Wednesday, April 03, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

March 27, 2019

The alliterate former actress turned royal is isolating her husband from anyone who who would possibly counsel him to separate from the former actress. She wants to be his only friend. To rely on her. It kind of feels like something an abusive man would do.

Meghan Markle/Prince Harry


  1. Oh Jesus. These are getting old Entward.

  2. I love it. Harry's gonna outdo his fake dad in the choose-a-bimbo rankings.

  3. Checking...nope, have no more sh!ts to give about Markle and Harry.

  4. That last sentence is.... weird. Women can be abusive too. Happens (unfortunately) all the time. I'm not convinced that Meghan is gaslighting Harry or anything, but it's not because women aren't up to the task.

  5. There are actually people who believe these b, s blinds you make up about this bitch and the bald prince huh Entern? But don't forget the all important page views, so I suggest one day a week we have all royal family blinds so you can rake in the cash.

  6. I'm surprised she has let him out on his own , today. Oh wait, she's busy with Sussex Royal Meghan Insta account, buying bots.

  7. I'll give Enty a lapdance for free, sandybrook ;-)

  8. Gee foks - I dunno. Where there is smoke there is fire. Everyone thought the rumors about Charles and Diana where made up when poof! they were true and it was worse than we thought......

  9. Good lord. What does the most over exposed couple in the planet do to come off less over exposed, narcissistic and insufferable? Join Instagram. Excuse me while I projectile vomit.

  10. If the stories were only appearing here, that's one thing, but they have been appearing in the MSM and not just on gossip tabloid sites.

  11. You'd think the reveal that she used to be a yachter with some high profile sleazy clients would overshadow what kind of newlywed she is now. Bow down UK to your Whore Duchess.

  12. Yeah, Unknown is right. These stories are everywhere, not just on CDAN.

    The UK Tatler, voice of British aristos, just ran a piece last week about how Harry has cut off all the toff friends he grew up with. Who does he have left? He's also severely strained the relationship with his brother.

    New entry on my blog today about the Sussex's Instagram account launch. Accessible via my profile.

  13. The current theory is that Wills was having an affair, and Harry is pissed at him cause what Di went through, that's the reason for the distance, not Megs or her up & at 'em american personality.

    But, now watch Nutty and the other racist conspricy theorist come out of the woodwork.

    Enty already long ago revealed Harry was her client, it's how they meet. He was her "John". Escorting is normal to these folks, it's how Di meet Dodi, also revealed by Enty long ago.

  14. "Current theory,", my ass.

    That is nobody's theory whatsoever, except for Meg's paid PR team.

    One of the Royal Reporters even came out yesterday and said it had no basis in fact, and they don't do that very often.

    1. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Obsessed with your blog Nutty! For some reason my instinct tells me MM isn’t a good person from the second we were all introduced to her. Alarms went off the second I started reading about her... appreciate your outlook on this!

  15. Tatler must be trying to expand their clientele since the rich and upper-middle class they catered to are too busy to read their lifestyle features anymore if they are even relevant or if there is an upper middle class over there anymore.

  16. Can we have a Markle Free May?

    1. Or at least Markle free Mondays

  17. It will be interesting to see how motherhood affects her behavior, past the nursery photos and the initial mom and baby photospreads.

  18. I hope her Surrogate has a safe and healthy baby and delivery.

  19. @Guesser, Oh yeah I'm sure they have a nice plot picked out for her after she delivers the baby :(

  20. FO with the you don't like her, you must be racist nonsense. Just because someone has non white skin doesn't mean they can't be a phenomenal douchebag!

  21. So they open an Instagram account, and manage the comments like a character in Mean Girls. It will be interesting as with social media, it's what isn't shown, is what is revealing. MM's lack of polish, and photoshop being one of them. Micromanaging being another.
    All this in the lead up to baby Sussex. Having the child at a local hospital, stories planted of even first time mothers birthing in record time. No traditional photo on the steps of the hospital as the doting new dad fumbles with the car seat in the Range Rover. I suppose the Instagram account takes care of that.
    Nice article Nutty. You crack me up.

  22. As a previous commenter said, if there's smoke, there's fire. I happen to believe this one.

  23. Royal people with Instagram accounts = desperate

  24. Will she be allowed to get away with this fake pregnancy? There is video of the bump swinging from side to side as she strides along. No way is it real.

  25. Thank you, HushHush and Vanessa!

  26. Anonymous11:16 AM

    All I ask is a front row seat when karma comes to pay Meghan a visit.


    1. She could wear maternity pantyhose to hold the pillow in place if she weren't on her silly stocking free crusade.

  28. OMG @Thursday November you are so STUPID and FULL OF SHIT! I can't even believe you write this malarkey. William never had an affair and he would not, and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge has more class and style in one eyelash on her gorgeous face than that trash box Meg could ever dream of having. Meg is a WHORE and everyone knows it. She calls herself CAUCASIAN on her actress profile. If anyone is racist it is Meg, as well as you for that matter. Just fuck off. Your stupid comments are beyond idiotic. The truth is that Meg could be in serious for hiring a surrogate (which is not allowed for British royalty) and for pretending to be pregnant when she clearly is not. Meg has an “up & at ‘em personality”? Yeah sure, especially when she is licking assholes of rando guys on pornos. You are probably one of the sad, laughable morons Meg pays to defend her on the Internet.

    1. Hahahahaha
      @ licking assholes of rando guys on pornos.

  29. @juliet scott Here is the link to the video of Meg with the fake baby bump swinging from side to side. No wonder she always has her hands on it to keep it in place.

  30. Yeah, I don't believe this at all. His schedule alone isolates him from friends. And now that he's married they're literally duty bound to be at everything together. Anyway I'm sure he's got his own phone that these 'rescuers' can call him on.

  31. Free Harry! We need to study footage of his photocalls to check if he is blinking out SOS in morse code.

  32. No, they are not "duty bound" to do every stupid event together. You made that up. Prince Dim made a speech today, about how social media is more addictive than drugs. lol

  33. Yawn.. typical WIFE. NEXT

  34. the insult 'racist' has lost all of his power. ALL OF IT. You are all alone, screaming it on repeat in your lonely echo chamber of bullshit.

    The moment you decide that a person MUST be liked only because of their skin colour, regardless of their character, you lose.

    MLK would squirm with derision.

  35. It kind of feels like your usual marriage, with the wife isolating him from his family and friends the better to control him. Marriage= abuse.

  36. I can't stand Meghan Freckle. Harry will be making frequent "Invictus" trips to various places to escape her control.

  37. Classic narcissistic behavior from a well-known narcissist (MM). This will eventybackfire, so get the popcorn ready. I’d say poor Harry, but he’s turned out to be a bit of a tool hasn’t he?

  38. @November so if we don’t like the vapid bitch we’re racist? She has surrounded herself with white People her entire life and career. Her whole look is white appropriation and she married the whitest of white guys. No one hates her because of how she looks, it’s her insufferable personality. Grow up.
