Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Blind Item #3

There is a story that is getting traction again that was once said by this former A list singer/possible murder suspect. It involved a permanent A list "singer" being molested by her dad. The thing is though, the story the possible murder suspect told was told to her by the evil Svengali. He wanted it out in the press, but never said it himself in any kind of situation legally or publicly.


  1. Sam Lufti the guy that was formerly attached to Brintey got his hooks in C Love now. I don't doubt she was molested, but she's pretty dumb with her money!

  2. i totally buy Britney as that would be the very reason she's having emotional now. Jamie used to be an alcoholic so this fits.

    the way they sexualized her at a very young age.

    so sad. :(

  3. Ravi Shankar

    You read it here first.

  4. There have been blinds that her parents were very "accommodating" by leaving her alone for auditions at a very young age.

  5. Give 3 days and Vicky will pipe up now too wait and see!

  6. I call total bs on this blind. Lufti’s evil influence over Britney was totally vanguished by Jamie Speers. Of course Lufti is interested in spreading a rumor like that. And love is a dumb bitch for spreading it. Yeah she’s credible.

  7. Sam Lufti, Courtney Love and Britney. Her whole life is such a sad situation. I really hope all the secrets come out so she can get some freedom and improve her mental health.

  8. Sam is the classic predator. He will keep on until one of them is incapacitated. Where is a wise guy when u need him. And anyone that believes those rumors is just dumb. The thief wants to shift blame. Sam the NPD a hole.

  9. Who unearthed Sam Lufti in the first place, and how has he stayed in the mix all of these years?

  10. Gaga to be different. Possible murder suspect with that chick who she stole her early music from? Maybe?
