Saturday, April 06, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

March 30, 2019

This reality family is going to shoot another pickup scene to show how the athlete will even pick up underage teens.

Kardashians/Tristan Thompson


  1. They are really daring him to spill everything he knows about them. I hope he does.

    And Klowney, you are no victim, nor are you a martyr or any sort of sympathetic figure.

  2. Do Tell-- I completely agree they are daring him...I mean, he's got his own career,reputation and family (not to mention mutual child) to worry about. I cant believe he'd sign up to be public whipping post in their latest script. Weird.

  3. I don’t understand this. How could the Kardashians shoot a new scene showing Tristan picking up underage women? How would he EVER agree to anything close to that? For that matter, how would anyone agree to film that?

  4. Hi There -- for sure, no way in hell anyone would voluntarily film that, let alone for their ex to use to sabotage him!! But, I'm guessing this would be a scene of them reacting to hearing about it third person, or sharing amongst themselves that they'd been told a story. More attempts to villainize him and make Khloe unquestionably sympathetic.

  5. Meredith - [headslap]...what a he doesn't have enough options, he needs to tempt jailbait and validate the Kardashian storyline?...ugh
