Thursday, April 04, 2019

Blind Item #9

This permanent B+ list mostly movie actress was rightfully bragging about her new plastic surgeon. She looked flawless and a decade younger.


  1. I know it's not Jennie Garth but I don't think hers was bad as the Enquirer thinks. I think she looks pretty good.

  2. Just saw Renee Z and she looked great. But B+ is low for her.

    1. OMG Renee fucked up her face a decade ago.

  3. I'll say Aniston because she's busy showing off in bikinis lately

  4. Eh, everything looks great right off the lot, check back in a year or two.

  5. Emma Stone would never do that, she's a natural beauty

  6. Emma Stone is not permanent or B+.

  7. "permanent B+"??? What kind of horseshit is this?? Never seen this here before and for some reason don't like it. What's next - permanent C list?? Nonsense.

    1. Oh please. Some mostly movie actress getting a facelift could easily have started in roles in her teens and now be three or four DECADES into her career and a permanent B lister. For example, Kathy Griffin will never be an A lister no matter what she does, though right now we all recognize her name.

  8. Yeah I'd give Demi a B+ ;)

  9. Texasrose-- Preach!😂 It's great to see you're commenting, and this struck me as hilariously feisty! On one of the Podcasts he mentioned that if someone has won an Oscar, they can never rate below B+. So, perhaps, an Oscar winner who didn't have a string of high profile roles before/after?

    Maybe Marisa Tomei or Mira Sorvino?

  10. You know who had the best plastic surgery I've ever seen? Felicity Huffman! I'm convinced that's why she went on that PBS genealogy show earlier this year:to show it off. But oh dear, talk about bad timing.

  11. We need to know who the surgeon is.

  12. @vita- I've been coming to this site since almost the beginning and have never seen this. It is always permanent A or A+++ ect. The original enty defined oscar winners as permanent A. Several years ago he did a detailed explanation for all ratings and terms. Not saying that someone can't understand 'permanent' anything but stupid when below A. That being said, ratings have always been a little opaque and float which gives commenters something to debate. More likely the current blind writers just putting their own spin on things.

  13. I always thought Jaclyn Smith had the best surgery in Hollywood.

  14. After checking today's Daily Mail( usually the best predictor) it could be Uma thurmon or kate hudson if not foreign born or Kate Beckinsdale, Sienna Miller or Naomi Watts if foreign born.

  15. Texasrose- I very much recognize your name!😊 Just amused by your phrasing, & heard the "never below B+" concept mentioned in relation to Cuba Gooding Jr. Thought I'd pass it along in case it could help (& trying to find some silver lining to a roaring case of insomnia). Good luck, for me it's usually a total crapshoot.

  16. Susan Sarandon has a great surgeon. Her face never seems to age. She always looks very natural.

  17. @bookjacket.......for the best plastic surgery in the history of the world google pix of Queen Letizia of Spain anytime before 2007 then after 2010.

    1. Yes!!! Getting rid of her desperate Dan jaw transformed her.

  18. Anonymous4:42 AM

    We need to care LESS about the tightness of one' skin ...and
    MORE about the content of one's heart and character.
    Plastic surgery....


  19. Jane Fonda has the best plastic surgeon; otherwise that award would have gone to Joan Rivers.

  20. Who is the surgeon??

  21. She's permanent A list I'm sure but Julia Roberts looked amazing at The Oscars. I haven't cared for her fake ass in many years but man, she looked good. Which is probably what she was going for....

  22. There are about 10 great plastic surgeons in the US. A few in NYC, 3 in LA, one in Texas.
    Most PS start their career doing boob jobs. No brainers which don't require a great deal of technical ability or artistic skill. 45 minutes open to close.
    Higher skill set-- rhinoplasty and face lifts. The excellent face lift guys have both technical and artistic skill, but doing the NECK is difficult, as you have different types of skin elasticity and no bony area to drape.
    The neck is the easy giveaway. Yeah, everyone thinks Jane Fonda's guy in NYC did a good job, but her neck still looks like shit.

  23. I also thought Jennie Garth looked really good. She got a lot of hate for it but I think she looks a lot younger.
