Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Blind Item #9

I don't know how much it would be worth, but you would think this former A- list mostly television actress turned direct to video turned soon to be reality star might want to pay up solely to retrieve the old laptop from storage that has videos of her partying in ways that are not very PG friendly.


  1. Sh!t have you been on sm or the internet lately, as long as she's not using non-PC words during the acts it's all mainstream now, might even help her career.

  2. Blacks feel all Whites are out to get them but the sad truth is that 90% of Blacks that gain political power step all over them ,making their lives and everyone who is poor and lives in their communities a living death trap hell .No wonder every town Blacks control ,Whites flee from as soon as they are able to.My husband grew up side by side in the worse projects in Newark NJ, he is in his 60's now,he saw first hand Newark Whites,Blacks,Puerto Ricans etc all living side by side helping each other to survive.No one hated anyone,all were just trying to survive until the powers that be wanted a Black mayor .They bused in the most vile Black thugs to beat,and burn down mostly Black owned businesses pitting neighbors and friends against each other.Just to make millions ,billions from keeping the division between the races.They hated how everyone just got along.Not one Black politician since the 60's has really done shit for the poor or low income families.Back in the ghetto most had 2 parents ,race didn't matter just survival did.Think really hard and you will see this is not racist,just real.Sharpton,Jessie Jackson were front&center so was MLK.Notice they are the ones living the American dream.MLK was killed but his family and those in his circle still profiting today but the people still living in worse poverty.People of all Races need to open their eyes,by dividing us they hold ALL poor ,low income people and now look how few middle class we have.Poor and rich are the true divide in America.Billions have been spent and lives are worse for 99% of the population.

    1. I live and grew up , in John Lewis' district. He is the absolute worst. How he keeps getting re-elected is amazing.

  3. +1 Brayson

    I still think it's weird that Hulk Hogan used the N-word on a sex tape he didn't even know was happening (since his former friend Bubba The Love Sponge had his wife secretly film herself with Hulk to extort money from him), not even maliciously, and he gets blacklisted for a while and WWE's black wrestlers are disrespecting him at the Hall of Fame last Saturday by refusing to look at him.

    Meanwhile, they listen to rap music that has the N-word used frequently and that's apparently okay.

    1. Hulk went and apologized to Black wrestlers over his use of the N-word. Big E tweeted his appreciation of Hogan taking responsibility. Let's not forget Booker T accidentally called Hogan the N-word on live t.v. It's an awful word that no one should be using.

  4. Well this escalated quickly

  5. Black people keep each other down. I went a diverse school and white vs black was never a thing. Black v black all day every day.

  6. fuck all u racist pieces of shit

  7. Mischa-- I think she led a very seedy life during some of that post-OC period

  8. I’m pretty sure bitchy woman and astra whatever are the same person. Why can’t trolls like that be banned?

  9. Sounds like they off they meds.(siding eyeing the shit out of'em)

  10. I enjoyed many of Astra’s posts and don’t recall her having a problem with punctuation and using spaces between words.

  11. Soylent Green is people!!!!!

  12. I wouldn’t put it past astra to change writing styles to appear as different people. I don’t think bitchy woman is her only alter ego either. She’s nutty enough to have multiple accounts so it looks like more people agree with her. No life...

  13. I didn't realize this page had so many racist on it
