Saturday, April 13, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

April 6, 2019

This foreign born A- list mostly movie actress who is slowly dropping to B+ at least acting wise is paying off magazines in her home country to slam other publications who publish the truth about her marriage.

Priyanka Chopra


  1. I usually do not wish anybody bad luck, but I hope Chopra's fame grab goes up in flames. Yuck.

  2. Would love to know what those magazines were actually saying!

    Ive not liked her personality since she came off as hideously arrogant and entitled during press for Quantico. Her selection of Nick was very well-timed, though.

    1. I never watched Quantico because it just looked like yet another generic espionage show. She came off as self-important for feeling like she was entitled to more attention for playing a villain in a Baywatch movie.

    2. I'd also love to know what those magazines were saying.

      I never heard of her before she married Nick. I'd assumed she was famous for being Deepak Chopra's daughter. But Google tells me they're not related, so I'm apparently way off-base.

  3. Sadly she’s just booked a gig which can legitimize her “stardom”.

  4. She's got a new movie with Mindy Kaling. My guess is it's going to be a big hit.
