Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Blind Item #8

The B list actress who really doesn't work but that every single one of you know because of that ill fated marriage was wine buzzed over the weekend which, as I have said before is the best time you can ever run into her. She lets go of that wall she has to always have up and is the best. The happiest drinker you will meet.


  1. He said this before about Katie, but he needs to get some dirt from her.

  2. Aww, I like a happy drunk.

  3. So you went to NY over the weekend Enty? She was at the Knicks game Sunday on celebrity row.

  4. @sandybrook,maybe Katie is the drinking buddy Actress in the other blind? She doesn't quite fit but you know Enty. And supposedly he is a friend of Jamie Foxx, and he never says anything about him.

  5. Maybe guesser, but if Jamie is selling her out to Enty he deserves to get dumped again. I don't think Katie would be his friend though, although he has been down hard on a lot of his friends in the past-hard enough to lose them like Kaley Cuoco.

  6. Would love to see the happy, relaxed Katie, if this is her! Actually, just as fascinated about the post-Tom life as the marriage (ok, maybe not quite). Why sooo guarded with Jamie, etc...

  7. So you go with Katie and Jamie for a real couple? Enty never speculated on that, even when newsworthy. I think he is bisexual, not gay,so it could be real. But other places speculate it could be cover for other relationships. Wasn't she with a n older married dude?

  8. Katie Holmes. I wanna hang out with her after she's had a few. Methinks girlfriend has lots of stories to tell...

  9. Blinds like these make me think those rumors are true about the real Enty being a woman. I don't see all these actresses spilling tea to some random dude at a bar, but a little girl talk, eh...

  10. You've never met her, @J, nor do you know if this blind is even real.


  11. Guesser-- I think it's real...oddly secretive if just a friendship, whatever odd logic that is (sign of reading gossip way too long!)

    Anyway, Ray was one of the movie channels this weekend. fwiw, I've seen it a few times, but always completely riveted by Jamie's performance, complete immersion.

  12. I've met Katie (pre-Cruise) and she was a very sweet person, definitely the kind of person who would be a "happy drunk". The whole whirlwind romance crap didn't really surprise me because she seemed like the kind of person who would be drawn into that spiderweb just because she was very naive. Miscavige just didn't count on her dad being a bit of a bulldog when it all came down.

  13. I should watch Ray.

    I'm a happy drunk, god I love drinking. Then sometimes I get a bit maudlin. Ahhh. Wine.

  14. So when enty gets to know a celebrity he suddenly "likes them" 😂

  15. Guesser I think they are friends more than anything and if there's one thing we know Katie doesn't seem to have anyone in her life except her immediate family and Siri. Except for Jamie, I don't think I've ever seen her with any friends. She does have a right to be distrustful and distant because of the $cios.

  16. hunter, we should get together for a girl's lunch!

  17. I thought it was common knowledge jamie foxx is gay. In 2010 howard stern almost outed him.


  18. I have a friend that's worked very closely with her on set before. I've heard she really is a fun, genuinely nice, thoughtful person. Its so weird that she was lets herself get involved in such strange all-for-show relationships. I think she just honestly don't give a shit about Hollywood and she's pretty much of the "sure, whatever" mentality.
