Sunday, April 28, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

April 18, 2019

This A list mostly movie actor who won't take responsibility for any of his actions is threatening yet another lawsuit if a studio drops him from yet another franchise.

Johnny Depp


  1. Oh fuck this jagoff.

  2. Lol! Johnny, Johnny, Johnny. Nobody cares!

  3. Johnny needs to get control of his life again, but it seems he's doing everything in the wrong order and not in the best way. Hopefully he's still got some guardian angels that can help bc lots of danger alarms are sounding.

  4. Haven't studios been including morality/conduct contract clauses for years? I'd think anyone who took on Depp as a star for their project would give themselves a legal out in any contract they signed with him.

  5. Agree w/ Do Tell - anyone taking on Johnny Depp as a project lead performer IN THIS INDUSTRY should already be far more familiar than any of us (stories from his movies' crews) and it will be UPON THEM to have written in an appropriate conduct clause.

    If they did not, Depp actually has legal standing and I don't blame him for being pissed. This has NOTHING to do with his performance (always excellent sauf The Tourist which looked LAME) and everything to do with how he's been conducting himself all this time aka old ass news.

    So really they're just posers if they bounce him and that's bullshit.


    **insert arm-waving Kermit gif**

  6. I have no doubts he's a completely delusional addict but again, this is known.

  7. To clarify, I meant, Depp is beyond delusional to sue because I am more than certain that the studio took such precautions before signing him on.

  8. The idea of the Kermit gif has swayed me a bit, lol! I see your points, for sure, Im just concerned based upon other blinds about Amber having more evidence (though I did question why it wasnt released first round...before the $7M settlement), and then the blind involving borrowing money vs. Future earnings from an oligarch...anger might not be the best base of operations.
    If JKR is one of exec producers and she wants to keep him/thinks he's not causing harm, shouldn't that indeed be a factor?

  9. Do Tell...i almost wonder if anything they might have written would have made him uncastable from start! The stories arent exactly fresh.

  10. Amber the bisexual trailer park princess really fucks dudes up.

  11. As if Depp wasn't effed up before he met her.

  12. Who did she fuck up more Johnny or Elon?

  13. When was Depp NOT fucked up in the years before he met her?

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Dude needs to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for his own darned actions.

  16. He obviously has a drinking and/or drug issue. The people who care about him should step in.

  17. "When was Depp NOT fucked up in the years before he met her?"

    He was relatively stable and sober throughout his entire relationship with Vanessa Paradis. His boozing and substance abuse spiralled out of control once his relationship with her ended. While he is responsible for his booze and drug issues, career criminal Amber Heard has certainly not helped him in that department.

  18. The few people who care about Depp are drug addicts and weirdos like Marilyn Manson.

  19. And racist pigs like Viking Song.

  20. I worked on Johnny's contract for his latest. Basically we just added, "...and no beating up Amber Heard on set," and everybody seemed to be fine with it.

  21. Again, it's FORMER A-List.

    Also, it breaks my heart that Alice Cooper lets this fuckface on stage with him.

  22. Johnny is dating a go-go dancer now,that's a step in the right direction.
