell do you know for sure that "Harry will" love this child to bit and she won't. since you're only sure one of them will?

    She's married to him, get over it. If you don't like the way she does things, then don't do them her way. Everyone on here commenting about this poor girl and the odds that her marriage will end quickly....all the while do any of you know who your spouses are stepping out with?

    1. Unknown, I wasn’t defending myself. I was just stating that it can be done. I have no need to defend myself to a bunch of strangers, just sharing some insight as Gentle Breeze recognized. ;-)

      Indigo Blue, we all have @ least one toxic family member. 🤣

      Back to you Unknown...Part of me feels for the girl, or I would have just kept my mouth shut. Her mom not being at the shower was just the latest shocking moment. Hopefully she will get her head screwed on straight, now that she is at home, prepping for her baby...Harry has always been known to be a loving uncle. We have heard him talk about wanting to be an uncle on more than one occasion. Don’t know too much about MMS, but she does seem to love her hubby. I don’t want any marriage to fail, but I don’t want Harry to lose the close familial relationship, due to his choice in brides.

      As for Fergie, she was a duck out of water, poor girl! Her relationship w/her ex, Andrew, is amazing! I actually was invited to a tea in honor of Fergie, a few years back. She was the most down to earth person, quite lovely.

  34. Fergie wrote a children’s book. Maybe MM will do a voiceover for a cartoon in that faux British accent Hannah J mentioned. Jeez, didn’t she learn from Madonna that acquiring a fake accent would go over like a lead balloon?

    Nutty: Hilarious comment in your blog about PH’s wedgie. I guess Meg didn’t care that he looks foolish. It’s allll about her.

    Meanwhile I’m getting dizzy watching the PR wheels spin...

  35. Well, it takes someone from a trashy family to know someone from a trashy family. I have what I have always termed, "circus folk" on one side of my family. How my mom turned out normal is beyond me. But sometimes you can take the girl out of the Circus, but you can't take the Circus out of the girl....(I'm talking to you, Megan)

  36. Pink Palace, thanks for the insight.

  37. Gfbcpa-- OMG-- That's a great idea for them, but could you even imagine what that script would look like?!? LOL! Something is telling me it wouldn't be what she or the Palace has in mind!

  38. I truly don't understand the hAte for her. Kate and Will had a high turnover their first year of marriage, most people working alongside the royal family (not all) are essentially friends of the family the first year, from what I gather and need to get on with their own lives. Pippa worked for Kate her first yr.
    Two years ago a lot of turnover was occurring in the royal family.
    Just stop the hAte, it's annoying and no, I am not she. I am a chunky blonde chick

  39. The 'Firm' may let her do a voice over but only if she agrees to donate all her salery/royalties to charity. She can't have a moneymaking side gig on the Royal Family watch the Sovereign Grant and Charle's hand outs is all she will be allowed so Megs better make it stretch.

  40. 'Graceless Smelly' LOL it's childish but it's also funny

    You can't compare her to anyone, not even Fergie. At least Fergie wasn't conniving, she was just simple, naive and sort of like a kid in a candy store. Sparkles seems to be a nasty, calculating and narcissistic bitch on wheels. The recent smear stories about Kate and William and the way she treated her dad, not to mention her own mother wasn't; even at her baby shower, prove that.


  41. the queen referred to POC as "Nig Nogs"

    imagine the contempt she has towards markle

  42. I enjoyed Pink Palace's story.

    I also haven't heard anything about "high turnover in the first year of marriage" for the Cambridges. Could you provide a link?

    It was the Queen Mother, not the Queen, who used that derogatory term for Black people. The Queen Mother was born in the year 1900; fortunately, society has moved on since then, and I can only imagine what people in 2136 will think of the words we use and the attitudes we have today.

    The Queen Mother died while Meghan was still at Northwestern University - in fact, died while Meghan was probably still married to Joseph Goldman-Guiliano, so they never met.

    But the Queen Mother was Wallis Simpson's biggest enemy, so I doubt she would have been a fan of Meg.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. When you post your Kneepads account , your high school classmates address, and your grocery order...😱😚😎

      My original comments:
      Thanks nutty and thanks for the 411 on Joseph Goldman-Guiliano!! Never heard of him, but the news is out there. I also found a MB (so old school) called royal dish. I will have to join.😉

      And thanks for asking about the high turnover rate during the Cambridges first year of marriage! My siblings were quite a bit older and they “made” us watch Princess Diana’s wedding. (I honestly think my dad enjoyed it as much as the rest of it, though he never would have admitted it.😇) After that, I was hooked. I too have NEVER heard of a high turnover rate for them the first year or any year...I would gladly eat humble pie if there are cited articles to back it up though.

  43. Is she pregnant or not?

  44. Have a look at the video upthread and decide for yourself @Paul Saint John.

  45. To me, the most interesting aspect of the pregnancy has been William's complete refusal to comment on it.

    He's a family-oriented guy. Even though he doesn't like Meghan, wouldn't he be excited about his only brother's first child? His first niece or nephew?

    But he's said nothing at all, and apparently evades the question when asked.

    Kate was asked at some walkabout if she was excited about the Sussex baby, and she said something along the lines of "Such exciting times."

    The original Sussex birth announcement in October also lacked the usual line saying "The Queen, Prince Philip, Prince Charles, the Duchess of Cornwall are all delighted with the news." The line appeared on all the Cambridge kids' birth announcements.

    Meg's announcement that she won't give birth in the standard Royal hospital is also a little odd. There's been talk of a home birth. Hm.

  46. MM just might have enough “acting” talent to be a “star” in a karaoke film. Certainly not enough talent for a voice over.

  47. And after the home birth, the Royal Prosthetic Pillow will grab it's magical umbrella and float away from Frogmore Estate. To where? Who knows, where ever there are childless aristo's needing to secure their family inheritance, and titles.

  48. Did anyone see the news? The Queen will not let Meghan wear her crown jewels. I could have sworn that Fergie was allowed to, on special occasions. Yes, I know it was a different time...but it is also yet another story thT doesn’t make MMS look the best.

    And did ANYONE catch the pics when it was announced that the Cambridge and Sussex families would be officially splitting? I thought the pics were taken for Charles 40th or 50th anniversary as the Prince of Wales - or a charity event the next day.

    Kate looks more furious than I have ever seen. Wills is looking away. Harry looks like the proud hubby as he smirks/glares at Kate, and Meghan looks like the cat that swallowed the canary.

    I got caught up w/work, so I couldn’t mention it then or see if anyone else saw the pics. I can’t find the exact one, but People has one from an angle I hadn’t seen and Harper’s Bazaar caught most of it, but the pic I am talking about, oh boy!! Another time I wish I had been a fly on the wall.😈

    I think Today had the pic!

  49. She is NOT pregnant. There is a surrogate-in-waiting to hatch the lizard egg. Not, not, not pregnant. No way.

  50. Hi Megs, Tick Tock, Lovey

    Did you really believe Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the 2nd and King in Waiting William with his future Prince of Wales Son would let YOU bring down the House of Windsor?

    Too bad, you could have had it made.

    You’re greed, avarice and just generally being a shitty person, is going to cost you everything.

    What do they call that?

    When you have spent your whole life using and discarding anyone who had the bad luck to call themselves your Family or Friends.

    I think it’s Karma, Sweetie

    I for one, can’t wait

  51. Honestly wouldn’t be surprised if there were roles on offer for MM simply because it would be a coup to get her. Think about it, the only show/movie to manage to get her on its cast even though she’s previously been forbade from doing it (plus she’s very high profile now, it’s like hiring a Kardashian-Jenner to model, they may not be a top model but they have crazy name-recognition and will attract attention to the campaign just by virtue of their social status and media presence).

  52. I think one of the reasons MM behaves the way she does is that she knows that Hollywood loves infamy as much as talent. In fact the more notorious she is, the more her cachet. She really does have a licence to behave how she wants. She sees no down side to it.

    Notoriety is not a stable profession, but she isn't really that smart.

  53. I heard they are doing a remake of The Grifters, MM would be perfect for the lead role.

  54. Pink-palace said……
    “As for Fergie, she was a duck out of water, poor girl!

    Not exactly, Fergie grew up in that set, many people forget or never knew that Sarah is actually descended from Kings , She is a direct descendant of King Edward I, King Henry VII, and has family connections to King Henry VIII and most of his wives. Sarah was actually a fourth cousin of Diana’s.

    Sarah always reminded me of not very bright, bouncy red setter puppy and she has never grown out of it. I think the fact that she has so many lifelong friends from many different walks of life who have defended her through thick and thin says a lot about her. She tries so hard but always manages to stuff it up one way or another, you just have to laugh.

    The Royal Dish is full of the nastiest razor tongues Pink_ Palace they have been trashing Mary of Denmark, Sofia of Sweden and Mette-Marit of Norway in exactly the same way as Meg for a decade, Letizia of Spain also gets an unceasing rollicking. They come across as bitter old maids who disapproved of their pin-up princes (Fredrick, Carl, Haakon and Juan Carlos) marrying commoners. Kate used to get the works but now they have Megs to rag on instead.

  55. Oh come on! Megs couldn’t get a walk on a karaoke video, her acting is so awful.

  56. Nutty +1. And have you guys seen her “act”? She’s terrible, a one-note wonder both onscreen and in real life.

  57. @emeraldcity

    Thanks for the dish! Haven’t joined yet, but I plan on signing up for the Royal Dish. I had forgotten about all of Fergie’s relatives, but she was different because she was down to earth. The Royals thought she was a bad influence on Diana, but I loved seeing those two have fun together. She was a positive influence, because Diana never seemed to relax til Fergie. I love Kate, but was hoping for the same thing w/MMS. She knows she is the future Queen, so you don’t see her being lighthearted that much, but if she is with her kids you do, and I love the fits of laughter she tries to hide as George is being cheeky. 🥰
