Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Blind Item #5

Things are quickly going off the rails for this foreign born A list athlete raised in the States who had a huge 2018. Apparently sponsors are not pleased with her choice of boyfriend or that she is talking about starting a family with the boyfriend.


  1. Anonymous7:51 AM


  2. Yeh... she's dating some rapper.

  3. Anonymous7:51 AM

    ohh dating YBN cordae or something. anyone with YBN in front of their name, cant be good.

  4. Ronda Rousey(sorry about spelling)

  5. Well the sponsors can stay the fuck out of her personal life. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the sponsorship is due to athletics, no?

  6. YBN Cordae seems pretty palatable as far as rapper boyfriends go, not much gang or crime history there.

    This is probably a stereotype, but I'm guessing that the kind of sponsors and/or customers that give a sh!t about tennis aren't big fans of rap.

  7. @kfitz

    Naomi Osaka is the Blasian (black-Japanese) tennis player who defeated Serena Williams at the recent Women's US Open.

  8. @ Huckleberry in an ideal world it would be this way but be realistic. Your OFF the FIELD/COURT whatever antics ARE part of a brand and image sponsor capitalize on. Look at Tiger. It is naive to think/say your entire life isn't up for scrutiny when you a rep a label and are a spokesperson/face of a product or label.

  9. @kiki
    I think you are somewhat correct. It's true that people's personal lives have become part of their brand, but that's only true of people who purposefully put their personal lives on display through social media and whatnot, but many people still keep their private and professional lives separate. For a lot of those people, most of the public wouldn't have a clue who they were dating until the sponsor makes a big deal out of it.

  10. Jesus shes just a kid. Fuck off sponsors!
