Monday, April 08, 2019

Blind Item #6

This married closeted A list mostly movie actor has been hooking up with a new guy every night of filming what will be a huge box office hit.


  1. Chris Hemsworth?

  2. Hugh Jackman?

  3. Will Smith is filming Bad Boys for Life right now

  4. Wow that's a lot of new a$$, is he trying to set a record? He's like the Jiffy Lube of Grindr.

  5. Every night? Damn, thats a lot of energy and commitment from the Actor!

  6. It would say foreign born if it were Jackman or Hemsworthy

  7. will smith set off my gaydar when he was on a show with cher and said he wanted to have sex with her.. this was in the 90s.. love cher but wanting to have sex with her is equal to just saying you are gay

  8. @DJS NOLA.

    Really, cos id've rid the old big nosed sixties Cher in a heartbeat. And not gay.

  9. He likes regular guys. So it's not hard to come on to a waiter or hotel desk clerk. He's very char6in person so after he feels you in with his nice guy routine he hits you with a subtle pass to feel you out if he isn't sure you're down. Very smooth operator.
