Thursday, April 18, 2019

Blind Item #6

The former underage celebrity turned reality star turned porn star has been orally servicing pap photographers willing to try and sell her pictures to news outlets.


  1. +2
    She goes lower and lower.

  2. Courtney Stodden makes me so sad.

  3. This poor girl never had a chance

  4. @ notagoodscreenname
    Apparently she does ;)

  5. That's depressing. I'm honestly surprised she hasn't OD'd.

  6. she just does not have to do this to herself.

    there has to come a time when you figure out your life isn't working and it's time to do something different.

    the drive to be "famous" is sickening.

  7. <---grabs old instamatic camera to pose as a pap.

  8. News outlets? as in CSPAN, Fox, MSNBC? or are we considering Radar Online, TMZ and the Daily Mail to be "News Outlets"?

  9. She is beyond depressing. She is chasing shadows. She needs to stop and try a regular life, it might be more fulfilling than she could imagine. It's certainly got to be better than this level of celebdom.

    She worked with that couples therapist on that one show (dont know if there have been others), it'd be nice if she or some other therapist would rescue this girl and at least try to "detox/reprogram" her from wanting fame into wanting peace.

  10. There was something really off about her from the beginning. She was hyper sexualized as a 15/16 year old and her family acted like it was no big thing. They gave her permission to marry a man twenty years old that she had met once or twice. Wth? This video of her hysterical. Hit it around 4:45

  11. Technically those are news outlets. They do report celebrity news.

  12. @cheese, I haven't really heard any rumors about her and drug use, so that's... good? I guess?

  13. You are not a news outlet when you accept money to run 'stories' that are false or misleading. You are a PR outlet.
    of course CNN and MSDNC, and Fox are not news outlets. They are the propaganda arm of the military industrial complex. Thats why they promote every possible war. They are beards of the Establishment

  14. Wow, she only has one card to play and she plays it every time.

  15. I feel like Nik Richie could almost help her out but he seems to have the opinion that she is a lost cause or perhaps too dumb, which is entirely possible.

    A lot of us forget about the entire spectrum of human intelligence. She could be dumb as a box of rocks and with no genuine life skills I'm unclear on what she could be expected to do.

    I honestly am unsure she could be a cashier at CVS.

  16. SlimKeith-- Holy Crap! That is definitely a clip I have always considered Exhibit A in the Trainwreck Clips Hall of Fame. When Id try to describe it, everyone would think I was exaggerating. Thank God for YouTube! It's OTT worse than what you'd think the SNL spoof reenactment would be, unless you actually watch it! Epic! Her parents should have been imprisoned.

  17. By the way - everyone who does not specify a screen name is labeled by Blogger as "Unknown" so all the people posting as "Unknown" may or may not be one person or ten people.

  18. And the people posting as J are either me (on blogger since March 2009) or crazy roofie-dropper rosie.

    1. Ew. Why in satans asshole would I waste any time doing that?

      Quit hitting on me.

  19. In her defense at least she has a work ethic and doesn't expect something for nothing:)

  20. Oh i really hope this sin't COurtney, i feel so bad for that poor girl.

  21. Rosie-- I'm sorry to intrude, but that was flipping hilarious! You got a flat-out, full volume guffaw with your phrasing!๐Ÿ˜‚ Thank you for that! Hoping for peace between you two, as well๐Ÿ˜

  22. Eating aint cheating!

  23. She was 16 in that YouTube clip but easily looked 30, and it was as if she took her cues on how an adult woman behaved by watching Ginger on Gilligan’s Island. That “sultry” way she looked at Doug as he was speaking at around 5:00 is so disturbing. I wish some kind man would save her because I think she might be incapable of saving herself.

  24. She won’t make it to 30.
