Sunday, April 14, 2019

Blind Item #5

Why yes, that was the got lucky to get famous all over multiple women last night in the desert. No, his long suffering rich girlfriend wasn't there. Yes, he was trying to do what he does best which is serial cheating.


  1. +1 he was probably there to pick pockets in the crowd too.

    1. Large amounts don't grow on trees🎶

  2. Hey he’s prison chic lol. Will never get the appeal🤷‍♀️

  3. Good for him, you only live once so make full use of it!

  4. Well, in fairness, it's not like there are millions of non-felon guys out there.

  5. Hope they used condoms since he has HIV!

  6. All the Free drugs he can use too!

  7. Good for him, blow the one and only chance he will ever have to cash in on a wealthy connection. Can't wait to see him get kicked to the curb and be unable to find another rich sugar mama.

  8. Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth! Omg, and he's got a child with the rich girl, so she can't even just cut him loose. Dumbass move beyond measure. Classic, overly obvious but needed, reminder that looks arent everything. Nor is being able to throw your money around to get what you think you want. Agggh, the tale of these two makes me nutty!

  9. I mean...her track record with men isn’t exactly great, and her star fuckery is a desperate attempt of self-validation. She has no discernible talent, and physically, she’s her fathers daughter. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  10. He will have no.problem finding other sugar mamas. Surprised Chloe was not there since she loves to party.

  11. Given that his looks are completely overrated, he isn't that attractive, it's out there that he has a potentially fatal STD, and everyone knows he is a felon and now has the image of a golddigger with multiple kids to support, he might be able to score a few ONS, but more sugar mommas after this one? Not a chance.

  12. I met a guy who is a DEAD RINGER for Jeremy Meeks but has no tattoos and is doing a tech startup in NYC.

    Dead. Ringer.

    He spoke on a panel I attended and I asked him afterwards how often people tell him he looks like "Jeremy Meeks" who, to be fair, most normal guys would be like who??

    Every day he said, every day. Pretty sure he has it better, this guy, than the actual Hot Felon.

  13. He's doing well for himself despite nobody giving a shit about him.

  14. They kinda deserve each other, don’t they?

  15. Kinda makes you beleive in Karma.
