Thursday, April 11, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 3, 2019

There are lots of offers always out there for the former actress turned celebrity. The thing is though, she can't take them. What if though, it was just a voice over role? Interesting thought/angle that is very intriguing to the actress, and maybe palatable enough for those that make the rules.

Meghan Markle


  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Yeah. But will she use her bullshit English accent or a spinal tap “oinglish” accent.

  2. I would never recognise her voice. Just like her face, her manners and everything else about her, it's plain, common and ordinary.

  3. She should leave the BRF. She knew what she was marrying into, but can’t seem to abide by even the simplest rules.

  4. She’s probably counting down the days til little $u$$ex is born so she can drop Harry and really get to fame whore. Whatever happened to the release of the sex tape?

  5. What a conundrum a B list 5th lead TV Actress to one of the most famous women in the world. And there is nothing she can do about it acting wise. What a golden cage she lives in...

  6. She’s acting every day of her life.

  7. All the royals are, not just her.

  8. Remember, every paycheck the English people receive is a bit smaller because her sluttery needs to be subsidized.

    1. And it really pisses us off. She needs to remember her namesakes fate; MEGANtoinette..vive la revolution

  9. Anyone else find it strange that her mother, whom she’s so close to, still hasn’t come over to the U.K. and that the baby shower Kate was supposedly throwing for her still hasn’t happened?

  10. IF faking the preg, and the rational side of me still fights in disbelief, she's going to need to do the act of her life the first few weeks after baby arrives. Countdown is so close now!

  11. Lauren, the mother 'she's so close to' who didn't even go to her only child's baby shower?

  12. Did anyone else catch the clip of Oprah speaking of Meghan, saying that she reads NOTHING about herself, ever, and is just such a balanced, happy gal?!?

  13. Yes, complete nonsense. She reads everything, and comments on the stories as well. She was also online with Skippy again yesterday. (See my blog, accessible via my profile, if you don't know the story of Meghan and Skippy.)

    Did anyone else catch today's news about how they're not going to say anything about the birth plan or birth location until the baby has already arrived?

    "Their Royal Highnesses have taken a personal decision to keep the plans around the arrival of their new baby private. The Duke and Duchess look forward to sharing the exciting news with everyone once they have had the opportunity to celebrate privately as a new family."

    Gee, that's not at all strange.

    1. So it's a "home birth" and a secret = surrogacy.
      Will go catch your blog post nutty 😊

  14. all the crap related to the fact she wants a private at home birth and now that they won't announce the birth till they are ready "till familly have had their time etc" Just reeks of "101 method of concealing and keeping the amount of people to keep quiet" as to the birth. They probably have a couple of surrogates on the go and don't have an exact due date and need some leeway to get everything sorted.

  15. I wonder if this is to do with the new cartoon series for kids, based on her and Hazza....if she's got something to do with it, of course she'll want to do voiceover. As William says, " Not Allowed! " . I still think she sent this blind in herself.

  16. Could see a one shot cartoon about the environment or some socially conscious message for kids, she won't get to do the publicity for it, which is what she really wants

    And here comes Nutty with her racist, misogynist conspiracy theories.....and half the comments here all her.

    1. Oh the refuge of those who can’t tolerate opinions other than their own. Name calling.

  17. I actually wonder if she was told she was not to use the Lindo wing.

    At this point it really sounds like she was pushing for the Lindo wing to be a point of photography (arriving from the service entrance) and not of the place of delivery. When that was not authorized, she threw a fit.

    Who knows?

    However, what can be guaranteed is that this is the closest she will ever be to a worldwide suspenseful audience, based on her acting performance.

    I've never watched a single episode of any Kardashian television, because it is trashy. However, Kim actually out-classes an English duchess. Kim Kardashian seems to have more poise and elegance in her years of over-exposure than Meghan has as celebrity royalty.

  18. It seems preposterous that all that there's the likely hood of a surrogate, or several, yet all arrows are pointing to yes. They can't keep this down, even if they have new privacy laws that are supposed to be about rumours of Prince William having affairs. Why would the most vain woman not want to announce publicly, with a photo-op, the birth of her first child? Especially after announcing her pregnancy at Harry's cousin's wedding? Why no due date? Could be April, could be May, could be Halloween! Just like Brexit.

  19. What in the heck did I just read?

  20. Several Surrogates? No they would want the baby Harry's bio kid,Meghan makes no difference . But too many people to keep quiet,they just have to use extra caution. For those that believe she is really pregnant,if anything goes wrong in the slightest,her behavior will be called into question.

  21. I think the problem was that they couldn't get a UK doctor or midwife to sign off on a questionable birth. Who wants to risk their reputation and their license for Meg's nonsense?

    The Royal Family must be scrambling to figure out how to play this.

    I imagine Sir Geidt is handling this all now, and he's doing his best to minimize the damage. They'll throw Meg to the wolves if they have to, but they may not have to.

  22. BTW, I bow to the Black ladies on Lipstick Alley when it comes to shading Meghan.

    "It's kind of astonishing that a human tire fire like Harry Wales is still so confident of his own judgment that he gets pissed when his brother cautions against marrying an ex-yacht girl, unemployed actress from America that he's known long distance about four months," one wrote today.

    "In any case, the BRF has a lot to answer for. He's making them look bad, and they deserve it. Their approach has always been to stick their heads in the sand, cover up, re-package, and keep throwing the miscreant out there to represent. I believe Crown Princess Victoria (Sweden) received actual serious help for her anorexia as a girl, and has talked about it. Prince Harry either did not receive the help for his pu pu platter of serious issues and disorders or the BRF are in serious denial. They've been exposed, IMO."

    All credit (and respect) to the original author.

    The Lipstick Alley anti-Meghan thread is now 307 pages long - the most popular Royal thread on the site - and it's the second thread! I think the first one stopped at around 150 pages.

  23. Lol HushHush. BabyBrexit seems appropriate, as Meghan must have passed her original due date by now if we are to believe that the announcement at the three-month mark just happened to coincide with Princess Eugenie’s wedding.

    All signs point to a surrogate now. You’d think she’d be doing all she could to quiet the haters and conspiracy theorists, but she is only adding more fuel to the fire. The announcement RE Kate’s baby shower for Meghan was only a rumor out out by Meghan’s PR hoping to force Kate’s hand, but it didn’t work. The rumor of Doria coming over for the birth may be true (I could see her coming over shortly after the birth to visit the baby) or it may be another fake story to quiet the uproar over Doria not being invited to the baby shower (she isn’t on brand enough for that event).

    Like I said before, there probably is some interest in having Meghan in her first role since being banned from acting by joining the BRF.

  24. I can understand the desire to keep your birth plan private. My mom & mother-in-law kept chiming in with my 1st pregnancy so we stopped telling them anything, including the baby's sex. It was a lot of fun messing with them.

    However, I really hope MM is not planning a home birth. She is over 35 and fairly petite. A lot can go wrong there.

  25. "Kid will have a two page spread in vogue two days later. For Privacy".
    Duchess of Thots

  26. I love how the announcement says “arrival” rather than “birth”. Seems like a Freudian slip. Obviously, if it is a surrogate, they’ll need to wait until the adoption papers are signed and the surrogate is taken care of until they can display the baby as theirs.

    They could have been open and honest about an IVF struggle rather than pretending that Meghan is as virile as a 21 year old.

    1. Virile? I hope the Duchess is not virile. That would be odd indeed.

  27. @Unknown

    You're right - that would have been the best way to go. A lot of people would have sympathized with her; many people have fertility struggles.

    I think Meghan cut them off by wearing that ridiculous belly in Australia when she was only (supposedly) a few weeks along.

    She may have been concerned that the baby wouldn't get a title or be part of the line of succession if it wasn't born "of the body."

    Will be interesting to see how Geidt handles that.

    God knows Charles is totally helpless.

  28. Everything about her is fake as fuck, from her nose, to her pregnancy, her love for Dim Wit Harry and her upbringing. Nothing this contrived calculating narcissist says or does comes across as real or genuine.

    I agree, had they been open about their struggles to conceive, they'd have earned sympathy points, but she's little Miss perfect in her own delusional mind. I especially love those deep squats in 4 inch heels with her legs together at almost 9 months pregnant. They even top the tacky juvenile banana-ramas and her insistence on following every new age hollyweird trend that LA and GOOP can throw at us.

    1. Steady on. Just in case, check your blood pressure. Stay on the rails here. Is it worth having a stroke over people you know nothing about?

      Oh! Perhaps, it is!

    2. @Roberta, is perfectly OK if this particular story doesn't interest you. But you are here, on a site that spreads gossip (often false, sometimes not) about people most of us have never met.

      If you want to meet people who get their blood pressure up and go off the rails about someone they've never met, visit the Beyhive. I do wish you luck, they have a penchant for flaying.

  29. Serious question.. if this is fake pregnancy how many people in the royal family know about it? It can’t be many because this secret is a doozy. And this sort of tea would seem really easy to get out to the public. Since there has to be a girl/woman hidden away carrying said spawn. Jeez. Wtf.

    Those fake belly’s when touched do they seem real? Or can you tell their fake in person?

  30. The Big O defended her on her best friend's morning show, so Sparkles must be a real loser. The Big O has the worst taste and loves con artists.

  31. chillax - good question. I'm starting to think that she has blackmail material. Her behaviour has gone from distasteful, to bad, to worse over less than a year. And instead of reeling her in, she still does as she pleases and constantly has a smug smile plastered on her face.

    Harry is clearly an imbecile and I wouldn't be surprised if he shared some dark secrets with her when high or drunk.

  32. If Meghan and Harry really want to not have any publicity on the day of the birth, today would be the perfect day, as the world’s top media (especially London’s top media) are all focused on Julian Assange finally being arrested (poor Pam).

  33. LOL you land a prince but the abortions ruined you.

  34. It's curious that Markle's never skipped royal duties due to morning sickness. Guess she wasn't good enough of an actress to fake illness. A first grader could give her tips in that department.

    1. No female in our family has ever experienced morning sickness. No miscarriages. No babies born with any sort of physical or mental conditions. Morning sickness is hardly universal. Not even close.

    2. She skipped several events she was supposed to attend while in Australia

  35. In December, they were threatened by neo nazis, so standing on steps of a hospital is like asking to be shot.

    1. Scotland Yard follows ALL comments related to the royals including Harry and Meghan. This site, the Daily Mail and other free-for-all sites are considered and contributed to the decision on where and how the baby is born and when its birth is announced. The danger to these two is much heightened due to the unusual vitriol. I don't envy Scotland Yard or the Royal Protection Units. They, no doubt, nixed the photo opportunity immediately after the pregnancy announcement. The choice of birthplace is predicated on security and security alone.

      It's amazing how those who made the most hostile comments are now bent over the birth announcement. Can't imagine why you'd care.

  36. GTFOOH tatty!

    In London you're more likely to have acid thrown at you, get stabbed, or run over by a vehicle, all curtesy of the religion of pieces, than be shot by a nazi.

    Make that more-likeliness Europewide.

  37. This seems odd. With all of the drama surrounding MM, why would she sign up for a voice role? It's not like she has a distinct voice or anything, or people would watch an animated something just for her like they did for the Panda movies. Would they credit her as Princess Meghan for this direct to DVD role and hope that would be a selling point?

  38. Pearl, it’s all about the credits and publicity, not the actual talent that Meghan would contribute.

    People think that they’ve spotted the surrogate at the Commonwealth Ceremony (I personally don’t think Meghan and Harry would be that stupid...but who is that woman?):

  39. Her "struggles to conceive?" She was up the duff within weeks of her wedding. For a 37 year old supposedly pregnant with her first child, that happened very, very quickly. It sure does smell like a surrogate, but not because of her "struggles to conceive," but because she didn't want to get fat and have to fight the battle of the bulge after the birth of the baby. Remember her contract with her ex-husband, Trevor, that she would need to have a personal trainer, nutritionist, etc. if she were going to consider having a child with him? Someone is going to dish the real dirt eventually.

    1. @Purple, that is odd, too.

      I have an extraordinarily fertile relative who conceived for the sixth time at age 46 (pregnancy was normal, baby had no defects or anything and is actually on the honor roll at his school), so "mature" pregnancies don't trip the radar. A contract regarding the pregnancy, with personal trainers, nutritionists, and who knows what else - that plus the "natural birth" thing trips all the radars.

  40. she acts like a narcissist.

  41. @Andi STFU. Nutty is the best thing about this site.

  42. Unknown -- at some point in the last month someone commented that a heavily pregnant woman was walking the property of Harry and Meghans rented cottage, which I believe they still have the lease of. If that is true, that's for sure someone I would have my spies watching.

    Her sprinting up those steps and striding stage in heels last month when Harry called her on stage was amazing. I never had children, but none of the pregnant ladies I've known, whether toting perfect basketball or a complete head to toe Jessica Simpson type of pregnancy, could move that effortlessly. Maybe it's magic yoga, but her motions are my prime cause of suspicions.

    Still cant believe they'd attempt to pull this off on this scale. The need for surrogacy is a heck of a lot more sympathetic than trying to pull the wool over the world's eyes.

  43. I'm starting to wonder if Meghan sends in these blinds herself just to f*ck with people. Still don't know why people are obsessed with her, because she might not be a good person? Whoo-de-do.

  44. Assuming she is really preggo, i wonder if she does run into problems during the delivery, does the on-call helicopter interfere at all with heathrow airport flight path and will it disrupt airtraffic/ cause delays.

  45. Looks like I'm not the only one wondering if she's faking it and it's actually a surrogate and she's wearing a fake prosthetic Baby Bump and anyone else ever notice too how she always has her hand over her "belly" in every photo, too, like'she's holding on to it for dear life, making extra sure it doesn't slip off and fall? She doesn't LOOK like a pregnant woman,either; no puffiness or swelling in her face, or her fingers, ankles,feet, legs, etc. and I do remember reading someplace before she told a guy she was infertile.I think she's playing yet another role as an actress....

  46. I saw an ad for a story reading app. I can't remember the name of find it searching, but it is like Snapchat for story time for absentee parents. I am grateful to have a grandmother who loved books. This blind reminded me of the ad for the app. Imagine the Sussexes with cartoon ears and noses reading the classic, "Everybody Poops" in posh Brit speak - or whatever dialect she is adopting. Harry can wear his old costume and read it in German.

  47. @Vita: Supposedly they no longer have the country house.

    As far as ‘who knows’, I think Meghan came up with the idea on her own and announced it, then it was too late to do anything about it. They may not even have had a surrogate yet at the time of Eugenie’s wedding, hence, no exact due date. Who says their baby is due ‘in the Spring’?

    @Purple Puffin: She did have that contract with Trevor, but then he later said that she was unable to get pregnant. As far as ‘fertility issues’ go, my understanding is that someone needs to try to get pregnant for a year, before they are considered to have fertility issues.

    @Nutty: Geidt is a smart man. IMO, she’s put herself in a precarious situation. First pregnancy, home birth, her age, lots of reasons why things might ‘go wrong.’

  48. If they did go to a hospital, and the press were alerted, would the announcement be a puff of smoke from a chimney pipe, or more like Geraldo opening an empty vault? I expect it will be a badly exposed instagram post, then deleted, then reposted. See Jussey Smollett.
    This blog is mostly funny, and full of ridicule at this circus maximus.

  49. Hope Her Maj’s Secret Service is ready with the DNA test. Also am i the only one who thinks it will be twins? I mean IVF often equals twins. Surrogacy or no surrogacy. Plus you can be done.
    Like Amal.

  50. However, I really hope MM is not planning a home birth. She is over 35 and fairly petite. A lot can go wrong there.

    @BayAreaGirl - Another reason why I think they used a surrogate, although IMO the surrogate is carrying the biological child of both Meghan and Harry.

  51. Mango, shut up. I’m not Andi. My god. You are so crazy you can’t believe multiple people have the same opinions.


  52. If we see a bunch of baby photos pop up on people magazine, we know what the situation is - i find it hard to believe she would bypass a opportunity to sell her fake baby photos for a huge profit - which of course will be banked into a "discreet" offshore account.

  53. Meghan is such a lousy actress she couldn't play the morning sickness routine.

  54. The bigger problem with all of this is that it calls into question the Royals' overall reason for existence in 2019.

    Why are the Harkles courting the US media over the UK media?

    The Brits pay their bills. Their *job* is to represent and supposedly inspire the British people, not be international celebrities and product merchandisers.

    When the British public can clearly see it's being lied to, support for the monarchy is endangered.

    It will be interesting to see the way William responds to this situation because it is his neck (possibly literally) on the line.

  55. @ tatty - Did I strike a nerve?

    If anyone should shut up it should be you, with your cobbled together theories and excuses for MM, including flower “charities” and neo-nazi threats.

  56. @Nutty_Flavor

    Since you are the resident BRF expert here, can you confirm my suspicion that the move to Frogmore was a direct smackdown courtesy of the Queen? That they were effectively booted from KP because William and Kate couldn't deal with her/them any longer? Every time I see photos of Frogmore in the news (and Kneepads has yet another spread about it this month) it looks really underwhelming as a royal residence. And those are supposed to be the best photos available. Really must have pissed Megs off something fierce and I don't see any way to positively spin Frogmore as something aspirational. I mean, it's nicer than your average single family house, but it doesn't really look regal to me in the least. Also curious to know how much they're spending on renovations to make it look... better than it does.

    Regarding the, ahem, 'issue' of PH/MM, she really hasn't played this out well at all. Even if she's legitimately pregnant, waltzing around in stilettos is ridiculous and unnecessary and alienates her further (or maybe she postulated it would make her seem heroic somehow). She could have worn low kitten heels and quelled a lot of the speculation just on that front. The video of the bump-sway pretty much convinced me that she's holding it in place in all the other photos which is why her hand seems permanently affixed to it publicly. The crouching thing I haven't seen photos of, but so many others talk about it's hard to argue. So, so much smoke for there to be no fire.

  57. RobertaJoan is threatening us with SCOTLAND YARD!
    Meghan we know it's you.
    Why don't you take up knitting.

  58. "The choice of birthplace is predicated on security and security alone."

    Nope. It should be based on the health of the baby and the mother.

    If they could make the Lindo Wing secure enough for the birth of a future King, sweetie Prince George, they can do it for a peripheral member of the family.

    I think that MM does't have the kid lined up yet. She couldn't decide her narrative. What looks best, a white kid, black, vitiligo? Dark hair, ginger?

    StrongWrite on twitter wrote that MM won't show the baby for six months just to stick it to the British Media. So, according to her, MM has 6 more months to cast her baby.

    I feel bad for William and Kathrine, but MM is fantastically entertaining.

  59. @Nick Rivers, I don't know that I'm an expert, but I do think that Frogmore was Queen-style shade.

    1) It's tiny. Look at the houses she has provided not just for William, but to her lower-ranking children, including Anne and Edward. They are much larger and more attractive. Furthermore, several of them are either on estates the Queen owns (William's) or on extremely long leases that can be handed down to their children (Edward's). Meg and Harry's is on public land and they do not appear to have a lease for it. It can be taken away from them at any time.

    The Queen learned a hard lesson about giving away houses when she gave Andrew one and he sold his after his divorce from Fergie to a suspicious oligarch.

    2) It's directly beneath the Heathrow flight path. Planes take off or land every 2 minutes. Supposedly the noise is deafening.

    3) It's not very private - it's close to both public roads and public walking paths.

    4) It has a sad history. Recent tenants include deposed, poverty-stricken Russian royalty (which let the place fall to ruins because they could not afford to maintain it) and Queen Victoria's Muslim Indian servant (and language teacher), who was tossed out unceremoniously the day after she died by her heirs.

    5) It's a few yards away from a graveyard, not only that of Victoria and Albert but that of Wallis Simpson, the last divorced American to marry into the Royal Family.

    The British aristocracy cares about titles, jewellery, and real estate.

    Meg and Harry got tainted titles (Sussex and Dumbarton - I hear Philip's sense of humor there), crummy real estate, and Meg's not allowed to wear the good jewellery.

    That's disrespect in Queen language.
